Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

I have opted to use a speech for this assignment. My intended audience will be the managers of the various departments at St John’s hospital and the community that the hospital serves. I am choosing this model because I believe that writing a speech will better bring my point across to my audience. I will be writing from a personal point of view so I believe that people will somehow relate to what I am saying more when I use this model. I also believe that the community members will appreciate a speech more as It will be easier to read and understand versus writing a letter, as letters tend to be more formal. This model will hopefully convince my audience of the pressing short staff issue that we the workers face and the many complications that can arise as a result of this problem.

The main problem I will be highlighting is the short staffing issue faced by healthcare professionals at St John’s hospital. I will make my argument by firstly addressing this problem and how it affects the staff, and the patients in our care. I will point out the advantages of adequate staffing and how it contributes to a positive, safe and productive work environment. I will also discuss the numerous problems that have or can arise from being understaffed. For example, there have been cases of burnout, anxiety, insomnia, and poor job performances, all attributed to the issue of understaffing. As a result, it is high time that the hospital management become aware of this issue so they can address it to ensure the safety of both patients and workers at the institution. My hope is to potentially get the community members involved seeing as they are the ones who we are serving and this issue also affects them because they are, our patients.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    This is great. Your organization sounds clear and effective for your purpose. My one question is about your audience. The managers seems like a clear audience but who is the community that the hospital serves? And what role do they have in helping address the problem?

    • Tamekacassie

      The hospital is located in a small community in Queens so majority of our patients are from within the community. The hospital has monthly meetings with a few members of the community where they discuss how better the hospital can serve the people in the community.So,I thought that maybe I should try to get the members on that community committee involved or should I just limit it to the managers?

  2. Ruth Garcia

    This sounds great. If there is a specific meeting that brings these groups together and that you would be writing a speech for, then you are good to go. One of the things that makes your project so interesting and clear is that it is a real world example in a real world setting that you are actually part of.

    • Tamekacassie

      Yes its actually a very real problem that I am currently facing.Thank you professor !

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