Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Looking at Multimodal Texts

In this modal about college students and social media it takes more of personal and genuine approach to the audience. There are no flashy colors or super dynamic designs, it’s very simple and straight to the point. Although the design is simple the information gets more detailed as the infographic goes on, providing pie charts and bar graphs and data on the subject. It is also very organized in how how it goes from beginning to end with this small discovery, first telling the audience her situation at the start, what was going through her mind, and what initiatives she took when researching, showing the data, so on until the end where she’s come to a conclusion. This simplicity and level of authenticity is something I will capture in my illustration, not only providing information but showing my stance and beliefs on the subject.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Ishmael, Your link isn’t working.

    • Ishmael

      I fixed it, try looking at it again.

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