
CUNY faculty may not reduce a student’s grade due to lateness or absences. This is a CUNY policy and can not be changed. Encourage regular attendance by grading for participation and by assigning in-class low stakes writing assignments. Any mention of an attendance policy that correlates with grading (i.e: “Four missed classes will result in a lower grade”) is against CUNY policy. A syllabus with this language will need to be revised and reissued to students.

Instructors are required to keep track of attendance throughout the semester. All attendance (or course participation) should be tracked using the eClass Folder

Online Synchronous

Attendance for online synchronous class meetings should be tracked as it would be in face-to-face instruction.

Students must commit to scheduled class times and sign onto their virtual learning platform on schedule, and instructors are required to meet their classes for the duration (which, for a class that meets twice a week, is 30 class meetings a semester.) All synchronous class meeting days/times must be listed in the schedule of classes for students, and attendance should be taken for each class meeting.

Online Asynchronous

Faculty teaching asynchronous courses: please follow each student’s participation and engagement by tracking their completion of assignments each week, and track it as you would attendance.