Week 12: Homework

This week, each team should write a collaborative memo in your Google Drive shared folder that includes a description of what work each team member has done on the project during the past week. If you haven’t completed what you were responsible for, note that in the memo and give a date for when you will complete the delegated responsibility. This is about accountability to your team and keeping me informed about the progress of your team’s work as a whole. Each team member should copy-and-paste their team’s single update memo into a comment made to this homework blog post.

For your reference, I typed up the outline that we discussed last week and included it below.

Final Team Project Outline
(Modified Proposal)

I. Introduction
   A. Purpose
   B. Topic
   C. Roadmap

II. Core Proposal 
   A. Background
   B. Problem
   C. Solution (LARGEST PART--include site description, site map(s), and wireframe(s)

III. Other Proposal Parts
   A. See Online Technical Writing Textbook

IV. Information Architecture Reflection
   A. Justification, explanation, and evidence for why you propose to do the things in the way your team chose.
   B. Quote and use parenthetical citations.

V. References
   A. Anything quoted and parenthetically cited should be listed here in alphabetical order. Cite using APA format.
  • Other notes
    • Don’t be afraid to change course with your proposed site as you work on the project. What you read and learn might give you new ideas that you can incorporate. However, don’t allow feature creep to make your project too unwieldy.
    • While you might be using a divide-and-conquer strategy to creating content for your report, remember that your report is a collaborative effort. Get your content on the page, but all team members can edit, change, alter, improve, etc. the copy provided by any other team member. Check your ego at the door, so to speak, and treat your report as collectively owned–including the writing that you contribute.
    • Give reasonable deadlines and meet those deadlines. However, if you can’t, communicate that to your team and provide a new deadline.
    • Don’t drop the ball–your team is counting on you!

10 thoughts on “Week 12: Homework”

  1. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: May 8, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Update 


    The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the team project. 

    Project Description 

    The project consists of four different sections. The four sections are the introduction, core proposal, other proposal parts and information architecture reflection. The introduction includes the purpose, topic and roadmap. The core proposal consists of the background, problem and solution. 

     As listed in the memo last week, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic with the research. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project.

    For the past week, each team member was responsible for starting their part of the proposal and posting a draft in the shared google docs. 

    Sphear has posted a draft of the solution to the shared google docs folder. She still has to construct the wireframe.

    Kahini has posted the draft for the problem and is waiting for feedback from peers. All other sections will be ready once the team members have written their section to make sure there is consistency amongst the essay – this will ensure that it flows smoothly for the audience. She will also create an updated Sitemap in addition to the draft that will be submitted. 

    Ronald has circulated the “Background” with the details. The team recognizes the real challenges to confront with regards to healthcare for adolescents. The pandemic resulted in a huge disparity among adolescents and their well being. 

    Jaida has posted the draft for the methodology and scheduling for the project.


    As the final project advances and reaches further completion in the next two weeks, all team members need to continue to communicate effectively. Using the knowledge acquired regarding Information Architecture we are keeping in mind to incorporate different aspects learned in class for instance, user readability, consistency, formatting, and most importantly keeping the audience in mind. 

  2. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: May 8, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Update 


    The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the team project. 

    Project Description 

    The project consists of four different sections. The four sections are the introduction, core proposal, other proposal parts and information architecture reflection. The introduction includes the purpose, topic and roadmap. The core proposal consists of the background, problem and solution. 

     As listed in the memo last week, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic with the research. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project.

    For the past week, each team member was responsible for starting their part of the proposal and posting a draft in the shared google docs. 

    Sphear has posted a draft of the solution to the shared google docs folder. She still has to construct the wireframe.

    Kahini has posted the draft for the problem and is waiting for feedback from peers. All other sections will be ready once the team members have written their section to make sure there is consistency amongst the essay – this will ensure that it flows smoothly for the audience. She will also create an updated Sitemap in addition to the draft that will be submitted. 

    Ronald has circulated the “Background” with the details. The team recognizes the real challenges to confront with regards to healthcare for adolescents. The pandemic resulted in a huge disparity among adolescents and their well being. 

    Jaida has posted the draft for the methodology and scheduling for the project.


