Breath eyes memory, chapter 9-11

The trust between the mother and daughter has been lost. At first Sophie tells her mother that she likes a boy named Henry. Her mother goes into super mom mode and tells Sophie that she wants to meet him, meet his parents. Sophie lies and tells her mom that he went back to Hati . Eventually her mom finds out that it was a lie and let’s Sophie know there are things she cannot hide. After spending a night out with Joseph,  she comes homebto see her mother waiting for her. Her mother than begins to do the dreadful test on Sophie.  This turns Sophie into a completely new person. She is no longer comfortable with her mom and begins to turn from Joseph. This could be where Sophie’s life begins to enter the red stage. The stage where she needs to be stronger or simply the stage where she shows her loss of innocence.  Even though she herself took away her innocence.

Breath eyes memory chapters 5-8

As Sophie is preparing to leave hati  she is able to see the true color of the country she loves so much. As she heads to the airport there is a delay because of a car fire. As the get to through the delay,  she see the sight of protestors fighting against officers who are using lethal force. As she gets into the airport she is taking by a women her mother had sent for her. Sophie also travels with a boy who’s father was killed in the fire she had saw. When Sophie’s mother picks her up she immediately tries to my a connection with her but Sophie is a bit stand offish,  only really talking when tante attie comes up in discussion. Sophie’s mother seems to be having nightmares but doesn’t go into to much detail. One thing that caught my attention is when Sophie says she wants to be a secretary her mother immediatelys says she would become a doctor. Marc seems more understanding than her mother. Another thing is similar to how there was a big emphasis on the color yellow in the story it now seems to be moving to the color red.

Breath, Eyes, Memory chapters 1-4

In the first few chapters of the story we can see how deep of a relationship Sophia has with her aunt. If it wasn’t clearly told to us, one would think they were mother an daughter. Sophia’s aunt however does not want Sophia to see her as her mother even though it goes against her own feelings. In Sophia’s eyes her aunt is more of her mother than her real one. To her this is the person who raised her from and infant, helped her to walk, fed her everyday and cared for her. Even though Tante Atie lets her know that her mother never abandoned her, it still does not change the fact that it was not her mother who raised her, but her aunt. When she is told that she would be going to America, you can feel how much it hurt her in the text to know that she was being ripped away from everything she knew and the people she cared about.

Another I came to notice is, I suppose since it’s a small town, people are really nosey. What right do you have to divulge another persons secret when they tell you and good faith. And why must it be your business to let the whole town know? That’s something that I really don’t like, if you have something you don’t want everyone to know that should be respected.

It’s also funny how Tante Atie has this thing for Donald Augstine, almost kissing him after the potlock, crying as he went to bed with his wife and telling Sophia never to tell anyone that she does.