During the process of my research, finding an article online is exceedingly difficult. The most difficult part of research is reviewing the literature. It is the corner of any good research. It is the first step to determine the gap in knowledge and practices. I do not see any impact of research if it is not built on the preview body of knowledge. I had to take my time with the planning process, solicit useful feedback. Go to the library to do more research. What I learn that I can take to future classes is learn how to communicate your findings. As your research progresses, you will be able to communicate your findings clearly and concisely. You may need to present your findings to other people who may not know a lot about the subject of your paper. You may also have to draft an article or a report that needs to be presented in a formal setting. In such cases, you need to have good writing skills. Learn how to manage time effectively when doing your research.  