    As the final project advances and reaches further completion in the next two weeks, all team members need to continue to communicate effectively. Using the knowledge acquired regarding Information Architecture we are keeping in mind to incorporate different aspects learned in class for instance, user readability, consistency, formatting, and most importantly keeping the audience in mind. 

  3. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: May 8, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Update 


    The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the team project. 

    Project Description 

    The project consists of four different sections. The four sections are the introduction, core proposal, other proposal parts and information architecture reflection. The introduction includes the purpose, topic and roadmap. The core proposal consists of the background, problem and solution. 

     As listed in the memo last week, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic with the research. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project.

    For the past week, each team member was responsible for starting their part of the proposal and posting a draft in the shared google docs. 

    Sphear has posted a draft of the solution to the shared google docs folder. She still has to construct the wireframe.

    Kahini has posted the draft for the problem and is waiting for feedback from peers. All other sections will be ready once the team members have written their section to make sure there is consistency amongst the essay – this will ensure that it flows smoothly for the audience. She will also create an updated Sitemap in addition to the draft that will be submitted. 

    Ronald has circulated the “Background” with the details. The team recognizes the real challenges to confront with regards to healthcare for adolescents. The pandemic resulted in a huge disparity among adolescents and their well being. 

    Jaida has posted the draft for the methodology and scheduling for the project.


    As the final project advances and reaches further completion in the next two weeks, all team members need to continue to communicate effectively. Using the knowledge acquired regarding Information Architecture we are keeping in mind to incorporate different aspects learned in class for instance, user readability, consistency, formatting, and most importantly keeping the audience in mind. 

  4. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Khaled, Khemraj, Naila, Nikka

    DATE: 1 MAY 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Update

    As we continue to work on our proposal, we established some overall goals and assigned roles last week.  

    Team Goals:

    1. Each team member is expected to find and contribute 1-2 sources relevant to the proposal topic. 
    2. Each team member should work on their assigned section and aim to complete a draft by the end of the week.
    3. Come up with a name for our website idea

    Team Roles:

    • Khaled will be responsible for researching and analyzing our target audience. He will gather information on their demographics, behaviors, and interests to help us tailor our proposal to their needs.
    • Khemraj will be responsible for developing a comprehensive budget for our proposal. He will calculate costs, develop a timeline, and ensure that we are staying within our financial constraints.
    • Naila will focus on developing a feasible and compelling solution to the problem we are addressing. She will brainstorm ideas, research case studies, and develop a clear plan of action.
    • Nikka will analyze and dissect the problem at hand. She will conduct research, gather data, and describe the problem and its impact.

    Team Update:  

    • Khaled: I have drafted the audience section and found two relevant sources for the audience and site map/wireframe sections. Both these sources are quoted in the proposal and included in the reference section in APA format.  
    • Khemraj: When considering the budget, I thought about the specific expertise required for each aspect of the project. I allocated a portion of the budget to engage subject matter specialists, including botanists and horticulturists, to ensure accurate categorization and identification of common and uncommon houseplants. I also allocated funds to hire web designers and information architects who possess the necessary skills to create a user-friendly website interface and develop the required features for plant categorization and search functionality. Graphic designers were also included in the budget allocation to create visually appealing visuals, such as infographics and plant images. I also allocated a portion of the budget for the domain and hosting expenses to establish a stable online presence. Lastly, I dedicated a portion of the budget for pre-release marketing, utilizing social media and influencers, to generate excitement and interest among potential users. 
    • Naila: I have found and reviewed two relevant sources that support the proposal topic. In addition, I have also drafted the solution section of the proposal. While it still needs more content, I have tried to present the information in a clear and concise manner that addresses the problem we are trying to solve. I also took some time to organize the format and layout of the proposal to make it easier to navigate and read for the user. I have implemented headings, subheadings, bullet points, and visual aids where appropriate to improve readability and flow. 
    • Nikka: I have completed the draft for the problem section, and it is now ready for review. Additionally, I have created a wireframe image to be included in the solution section This will help to visualize the proposed solution and make it more accessible for the readers. I have found two relevant sources that will contribute to the proposal. These sources will provide additional insights and support for the proposed solution. Lastly, I reviewed the solution content with my peer, Naila.
  5. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Khaled, Khemraj, Naila, Nikka

    DATE: 1 MAY 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Update

    As we continue to work on our proposal, we established some overall goals and assigned roles last week.  

