Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 5-8

I’m really happy to see a relationship forming between Sophie and her mother. I was expecting them to have a negative effect on one another and that they would always argue. However, that wasn’t the case. I believe that Sophie’s mom respects her very much and wants the best for her. She wants her to becareful and is making sure that she’s safe and protected without going overboard like what her mother did to her when she was young. I’m also very pleased to know that Sophie loves her mom is return. Although she does not want to say it, the fact that that love is there, is what matters. She respected her mother’s words when she said she should stay in school, focus on her education and not get distracted by the other people in her age group. She also respected her mother by not getting into a relationship until she was 18.

I find it so funny that every parent wishes their child to become a doctor some point in their life and to have a boyfriend when they are old. I just hope that the choices Sophie makes in her life does not hurt her mother and doesn’t affect their relationship.

Breat, Eyes, Memory 4-8

The point I am going to focus on is where the mother tells the story of them go out on the town. I could relate because me and my sister would leave and go to city without my parents knowing. I could also relate to the suitcases in the house because there are currently suitcases in my house that needs to get packed as well, and when you start packing you start to realize that you are actually about to leave.

Breath eyes memory chapters 5-8

As Sophie is preparing to leave hati  she is able to see the true color of the country she loves so much. As she heads to the airport there is a delay because of a car fire. As the get to through the delay,  she see the sight of protestors fighting against officers who are using lethal force. As she gets into the airport she is taking by a women her mother had sent for her. Sophie also travels with a boy who’s father was killed in the fire she had saw. When Sophie’s mother picks her up she immediately tries to my a connection with her but Sophie is a bit stand offish,  only really talking when tante attie comes up in discussion. Sophie’s mother seems to be having nightmares but doesn’t go into to much detail. One thing that caught my attention is when Sophie says she wants to be a secretary her mother immediatelys says she would become a doctor. Marc seems more understanding than her mother. Another thing is similar to how there was a big emphasis on the color yellow in the story it now seems to be moving to the color red.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Ch.5-8

During the reading of Breath, Eyes, Memory, I discover something significant in this scene. The scene that I found very important was the army soldiers shooting at a group of students. The students were throwing rocks at the burning vehicle and the soldiers started shooting at them in cold blood rather than detained them. For example, a girl grabbed the soldier by the arm before she was knocked on unconscious on the head by the soldier’s pistol. I was extremely horrified of the situation because these soldiers annihilated underage students without mercy. In addition, this is different from the Vietnam War when the U.S. soldiers killed some Vietnamese Villagers because they thought these villagers were aiding the enemies despite them protesting. Another scene that I discover very important which was Sophie’s mother finally saw her daughter in very own eyes. Also, she hugged and kissed her daughter on the cheek. This reminded of my grandmother who had missed me when I was gone on a vacation for a long time.

Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 5-8

In these next few chapters, Sophie has finally left Haiti to go to her mother in New York. What caught my eye while ready these chapters is how she describe her mother. Shockingly, she describe her mom the total opposite of how she looked in the picture that is on Tante Atie table back in Haiti.Another thing that caught my eye is when Sophie’s mom said how Donald was suppose to be married with Tante Atie. Reading this part made since has to why Tante Atie cried and starred at Lotus and Donald walking into there house that day.

Breath Eyes Memory Chapter 5-8

In chapter five through eight Sophia pretty much re-unites with her mother and the way that Tante Atie  explained how her mother looked she was surprised she did not resemble her. Now the part that stood out to me was when Sophia reached New York. She felt completely out of place. She did not know her mom worked very hard and live in a poor area. Even her car was old and falling apart. I found this section about Sophia’s experience for the first reactions with her mom interesting because she pictured her mom living well, New York the greatest place as she was told and the experience the American people. I also like the fact that her mother will do all she can to stick by her side and will not let her go for any reason. She wants her to have the life Tante Atie and herself never experienced.

Breath eyes memory 5-8

Tante Antie and Sophie’s mom pretended to live a life they really didn’t, often doing very risky stuff. Even though they had ambitions to be doctors and do good for their village they pretended to already live that life to impress others. Going back to my last post about how the last reading reminded me of the Dominican Republic, when Sophie’s mother tells her you will work hard because you can raise our heads, its similar to life in the Dominican Republic how parents sacrifice for their children so that they can take care of them and themself in the future. I was also starting to get a weird vibe as to why Sophie kept hinting at the fact that she shared no resemblance with her mother. We find out that Sophie’s mother was raped and thats how she was born. I wonder if this will be brought up again or if Sophie would sheer away from guys knowing what happened to her mother.

Breathe, eyes…chapter 4-8

I found this reading to be very interesting. It is different and yet similar to the past readings we have read. Unlike I Tituba and Mary Prince, Sophie is not a slave. However like Mary Prince and Tituba, Sophie is oppressed by the world she is living in. All three books tell the struggles of women. In I Tituba and the history of Mary Prince, both women show moments of strength in struggle. I would like to see Sophie develop her strength.

In the reading Sophie finally meets the mother she barely knows. Unfortunately Sophie is shocked when she meets her mother. In her hometown Sophie’s mom is put on pedestal because she lives in America and is able to send money home.  However when Sophie meets her she is unlike anything Sophie pictured. She is Fragile and weak looking, showing her own signs of struggle. America was suppose to free but instead imprisons her more than being home in Hati.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Chapters 5-8

At this point in the reading Sophie has arrived in New York City to meet up/Live with her mother. In the reading I can still sense that Sophie did not want to leave Tante Atie behind in Haiti, as she stated when she went with her mother to a Haiti express “if I had the power to shrink myself and slip into the envelope, I would have done it”. Also in an early post I stated that “Atie has feelings for Mr. Augustin” I was surprised to find out that Donald (Mr. Augustin) was suppose to marry Atie, but he change his mind when Lotus (Madame Augustin) came along. A moment in this reading that really got my attention was when Sophie saw a picture of her mother, Atie and herself as an infant. Upon looking at this picture she was trying to “look for traces in the child (herself)”, some features that her and her mother shared, but she couldn’t find any and at this moment Sophie stated that “it was the first time in her life that I noticed that I looked like no one in my family”. Often when she went out with her mother people would stare at them and she always felt that she was being judge because she had no resemblance to her mother. Later on in the chapter her mother would explain how she (Sophie) was born, Sophie would then found out that she was a product of rape. Sophie’s mother would then say that “it is true what they say. A child out of wedlock always looks like its father”. Stating that Sophie looks more like her father than her mother.

Chapters 5-8

While reading the chapters that was assigned Sophie meets her mother . What caught my eye was the way she described her mother. Before this meeting, all Sophie knew about her physical appearance was based on that picture. When she first saw her she didn’t know look like the picture Tante atie Sophie described her as tired and drawn  she asked “am I the mother you imagined” and Sophie thought she would be the perfect woman and living the lavish life in New York but it seems like New York didn’t make her life better it wasn’t as good as Sophie thought