Category Archives: learning log 1-Composition

Rafael C: Chair shoot

Out of all of the shoots i took this one stood out a lot, the half-circle makes nice contrast against the floor. In addition to that the focused centered gives the side of the chair top touching the floor a interesting sharp yet curved look. The little splatters of red paint are also catchy and since the background is not busy your eyes are fully focused on the chair and its details.



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Filed under learning log 1-Composition, Learning Logs

Successful picture of a chair

I think this picture is the most successful because the curves that are shown as well as the cropping of the chair. Also, the high contrast  which is the dark versus the brightness. The reason this picture was taken because of the Sidelit where you see the whiteness on the curve of the chair.

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Filed under learning log 1-Composition

Shooting a chair.

This image was picked as most successful one by my classmates. While taking this picture I changed my focus to the side one, focused only on the screw, so that it would be as sharp as possible and everything else would be out of focus. I also though about the rule of the thirds so that the screw would be adjusted on the side. From the comments in the class, I learned that it kind of creates a scene that makes you think about what if someone sits down straight on the screw?

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Filed under learning log 1-Composition