Week 11: Homework

project outline

During class, we will look at the Proposals section of David McMurrey’s Online Technical Writing Textbook (also linked on the syllabus).

For this week’s homework, your team should write a memo from all team members to Prof. Ellis with the subject, “Team Project Outline and Planning.” Begin the memo with a sentence describing its purpose. Then, include an outline for your project report and a paragraph describing who will do what this week (you don’t have to divide up the whole project right now–as discussed in class, you might want to focus on the core proposal section (see photo above) and work outwardly from there). Each team member needs to copy-and-paste the memo into a comment made to this homework post for credit.

10 thoughts on “Week 11: Homework”

  1. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: April 26, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to present our team project outline about adolescent health.

    Outline Description

    In the introduction we will introduce the proposal and inform the readers about the purpose of the proposal and the content.


    -Ronald will research the background of the proposal

    -Kahini will research the problem

    -Sphear will research the solution

    -Jaida will describe the Methodology, Budget, and Schedule for the project


    In this memo, we discussed the implications of mental, physical, and emotional health with adolescents. We have split the proposal section into what each team member volunteered to complete. Due to the different skill sets and knowledge, yet common grounds of healthcare, all team members have collectively come together to provide a better sense of well-being for adolescents through an informative website. The project consists of different sections which will come together with uniformity through writing.

  2. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Khemraj Persaud, Naila Butt, Nikka Rosenstein, Khaled Akam

    DATE: 5/1/23

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to deliver an outline for our team project, as well as provide the assigned roles of our team members.


    Please find our working outline below:

    • Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Audience for proposal
    • Topic 
    • A Guide to Houseplants
    • Roadmap 
    • Proposal
    • Background
    • Problem
    • Plants are proven to help mental and physical health
    • People don’t buy plants because they don’t know how to care for them – shops are online or stores are understaffed with experts
    • Solution
    • Description
    • Write Ups for each individual plant
    • Easy to navigate through links based on what’s required to care for a plant, so people can find what fits their needs
    • Sitemaps/Wireframes
    • Audience
    • Match plants with user’s lifestyle
    • Urban audience
    • Other proposal subtopics
    • Budget
    • Information Architecture Reflection
    • Justification
    • Explanation
    • Evidence
    • Citations


    To stay on task to meet our final deadline, we have assigned the following roles to the following team members:

    • Khemraj – Background
    • Naila – Purpose (Mission Statement, Overview)
    • Nikka – Site Maps/Wireframe
    • Khaled – Topic

    We intend to gather information pertaining to our topics and apply it accordingly. We will produce quality components that will contribute to the overall success of our project.

  3. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Khemraj Persaud, Naila Butt, Nikka Rosenstein, Khaled Akam

    DATE: 5/1/23

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to deliver an outline for our team project, as well as provide the assigned roles of our team members.


    Please find our working outline below:

    • Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Audience for proposal
    • Topic 
    • A Guide to Houseplants
    • Roadmap 
    • Proposal
    • Background
    • Problem
    • Plants are proven to help mental and physical health
    • People don’t buy plants because they don’t know how to care for them – shops are online or stores are understaffed with experts
    • Solution
    • Description
    • Write Ups for each individual plant
    • Easy to navigate through links based on what’s required to care for a plant, so people can find what fits their needs
    • Sitemaps/Wireframes
    • Audience
    • Match plants with user’s lifestyle
    • Urban audience
    • Other proposal subtopics
    • Budget
    • Information Architecture Reflection
    • Justification
    • Explanation
    • Evidence
    • Citations


    To stay on task to meet our final deadline, we have assigned the following roles to the following team members:

    • Khemraj – Background
    • Naila – Purpose (Mission Statement, Overview)
    • Nikka – Site Maps/Wireframe
    • Khaled – Topic

    We intend to gather information pertaining to our topics and apply it accordingly. We will produce quality components that will contribute to the overall success of our project. 


    TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: April 26, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning



    The purpose of this memo is to present our team project outline about adolescent health.


    Introduction (All group members)

    Purpose of proposed report

    Topic of proposal

    General Road Map

    Proposal Description

    Background (Ronald)

    Problem (Kahini)

    Solution (Sphear)

    Other Proposed Parts

    Methodology (Jaida)

    Budget (Jaida)

    Scheduling (Jaida)

    Outline Description

    The project consists of different sections which will come together with uniformity through writing. In the introduction, we will introduce the proposal and inform the readers about the purpose of the proposal. We will also include a brief overview of the content they will find in the proposal. The target audience for this project is adolescents and parents of adolescents. 

     As listed above in the outline, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic with the research. A main problem will be selected, for instance, not having enough resources or a lack of guidance from healthcare professionals, parents, or school counselors. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. The solution will include improving and addressing the main problem selected. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project.

    Each role was assigned based on what each team member volunteered to complete. Although each member has their own role, all decisions will be made and discussed with all team members for ideas and input. After consulting with the team, the member will write down the finalized idea on the shared Google Docs, shared with all team members.


