ENT 4499 Submission Requirements

January, 2023

For grading purposes, by the end of the semester, in each student’s ENT 4499 ePortfolio, it is required to upload/submit all these documents as follows:

Project Proposal (including budget, calendar etc.)

Poster (PDF)

– Slide show of one’s presentation (PDF)

Progress Report 1 (after the 3rd week, 1 page, single spaced)

Progress Report 2 (after the 7th week, 1 page, single spaced)

Progress Report 3 (after the 12th week, 1 page, single spaced)

Project Reflection (upon completion of the project, 2 pages, single spaced. This needs to be more detailed than what is in the “Conclusion” on one’s poster).

For the Progress Reports 1 – 3, even if you are not making progress as planned, write about the status of your project, reasons of delay, how you think you can catch up, or even how you may be revising your original plan. This should help you to stay focused, record your semester long “journey,” and  then to write the Project Reflection at the end of the semester.

In case students are not being able to include any of the documents mentioned above, they must discuss it with their technical and faculty advisors in advance. Once the advisors approve of the reason(s), the students themselves must also state the reason(s) in their ePortfolio in writing. This way, there will be no questions raised about any missing documents/files.

In addition, depending on students’ field such as game design and video production, they may be also required to upload or link their final product to their ePortfolio.

All the Best!