Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Brainstorming Discourse Communities and Research

Computer engineers, engineers can meet a lot of computer-related problems that they will solve over time, but sometimes there are a lot of problems with people who work in this position, many encounter problems that only experienced people can solve. One of the problems is the low development of skills, when a person without normal skills is hired as an engineer, they cannot help but know the higher knowledge that is needed for this job.

Constant updating of knowledge is necessary, many different updates appear in this work, for example, a new framework appears from time to time, a framework is a package that defines a standardized code consisting of a file and folder structure. Also, there is always a new programming language or library of files, and every time computer engineers need to learn it all in order to work with new technologies. A lot of companies require you to teach yourself these new things I wrote above, but not all of them want it and lose their jobs or get a pay cut.

The last thing I want to talk about is that for this profession, business knowledge is crucial for leading a team, many computer engineers have faced this problem, even if you are a good programmer you must know how to lead a team or take matters into your own hands when some kind of problem occurs , without this knowledge, you may not understand your customers and their requirements. Otherwise, you won’t be trusted to build a product from scratch or lead teams.

From myself, I can only add that, at school, I worked in a hospital as an IT assistant, many worked knowing their tasks, but everyone had knowledge of leadership, they could take matters into their own hands when there was some kind of problem, the IT team discussed it all together to solve as much as possible and they succeeded they worked as a real team, there was also a person whom he could not speak because he was mute, but he did his job like everyone else, he had a difficult situation because he could not speak he always used a pen and paper to write, I admired him that despite such a problem he did his job like everyone else.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Vadim, I’m having a hard time figuring out the specific problem you are addressing. Are you concerned with the way Computer Engineers are being educated? If so, are you in a computer engineering program here at City Tech? Perhaps you want to address the way the program is structured and say that you see a problem because students are not being taught certain kinds of skills, content that they need.
    Alternatively, and this would be a different discourse community, are you seeing a problem in you discourse community of your specific IT job? Are you saying that your job needs to require its employees to stay current with their knowledge? Are you saying they need to require continuing education?

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