A Live Audiovisual Performance System

Project Introduciton

Project Description:

•My project involves creating a live audiovisual performance system with a focus on visual effects. It includes motion graphics, stage lighting, a live camera, and a user interface (UI).

•The system features all the visual effects, which are driven by sound and code, and generated in real-time.

•It is designed for live music events in a small venue and offering flexibility to adapt as needed.

•The system is built with Processing, and the UI is designed with TouchOSC.

System Objectives:

•Simplifying the process of lighting programming, allowing the lighting effect to be generated in real-time according to changes in sound.

•Utilizing emerging technologies to maintain the quality of low-budget live performances.

•Allowing performers to express themselves more freely without being limited by pre-recorded settings.

•Providing a user-friendly interface for show control, which allows real-time modifications of visual elements through the UI.

•Minimizing personnel and equipment costs.

Tools and Technologies Used

  • Programming Language: Processing (Java-based)
  • Audio Analysis: Minim library
  • OSC Communication: oscP5 library, netP5
  • Live Camera: Video Library for Processing 4
  • DMX: dmxP512 Library
  • User Interface: TouchOSC

User Interface

Video Documentation

1 minute showcase | All the effects are generated in real time driven by sound and code
UI demonstration | UI is designed by ToucOSC and function by Processing
Motion Graphics demonstration
Live Camera demonstration
Close-up of LEDs

Table of Contents

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