Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 13-19(Part3)

In these chapters of the book, Sophie  has left her mother and is now married to Joseph and has daughter name Brigitte. She went to Haiti to visit Tante Atie and her grandmother and they was extremely surprised to see her. They could not believe how grown she is and that she has a kid and is married. During her visit in Haiti, Sophie was proud of Tante Atie because she is learning her words. Also, Tante Atie seemed to be acting very different ever since she came from Croix-des-Rosets and even the grandmother noticed it. On thing I notice during these chapters was that Tanti Atie was doing her lesson in the yard by waving to an invisible face. This seemed a little weird to me.

Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 9-12(Part2)

In these chapters of the book, Sophie is now 18, about to start college and her and her mother moved to a one-family house in a neighbor where Marc lives. She even fell in love with a guy name Joseph. He was really nice and gentle to her. But there is one problem, he is way older than her. While reading these chapters, Sophie mother telling her to stay away from Joseph caught my eye. Joseph seem to be a really nice guy so why would her mother judge him. I really felt bad for Sophie because she can not tell her mom the truth about who she likes. But i also feel as if her mother should not feel any type of because she is keeping secrets from Sophie. Also in the chapter , her mom states that she would only visit Haiti just for 3-4 days because there are “ghosts” there that she can not face. She should just tell Sophie about her rape so she would not be so secretive.

Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 5-8

In these next few chapters, Sophie has finally left Haiti to go to her mother in New York. What caught my eye while ready these chapters is how she describe her mother. Shockingly, she describe her mom the total opposite of how she looked in the picture that is on Tante Atie table back in Haiti.Another thing that caught my eye is when Sophie’s mom said how Donald was suppose to be married with Tante Atie. Reading this part made since has to why Tante Atie cried and starred at Lotus and Donald walking into there house that day.

Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 1-4

The novel Breath, Eyes , Memory is so far about a young girl name Sophie being raised by her aunt Tante Atie.A part that caught my eye so far is when Sophie was giving Tante Atie the Mother’s Day card but she refused to take it. Instead of taking it, she told Sophie that she should send it to her mother because it is not for her. I thought this was very nice of Sophie because Tante Atie did not have any children of her own and Sophie is close to being her child and the way she treats her. Also, It would be a bit akward of Sophie sends her biological mother the card because she only know about her mother through a picture.

I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem : Part 2

In part 2 of the text, the part that stood out to me the most was when Titbua was being treated unfairly because of Abigail and little girls told Eward that she was the one tormenting them.  It was shocking to see Betsey agreeing with the little girls too. Titbua then asked Betesy who put false things in her hair and turned her against her.

Another part that stood out was when Titbua was beating her until she bled because of the false information that was told to Eward. She describe how the men was hammering her face with there fists and they even molested her with a stick. This part just was so disturbing to me.

#3: The History of Mary Prince

Mary talks about a fellow slave name Louis. She states how he is very samrt and can read and write very well. Two things had caught my eye when i was reading the towards the end of this novel.

Page 263 , line 4-6  (in the eBook version) Mary says “poor Luis, when he offered the choice of going back to Africa, replied, “Me no father, no mother now; me stay with you.” The stood out to me because why would  want to go back to where he been most of his life. He just really happy about staying out there. ” Me think what a good thing I came England! Here, I know what God is, and read my Bible; in my country they have no God, no bible” he says. This also stood out to me because probably back in Africa he was not aloud to thing or read about God. I think when he was in Africa, they masters must of took them believing in God.

#1: History of Mary Prince (1-19)

Reading pages 1-19 in ” The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave”, was very disturbing. Of course I am very familiar with the word slavery because of reading and learning about it in history textbooks. But everyone knows that history textbooks just write about things they want you to know and the real deal. So reading it from someone thats been through slavery is of course more gloomy than coming from a baised history text book.

“I was made quite a pet of by Miss Betsey, and loved her very much. She used to lead me about by the hand, and call me her little n****r. This was the happiest period of my life; for I was too young to understand rightly my condition as a slave, and too thoughtless and full of spirits to look forward to the days of toil and sorrow.” This significant moment stood up to me because it surprised me that Mary loved Miss Betsey calling her that name and how she considered herself as her pet. This part really shocked me cause I always learned that slaves of course felt disrespected when they would be called that name. But from Mary’s point of view is different from that.