I’m almost 100% sure if you were to make a list of the people who hated/ didn’t care about school I would be at the top. I always had this belief in my head that if you had common sense you would get by and have a good future which is sorta the case but not really. Comparing the type of student I was in my freshman year to the student I am now, it would be like night and day. Freshman year was kinda my lowest point when it comes to my motivation to go to school every day and be fully present. I would have wireless headphones on every single class and cover them with my hair so no one would see, spacing out or binge-watching a show all day during my classes became so normal to me that I wasn’t learning anything at that point, my grades were dropping and once my parents found out they were livid. They take school very seriously, I would love to say that they motivated me to start learning, put in more effort, and not skip class but they didn’t don’t get me wrong they tried but it wasn’t sticking. It wasn’t until one day I got mad at my parents and I started to look for places to move. I knew I wasn’t gonna move out anytime soon because I was still a freshman but I wanted to know how much it would be for an apartment, the rent, furniture, appliances, utilities, basically how much it would all cost me. That’s when reality dawned on me that I needed money and lots of it. Once I realized that I looked into careers nothing interested me until I found the cosmetic world more specifically the chemist part of it. It had everything that I wanted in a job, the good pay was a perk but for me to get into that field of work I needed to pay attention in class a lot, especially in my math class and chem. It wasn’t until that realization that I started to appreciate school more often and had the motivation to keep going. I found Having a goal that you truly want and are passionate about helps you tremendously, yes the transition was not easy. I was extremely behind and had to work 2x faster to catch up with everyone. I had my teachers work with me one on one to get me to understand the material. Towards the end of my freshman year, I was sorta getting the hang of it but once I got into sophomore year I made a promise to myself that I would work harder and not give up, I was going strong to the point in my math class I would be finishing up the assignment while my teacher was teaching it to us, granted I would be listening to music the whole time but I wasn’t behind. My other classes were going well and then covid hit and I kinda dropped a little not but nothing drastic, I made sure I wouldn’t go back to my old habits. It was very hard with the lockdown but luckily I managed. Every time I want to give up I just have to think about the end result.
