Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic for your Opinion Essay/Op-Ed

I’m kind of lost but the topic I chose was competition. I decided to choose competition because whether we like it or not our entire life revolves around competition. I learned about economic competition which happens in bussinesse’s and markets. For example when you bring up a topic like fast food there are multiple fast food companies. This goes for almost anything we can buy there are multiple companies and different brands. The thing that I like the most about competition is that one persons gain is another’s lost. The only thing that we all hate is when we are the ones who lose. I don’t have any questions in particular but I guess one question would be what is or who are the biggest competitors in the world.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Carl, This topic is way too big and ambiguous. Let us talk tomorrow after class and brainstorm together. You can also make an appointment with the writing center to get help getting started and brainstorming. Here is the link for making an appointment:
    You can also find the link in the agenda for week 8.

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