CATW Resources

CATW tutorials and information:

CATW practice prompts:

Links and practice and other resources:

Practice prompt and discussion:

Content, Vocabulary, and Grammar Exam

Directions: Click this link: writing-exam and download the exam to your computer. Then, you can type your answers right on the page. (If you are using Microsoft Word, you might have to click “enable editing” at the top before you can begin.)

Email your test to me at The subject of the email should be your name and Unit Exam. For example, mine would say “Kelsey Fox Unit Exam.” Also put your name at the top of the exam.

This is an open-book test. You may use any resources at your disposal, but your answers must be your own, not copied from another student or source.

You have until 4:00 pm today to email this exam to me. If you turn it in after this time, it will be considered late and will not receive full credit.

Essay Prompts + Peer Editing Wksht

Choose to write an expository essay on one of these prompts:

This should be an expository essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion following the style we learned in class, and it should be typed. Your peer editing sheet may be typed or handwritten.


It has been said “not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Do you think learning from books (such as learning in school) or learning from experience (as in learning in the “real world”) is more important? Why?

Do you think it is better to work at a job that makes you happy, even if it does not pay much, or do you think it is better to work a job that you may not enjoy but makes you rich? What are the reasons you think this way?

Some people think young people should contribute something to society before they have the right to join it. They feel that young people should be legally required to do some form of military service if they are able to. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your opinion.

Click here to download the peer editing worksheet: peer-editing-checklist

Once you finish your essay, meet with your partner or email them a copy. You and your partner will each fill out the Peer Editing Checklist for each other’s paper. Once you finish your checklists, exchange them and review them. After reading your partner’s checklist, review your paper and make any changes you see fit, keeping their guidance in mind. (You are not required to make all the changes they suggest.)

A printed, hard copy of your paper is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 18thwith your partner’s peer editing checklist attached.

To be clear, you will turn in your own paper with the peer editing checklist your partner filled out for you attached.

If your partner does not complete a peer editing checklist for you, you will not be penalized. Hold on to a copy of the checklist you send your partner just in case.

NOTE: Bring your text book and grammar book to class on Tuesday, October 18th.

Overview of Work Over the Break

During our break from class, you will have two assignments. One will be to write an expository essay and peer edit a partner’s work. A post with the prompts and a digital copy of the peer editing sheet will be posted here on Friday, October 7th.

Additionally, you will have an open-book exam to complete during class time on Thursday, October 13th. You will need to visit our OpenLab class site at 2:00 that afternoon and download the test. (It will not be available before that time.) Complete it and turn it in before the end of class that day (4:00 pm) to receive full credit.

Please pay close attention to the CityTech Academic Calendar in the coming weeks, as classes are not being held on some days while other times the schedules are changed, and it is your responsibility to know where you need to be on which day.

Unit 2: Reading 1 Homework

Finish reading the text we began in class and answer the questions in the Details section of page 38. Be prepared to discuss the reading in class on Thursday.

Narrative Essay Homework

Today in class we read “Thank You, Ma’am,” by Langston Hughes. After reading this story, think a bit about how it connects to what we’ve been reading about kindness and empathy and mirror neurons in our book. Consider all these things while deciding what to write in your narrative essay.

You must choose one of the below prompts to write on. You will write a narrative essay with an introduction (including a thesis), body (story), and conclusion (reflection). It must be typed. Refer to the “How to Type an Essay” worksheet if you’re not sure how to format a typed essay.

You will not write a second draft of this paper, so work very hard to improve on the issues you met in your previous essay and consult your error log so you do not repeat the same mistakes as frequently.

Here are the three prompts you may choose from:

How can paying kindness forward make a difference in the world? Write about a time someone’s kindness made a big difference in your life and how that experience helps you answer the above question.


Do we have a responsibility to be kind? We’ve discussed mirror neurons and empathy and what a difference simple acts of kindness can make. Does that mean we have a responsibility to be kind, biologically or culturally? Tell a story that helps you answer the above questions.


Why is helping people in small ways important? What was something kind you did recently that made a difference in some way? How does that experience help you answer the above question?

This essay is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday.

NOTE: I apologize again for the mix-up with the books. Please refer to the below post and be sure you have the correct grammar book for class next week.


You should buy Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th ed., workbook, by Betty S. Azar, Rachel Spach Koch, and Stacy A. Hagen

The ISBN is: 978-0-13-241543-9


I apologize for this change. It is out of my control. This book is available in the book store. Please have it by next Thursday.


Unit 1 Homework

You need your textbook in class on Tuesday. We will read and discuss Unit 1.

Before noon on Sunday, September 11th, leave a comment answering these questions:

What does empathy mean to you? What do you think we could do to become more empathetic? Do you think we have a responsibility to be kind to those around us? Why or why not?

Be sure your answers well thought out and are in full sentences. Be sure to answer all of the above questions.

Before class time on Tuesday, return to this post and reply* to at least one of your classmate’s comments. You may feel free to post as many times and as much as you like beyond the minimum requirement. Have fun with it!

*Note: Replies must be well thought out and complete sentences. Saying “I agree” is not enough. With what do you agree (or respectfully disagree)? Why? Do you have suggestions, additions? Be thorough.

Reminder: be sure to bring your grammar book on the 16th.

Reminder about Books

These are the books you need for this class. Buying them is a requirement:

NorthStar Reading & Writing level 5, 4th ed  by Cohen & Miller ISBN: 978-0-13-338224-2
You are required to have this book in class by September 13th. 

Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th ed. by B. Azar, R. Koch & S. Hagen Pearson Longman Press ISBN: 978-0-132415439
You are required to have this book in class by September 16th. 

Friday, August 26th – Welcome!

Welcome to the class blog! Occasionally I will upload documents on the blog here. I might also use Open Lab to alert you to a canceled class or about extra credit, so having an account is very important (and, besides that, is a requirement of this class)!

Today’s assignment is listed below. Please note that I will often upload assignments here or list them for your convenience. I will also list homework here. The homework directions will always be clear and complete and include a due date. To receive full credit on assignments and homework, you must follow all directions and turn it in on the due date.


  • Join the OpenLab. is the OpenLab website.

  • Join our class page
    • You can search by clicking courses on the main OpenLab page and then on the far right, search for the keywords: ESOL 021W Fall).
    • Click what comes up and then join the site.
    • From there, you can click Visit Course Site or follow the link directly to the blog above and:
  • Comment on this post with
    1. Your name (and nickname, if you would prefer to be called by one)
    2. What you like about writing or what type of writing you like best (such as essay writing, fiction, nonfiction, etc.)
    3. What you find most difficult about writing

When you create an OpenLab account, it will ask you to fill out some information about yourself. Please use your actual name or nickname given in class as your display name.

After you create an account, don’t forget to add the course and comment on this post by clicking the grey words saying “leave a reply” at the top!

This assignment is due by the beginning of class on Tuesday. No credit will be given to posts made after 2:00pm on Tuesday. 

Additional Note:
These are the books you need for this class. Buying them is a requirement:

NorthStar Reading & Writing level 5, 4th ed  by Cohen & Miller ISBN: 978-0-13-338224-2

Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th ed. by B. Azar, R. Koch & S. Hagen Pearson Longman Press ISBN: 978-0-132415439