Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

I will choose a letter, because in a letter you can express your problem better, write more details, do a large collection of information, what you need for the person or community who will read it, in a letter you can use large examples, you can tell about facts about historical events . In the last topic, I decided to choose Computer engineers, but since my community is too large, I want to clarify these problems can be used, for example, for people who work in a small group of programmers in some company, for example, let’s say a group of our city tech college who develop a forum on the site blackboard. The problems they face may be in developing the code for the site so that everything works, for the forum to function correctly, teachers can use all the functions of the forum so that they can easily teach students. The main problem that is in my discourse community is to teach people how to use the code correctly to create forums and sites, because it is not an easy process, and many companies are hired without the necessary experience. I want to get my talk across to people who in the future will know how to work with sites and forums that other people and students will also use, I want to get across to computer engineers in college who are interested in doing this in the future. But one big problem is сonstant updating of knowledge is necessary because for this work you need to always update your knowledge, a lot of new and interesting changes appear in the site code. It will be possible to be very interested in this business to work in different jobs that also use a forum for communication between people.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Vadim, I’m having a hard time following your issue. Can you name a specific group with this problem that you are part of? Even if it is an imagined group, can. you name it? Then describe the problem they face as this group. Who are they trying to teach and why is it so difficult?
    Alternatively, are you in the computer engineering program at city tech? Do you feel that your program teach this does not adequately prepare students to implement codes? If so, then this is your issue and as a student in computer engineering (your discourse community) you can address the chair of your department, or faculty in general, to help them, understand that this hole in the curriculum is a problem. And your purpose is to convince them to adjust the curriculum. Does that make sense?

    • Vadim

      Good evening professor, thank you for your questions, they will help me deal with this assignment. I chose the discourse community as the people who develop the forum for our blackboard site for our college, because I think there are not many people working there, but only a few, and I chose this particular community because I also worked on the development of the forum. I can call it as Forum Programmers. The biggest problem that those who develop forums have is to make sure that the site code functions correctly so that everyone can use it correctly, for example, since the beginning of the semester, the forum has been working so that teachers could not create topics from the assignment and communicate with students there. If people come to work for the first time, not everyone understands how the forum works, and for this it will be necessary to tell how it all works and share it with people who face the same problems during the development of forums.

      *Alternatively, are you in the computer engineering program at city tech? Do you feel that your program teaches this does not adequately prepare students to implement codes? If so, then this is your issue and as a student in computer engineering (your discourse community) you can address the chair of your department, or faculty in general, to help them, understand that this hole in the curriculum is a problem. And your purpose is to convince them to adjust the curriculum. Does that make sense?*
      -Yes, I like what you said, I will try to connect it somehow, but at school they only teach basic handling of website code or a programmer’s language, and I want to tell the discourse community already higher than at college, already for programmers that already developing forums, examples of their problems and how they fixed, as I said above with the correct functioning of the buttons for teachers and students to create topics for communication.

  2. Ruth Garcia

    Vadim– I’m just seeing your reply to my comment now. If you still have questions, send and email and we can go back and forth or set up an appointment. But it makes sense to me that as a computer engineering student and as student in general you want to address the college blackboard people with issues you’ve noticed and experienced as well as are knowledgeable about because of your discipline.

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