    Team Goals:

    1. Each team member is expected to find and contribute 1-2 sources relevant to the proposal topic. 
    2. Each team member should work on their assigned section and aim to complete a draft by the end of the week.
    3. Come up with a name for our website idea

    Team Roles:

    • Khaled will be responsible for researching and analyzing our target audience. He will gather information on their demographics, behaviors, and interests to help us tailor our proposal to their needs.
    • Khemraj will be responsible for developing a comprehensive budget for our proposal. He will calculate costs, develop a timeline, and ensure that we are staying within our financial constraints.
    • Naila will focus on developing a feasible and compelling solution to the problem we are addressing. She will brainstorm ideas, research case studies, and develop a clear plan of action.
    • Nikka will analyze and dissect the problem at hand. She will conduct research, gather data, and describe the problem and its impact.

    Team Update: 

    • Khaled: I have drafted the audience section and found two relevant sources for the audience and site map/wireframe sections. Both these sources are quoted in the proposal and included in the reference section in APA format.  
    • Khemraj: When considering the budget, I thought about the specific expertise required for each aspect of the project. I allocated a portion of the budget to engage subject matter specialists, including botanists and horticulturists, to ensure accurate categorization and identification of common and uncommon houseplants. I also allocated funds to hire web designers and information architects who possess the necessary skills to create a user-friendly website interface and develop the required features for plant categorization and search functionality. Graphic designers were also included in the budget allocation to create visually appealing visuals, such as infographics and plant images. I also allocated a portion of the budget for the domain and hosting expenses to establish a stable online presence. Lastly, I dedicated a portion of the budget for pre-release marketing, utilizing social media and influencers, to generate excitement and interest among potential users. 
    • Naila: I have found and reviewed two relevant sources that support the proposal topic. In addition, I have also drafted the solution section of the proposal. While it still needs more content, I have tried to present the information in a clear and concise manner that addresses the problem we are trying to solve. I also took some time to organize the format and layout of the proposal to make it easier to navigate and read for the user. I have implemented headings, subheadings, bullet points, and visual aids where appropriate to improve readability and flow. 
    • Nikka: I have completed the draft for the problem section, and it is now ready for review. Additionally, I have created a wireframe image to be included in the solution section This will help to visualize the proposed solution and make it more accessible for the readers. I have found two relevant sources that will contribute to the proposal. These sources will provide additional insights and support for the proposed solution. Lastly, I reviewed the solution content with my peer, Naila.
  6. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: May 8, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Update 


    The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the team project. 

    Project Description 

    The project consists of four different sections. The four sections are the introduction, core proposal, other proposal parts and information architecture reflection. The introduction includes the purpose, topic and roadmap. The core proposal consists of the background, problem and solution. 

     As listed in the memo last week, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic with the research. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project.

    For the past week, each team member was responsible for starting their part of the proposal and posting a draft in the shared google docs. 

    Sphear has posted a draft of the solution to the shared google docs folder. She still has to construct the wireframe.

    Kahini has posted the draft for the problem and is waiting for feedback from peers. All other sections will be ready once the team members have written their section to make sure there is consistency amongst the essay – this will ensure that it flows smoothly for the audience. She will also create an updated Sitemap in addition to the draft that will be submitted. 

    Ronald has circulated the “Background” with the details. The team recognizes the real challenges to confront with regards to healthcare for adolescents. The pandemic resulted in a huge disparity among adolescents and their well being. 

    Jaida has posted the draft for the methodology and scheduling for the project.


    As the final project advances and reaches further completion in the next two weeks, all team members need to continue to communicate effectively. Using the knowledge acquired regarding Information Architecture we are keeping in mind to incorporate different aspects learned in class for instance, user readability, consistency, formatting, and most importantly keeping the audience in mind.

  7. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Ronald C. Hinds, Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde,

    DATE: May 8, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Update 


    The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the team project. 

    Project Description 

    The project consists of four different sections. The four sections are the introduction, core proposal, other proposal parts and information architecture reflection. The introduction includes the purpose, topic and roadmap. The core proposal consists of the background, problem and solution. 

     As listed in the memo last week, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic with the research. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project.

    For the past week, each team member was responsible for starting their part of the proposal and posting a draft in the shared google docs. 

