Prof. Garcia | ENG1101-HD80 | Fall 2022

Unit 1

I believe“shitty first drafts” do affect my writing process because they force me to take a step back and look at my work from a different perspective. For me, the first draft is the point of view of the character who is writing the story. It affect my writing process because It helped me realize the importance of character development and the importance of having a clear and concise point of view. I have been writing drafts in high school and drafts really help me think about the story and the characters in a different way. Shitty first drafts Also help me to improve my grammar and to be more concise in my writing and improve my overall writing style. It helps me think much deeper about the story that I am telling and it also helps me to be more organized in my writing. I have noticed that when I am writing a story or a draft that I am writing, I have made many mistakes in my first draft, and writing shitty drafts helps me to improve my writing and get rid of the mistakes that I made in my first draft. It helps make my final much better and organized and be more clear.


  1. Ruth Garcia

    Maham, Please change the settings so that anyone with the link can edit the document. Otherwise, I can not add comments or write int he document.

  2. Maham


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