On-Boarding Logistics

For adjunct faculty filling out new-hire paperwork, your primary contacts will be Lily Lam in Namm 512 and the Adjunct Workload Management Office (AWMO), which can be reached at 718-260-5565 or AWMO@citytech.cuny.edu. Constance Tate is the Academic Faculty Workload Manager, and can be reached via email at CTate@citytech.cuny.edu.

You can find resources and semester-specific information about Payroll at this site.

This is a small office serving the entire College, so it isn’t uncommon for the paperwork process to take longer than expected.

For all employees at the College, the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations handles Human Resources and personnel matters. Their office is on the third floor of the Namm building, room N-301, and they can be reached at 718-260-5353. There’s a great deal of information on their website, including a New Employee Resource Center.