    Sphear has posted a draft of the solution to the shared google docs folder. She still has to construct the wireframe.

    Kahini has posted the draft for the problem and is waiting for feedback from peers. All other sections will be ready once the team members have written their section to make sure there is consistency amongst the essay – this will ensure that it flows smoothly for the audience. She will also create an updated Sitemap in addition to the draft that will be submitted. 

    Ronald has circulated the “Background” with the details. The team recognizes the real challenges to confront with regards to healthcare for adolescents. The pandemic resulted in a huge disparity among adolescents and their well being. 

    Jaida has posted the draft for the methodology and scheduling for the project.


    As the final project advances and reaches further completion in the next two weeks, all team members need to continue to communicate effectively. Using the knowledge acquired regarding Information Architecture we are keeping in mind to incorporate different aspects learned in class for instance, user readability, consistency, formatting, and most importantly keeping the audience in mind.

  8. To: Prof. Ellis

    From: Bria, Lisette, Sandy, and Tiana

    Subject: Team Project Update

    Date: May 8, 2023


    This memo will provide Professor Ellis with an update on the progress of our team project. 

    Project Description

    We are creating a proposal for our team project that will serve as a pitch for the website used to promote our plan. Our team has decided to mainly focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder while assessing other factors that go into a diagnosis such as the level, type, and different age ranges that people may be diagnosed with. This allows our audience to get a range of what Autism may look like for different people. 

    Project Update: 

    As of right now, we have started working on the draft for the final project, which will be fixed before we present and submit it at the end of the semester. We currently have a new member in our group and so right now the main thing is for us to catch her up on what we have so far, this includes sharing all necessary documents and letting her choose to work with another group member on their delegated area. Having another group member can help us cohesively get the work done. We have decided to split up the parts of the proposal between the group, and with this, we will still help each other create a unified document. Also in this memo, you will see team roles, and while everyone has a specific role, we will continue to help each other in our work. 

    Team Roles:

    Sandy: Along with working on her specific area for the content of the project, which is level 1 of ASD, Aspergers Syndrome for children 1-12 she will also be focusing on the core proposal area. 

    Bria: Will be focusing on level 3 of ASD, Kanner’s Syndrome in adults 18 and older along with the introduction and the resources section of the proposal. 

    Lisette: Will be focusing on level 2 of ASD, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder in adolescents 13 to 17, and will also work on the sitemap which will display the layout for our overall project. 

    Tiana: She will join Lisette in researching Childhood Disintegrative Disorder along with working on our project’s support page which will provide additional resources to aid those who have autism themselves and parents who have children with Autism. 

  9. To: Prof. Ellis

    From: Bria, Lisette, Sandy, and Tiana

    Subject: Team Project Update

    Date: May 8, 2023


    This memo will provide Professor Ellis with an update on the progress of our team project. 

    Project Description

    We are creating a proposal for our team project that would serve as a pitch for the website used to promote our plan. Our team has decided to mainly focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder while assessing other factors that go into a diagnosis such as the level, type, and different age ranges that people may be diagnosed with. This allows our audience to get a range of what Autism may look like for different people. 

    Project Update: 

    As of right now, we have started working on the draft for the final project, which will be fixed before we present and submit it at the end of the semester. We currently have a new member in our group and so right now the main thing is for us to catch her up on what we have so far, this includes sharing with her all the necessary documents and letting her choose to work with another group member on their delegated area. Having another group member can help us cohesively get the work done. We have decided to split up the parts of the proposal between the group, and with this, we will still help each other create a unified document. Also in this memo, you will see team roles, and while everyone has a specific role, we will continue to help each other in our work. 

    Team Roles

    Sandy: Along with working on her specific area for the content of the project, which is level 1 of ASD, Aspergers Syndrome for children 1-12 she will also be focusing on the core proposal area. 

    Bria: Will be focusing on level 3 of ASD, Kanner’s Syndrome in adults 18 and older along with the introduction and the resources section of the proposal. 

    Lisette: Will be focusing on level 2 of ASD, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder in adolescents 13 to 17, and will also work on the sitemap which will display the layout for our overall project. 

    Tiana: She will join Lisette in researching Childhood Disintegrative Disorder along with working on our project’s support page which will provide additional resources to aid those who have autism themselves and parents who have children with Autism. 

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