Minimum Wage, Should it be increased or decreased.i Choose my topic because i think it’s very interesting how much the minimum wage can affect our economy, making the minimum wage higher makes the american dollar worth less since it’s easy to obtain. While decreasing the wage will give more worth to our dollars. both sides of this argument have valid points where increasing the wage means everyone will make more but so will the cost of everything else. And then decreasing the wage will cause everything to be cheaper. Decreasing would be the most beneficial cause it gives everyone a chance to get raises that will be really helpful and make them more sound at night and not Mandatory to live.
If the minimum wage goes up or down doesn’t it solve nothing since its poportail. (Higher pay higher cost, lower pay lower cost )?
Doesnt lowering the wage give everyone the same pay?
If we lower the wage wut ill happen with trade ? buying goods out of america?
Vadim, Are you thinking of NYC specifically? Or do you mean a national minimum wage? Then, I also wonder what side you plan to argue? Finally, I’m not sure yet, but I think your questions might be too specific and you may want to have a broader focus. Therefore, instead of just discussing trade, you might argue against the minimum wage going up and one of your reasons would be because of negative impacts on trade. Does this make sense? If not, come talk with me after class tomorrow.