Professor Sampson | Section: 0384 | Fall 2020

Feminist Movement

Yellow Wallpaper Full Text #2465R8N (480x360) -


This week we examine Charlotte Perkins Gilman in relation to the Feminist Movement.  Post a comment at the end in response to the reading and respond to others.

How is the narrator treated/described?
Why is John an authority figure? Does he treat with wife with respect? Does he listen to her?
How is the narrator stereotypical?
Overall, how are women viewed in this story?



  1. Katelyn Rossette

    The narrator is described as weak, especially due to her illness. She’s also being treated as a child, she cannot do anything that she pleases like writing. Her husband tells her that she can’t do certain things because she’s not capable of doing so. I think he’s does treat her with a bit of respect because he does love her and just wants her to get better, but he doesn’t really listen to her. There are certain things she wants to do and he doesn’t allow her to. Overall, I believe women are viewed in this story in the stereotypical way in that women are to stay home, cook, clean, etc.

  2. Jeffrey

    I think the narrator is being neglected because, her husband John is not romantically involved with her she could day dream about it, and doesn’t trust her enough to believe her when she says she is sick.
    John is an authoritative figure because, he sometimes says some hurtful things to his wife and he is ignorant about her feelings, he does not listen to her nor treat her with respect.
    She is too naive and always thinking about irrelevant things always day dreaming.
    Women are not really respected in the article.

  3. Jeffrey

    I think the narrator is being neglected because, her husband John is not romantically involved with her she could day dream about it, and doesn’t trust her enough to believe her when she says she is sick.
    John is an authoritative figure because, he sometimes says some hurtful things to his wife and he is ignorant about her feelings, he does not listen to her nor treat her with respect.
    She is too naive and always thinking about irrelevant things always day dreaming.
    Women are not really respected in the article.

  4. Jared

    I think the narrator is women who was not getting treated right he was tell her what can she and what she can’t do so think women don’t get respected at all and we need to make a change in the world we all are equal you just got to put your head to do it you don’t have to bring down women we should help them

  5. Jason Birchfield

    In Yellow Wallpaper, the narrator, wife of John, is extremely meek and is mistreated throughout the story. For this, The narrator has stereotypical traits relative to what is presented in the time frame, the 1900’s. John is seen as an authoritarian figure, being the so-called man of the household. Therefore, he shows no regard for his wife’s wellbeing over the course of the story. As a whole, women in the story are disrespected and treated similarly to a child, which is characteristic of sexism in this time frame.

  6. Tahmidul Ramim

    I think this article shows a little bit of discrimination between Women and Men. In the article, it shows that the narrarator of the story doesn’t have much freedom and this story goes back to the time where the society had the idea that women are only made to be housewives and their duty is to serve the husband and take care of the children,etc. The narrator’s husband John doesn’t give the amount of respect that his wife needs. For example, when John’s wife says that she’s sick, John didn’t really care much because he probably thought that it’s something minor and John’s wife doesn’t really have much of the right and power that she would say that she’s sick and everything would be easier for her. The narrator may be stereotypical because it shows how the narrator is being treated in an inferior way and back in the old days, women didn’t really much have an life for themselves and to enjoy their lives. The old thinking was that women should dedicate their lives to their husband and children and as well as elderly.

    Tahmidul Ramim

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