Friday, August 26th – Welcome!

Welcome to the class blog! Occasionally I will upload documents on the blog here. I might also use Open Lab to alert you to a canceled class or about extra credit, so having an account is very important (and, besides that, is a requirement of this class)!

Today’s assignment is listed below. Please note that I will often upload assignments here or list them for your convenience. I will also list homework here. The homework directions will always be clear and complete and include a due date. To receive full credit on assignments and homework, you must follow all directions and turn it in on the due date.


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    • From there, you can click Visit Course Site or follow the link directly to the blog above and:
  • Comment on this post with
    1. Your name (and nickname, if you would prefer to be called by one)
    2. What you like about writing or what type of writing you like best (such as essay writing, fiction, nonfiction, etc.)
    3. What you find most difficult about writing

When you create an OpenLab account, it will ask you to fill out some information about yourself. Please use your actual name or nickname given in class as your display name.

After you create an account, don’t forget to add the course and comment on this post by clicking the grey words saying “leave a reply” at the top!

This assignment is due by the beginning of class on Tuesday. No credit will be given to posts made after 2:00pm on Tuesday. 

Additional Note:
These are the books you need for this class. Buying them is a requirement:

NorthStar Reading & Writing level 5, 4th ed  by Cohen & Miller ISBN: 978-0-13-338224-2

Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th ed. by B. Azar, R. Koch & S. Hagen Pearson Longman Press ISBN: 978-0-132415439

19 responses to “Friday, August 26th – Welcome!

  1. My name is Baohua Huang, my nickname is Bao. Essay writing is the type of writing I like. The most difficult about writing for me are grammar and vocabulary.

  2. Risul Rashed (Raysul)
    I don’t like to write, not even a sentence. I hate writing essays, but I like to write small story.

    The difficulties about writing is that I have to think and organize the idea for long time.

  3. My name is Ghamdan Albarati. The best writing that I like is essay writing. The most difficulties about writing are how to reference and quote books and articles. Civics is the most interesting topic to me.

  4. I am Jiaming Huang, also you can call me Ivan. I am not really like to write essay because I have trouble about vocabularies, even though I can say it very easily but write. For me, The most difficult part in CATW is to write the examples to related to the significant idea. I usually waste a lot of time to think of some examples and that makes me have not enough time to finish the test. Moreover, the topics that I interested in is about green or health.

  5. My name is xiaohua, i don’t really like writing but the most difficult for me in writing is i don’t know a lot of vocabulary and grammer error .

  6. My name is Xiaozi Huang. I don’t really like writing, if I need to chose the one of type writing I like that
    is eassy writing. The most difficult of writing for me are grammar and vocabulary.

  7. My name is Sk Tania Afrin . I am always not good at writing but I’m trying my best to gain the ability to write a good essay . My most difficulty in writing is organizing my ideas .

  8. My name is Lorena. Writing is not something that I like but I don’t hate it though. I prefer to write an essay writing. The most difficult part about writing is to organize my ideas.

  9. My name is Jinhao Zhu. I dont like writing, if have to pick one, ill chose essay writing. The difficult part about writing is to come back to topic after giving an evidence or a personal exp. I always feel like what i wrote is not a strong evidence or not really support the idea.

  10. I’m Hortencia Ochoa, I just like to write, to express my feelings. However, doing this in English is very difficult, my grammar and spelling is no wide enought. Doing an essay, any topic, seems impossible for me. One day I want to write a non-fiction book.

  11. Tanvir Patwary ( Tanvir)
    As English is my second language writing essay is always the difficult task for me. Grammer, spelling , and vocabulary are one of the big problems in my writing. But still, I love to write,especially when I get an interesting topic to write because I can express my thought/opinion about the topic. But my poor English experience always gives me the hard time when I am writing anything. I wish one day I will able to write an essay correctly without doing any kind error that day I will be so proud.

  12. Murjan Urmey (Murjan)
    I like fiction books and I hate writing
    The most difficult part about writing is to organize it properly

  13. Im Gulsah Paker. My nickname is Rose. I enjoy writing essays but i would like to learn how to improve my writing and other types of writing formats such as fiction ,non-fiction etc. My struggle is writing the conclusion to my essays and organizing the body paragraphs so the reader can understand fluently. Also, my other struggle is when l try to write my essays with new vocabulary words.

  14. My name is Dongxin Liang, my nickname is Alex. I enjoy writing about argumentative essay but I’m having difficult about grammar.

  15. My name is Jennielyn Aquino. My nickname is Jenny or Jen. I enjoy writing about fiction and i like to write argumentative essay. i find punctuation, grammar and spelling most difficult in writing.

  16. My name is Yegor Zelenkov. I enjoy writing essays but i have problem with my grammar.
    I have to frequently check the dictionaries to look at my spelling and verbs.

  17. My name is jiafeng yu (feng)
    I like to write,but my grammar skills is not that good.
    when i writing a essay i can’t instantly find out the mistakes to make corrections and i have a hard time to organize ideas , also i need to learn more vocabulary words to support any essay that i write.

  18. My name is Monica Perez
    I don’t like writing, mostly because when I write an essay I don’t know how to start off, I don’t have strong vocabulary,and sometimes I could have grammars without realizing it even with spelling too and sometime I struggle with the conclusions/closing statement (depending on the topic) to make sure the reader understand about the topic

  19. My name is Yu Feng. My nickname is Ryan. I don’t really like writing, the most difficult thing I found in writing is grammar.

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