Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD40 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic

The topic that I will be conducting my Op-Ed piece/Opinion Essay is climate change and the extent of it and how it can affect the Earth in the future. Based on the research I’ve gather and collected, I was able to find an article on climate change at The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. They state that the world is at stake because of the harm humans are causing such as the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels for energy and other human activities. These actions can cause serious damage such as increasing the frequency and severity of heat waves, leading to more heat-related illnesses and deaths and placing added stress on hospital and public health systems, and limiting people’s ability to obtain health care during extreme climate events. I want to argue about the immediate changes we need to do to prevent the world from falling apart.


  • What are the long term effects that can result due climate change?
  • Is there a way we can reserve the damage that we’d already caused?
  • How can we turn the issue around and find a way to benefit the planet?

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Bijoy- I would focus your Op-Ed on one of these questions:
    – Is there a way we can reserve the damage that we’d already caused?
    – How can we turn the issue around and find a way to benefit the planet?
    And you should probably argue for one or a couple of inter-related ways of how we can fix the damage.

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