Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD57 | Fall 2022

Unit 1 Brainstorming

When It comes to writing essays, books, or text, Doing drafts on a paragraph is very important, just in case, it needs some changes to work on. However, some people tend to get lazy in doing that and spend the whole day on this. I was like that too. I spent the whole day doing a draft, and I always tend to do things at the last minute In fact, I have been doing this for a Long time, especially ever since Middle School. However, Doing drafts had benefits. Most notably, with drafting, you can make some changes to the essays, like proofreading, and making sure you cite where you got the information from to avoid plagiarism. I need to work on this one and that I why I wanted to take an approach to this drafting experience.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Matheus, Please change the settings on your document so that anyone with the link can edit. Right now I can not even see the content.

    • Matheus

      Alright. It’s fixed

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