    In this memo, we presented our team project outline about adolescent health. All team members will collectively come together to complete the project. Our end goal as a group is to provide adolescents with an outlet to learn more about their health.

  5. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: April 26, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to present our team project outline about adolescent health.


    Introduction ( All group members)

    Purpose of the proposed report

    Topic of proposal

    General Road Map

    Proposal Description

    Background (Ronald)

    Problem (Kahini)


    Other Proposed Parts

    Methodology (Jaida)

    Budget (Jaida)

    Scheduling (Jaida)

    Outline Description

    The project consists of different sections which will come together with uniformity through writing. In the introduction, we will introduce the proposal and inform the readers about the purpose of the proposal. We will also include a brief overview of the content they will find in the proposal. The target audience for this project is adolescents and parents of adolescents.  

     As listed above in the outline, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic of the research. A main problem will be selected, for instance, not having enough resources or a lack of guidance from healthcare professionals, parents, or school counselors. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. The solution will include improving and addressing the main problem selected. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project. 

    Each role was assigned based on what each team member volunteered to complete. Although each member has their own role, all decisions will be made and discussed with all team members for ideas and input. After consulting with the team, the member will write down the finalized idea on the shared Google Docs, shared with all team members. 


    In this memo, we presented our team project outline about adolescent health. All team members will collectively come together to complete the project. Our end goal as a group is to provide adolescents with an outlet to learn more about their health.

  6. TO: Prof. Ellis

    FROM: Khemraj Persaud, Naila Butt, Nikka Rosenstein, Khaled Akam

    DATE: 5/1/23

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to deliver an outline for our team project, as well as provide the assigned roles of our team members.


    Please find our working outline below:

    • Introduction
    • Purpose
    • Audience for proposal
    • Topic 
    • A Guide to Houseplants
    • Roadmap 
    • Proposal
    • Background
    • Problem
    • Plants are proven to help mental and physical health
    • People don’t buy plants because they don’t know how to care for them – shops are online or stores are understaffed with experts
    • Solution
    • Description
    • Write Ups for each individual plant
    • Easy to navigate through links based on what’s required to care for a plant, so people can find what fits their needs
    • Sitemaps/Wireframes
    • Audience
    • Match plants with user’s lifestyle
    • Urban audience
    • Other proposal subtopics
    • Budget
    • Information Architecture Reflection
    • Justification
    • Explanation
    • Evidence
    • Citations


    To stay on task to meet our final deadline, we have assigned the following roles to the following team members:

    • Khemraj – Background
    • Naila – Purpose (Mission Statement, Overview)
    • Nikka – Site Maps/Wireframe
    • Khaled – Topic

    We intend to gather information pertaining to our topics and apply it accordingly. We will produce quality components that will contribute to the overall success of our project. 

  7. TO: Prof Ellis

    FROM: Kahini Chauhan, Jaida Clouden, Sphear Forde, Ronald Hinds

    DATE: April 26, 2023

    SUBJECT: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to present our team project outline about adolescent health and to present our English 3790 final team project plan we created utilizing the eight principles of Information Architecture.


    Introduction ( All group members)

    • Purpose of the proposed report
    • Topic of proposal
    • General Road Map

    Proposal Description

    Background (Ronald)

    Problem (Kahini)


    Other Proposed Parts

    Methodology (Jaida)

    Budget (Jaida)

    Scheduling (Jaida)

    Outline Description

    The project consists of different sections which will come together with uniformity through writing. In the introduction, we will introduce the proposal and inform the readers about the purpose of the proposal. We will also include a brief overview of the content they will find in the proposal. The target audience for this project is adolescents and parents of adolescents.  

     As listed above in the outline, Ronald will be researching the overall topic to gather background information. Kahini will then identify the problems related to the overall topic of the research. A main problem will be selected, for instance, not having enough resources or a lack of guidance from healthcare professionals, parents, or school counselors. Sphear will provide a solution to the problem. The solution will include improving and addressing the main problem selected. Jaida will provide how to implement the solution. This will all be done by analyzing the correct method, budgeting, and scheduling for the project. 

    Each role was assigned based on what each team member volunteered to complete. Although each member has their own role, all decisions will be made and discussed with all team members for ideas and input. After consulting with the team, the member will write down the finalized idea on the shared Google Docs, shared with all team members. 


    In this memo, we presented our team project outline about adolescent health. All team members will collectively come together to complete the project. Our end goal as a group is to provide adolescents with an outlet to learn more about their health. 


    • Citations 
    • Quotes 
    • Justification
    • Explanation why we made the decisions we did ( design of website) (Why we chose the citations)
    • use quotes from readings
    • Evidence for why the proposal to do things this way


    Our group consists of three Professional and Technical Writing majors with Biology as their specialization and one student with Public Health as his specialization. The core topic is Biology while using our knowledge in information architecture. We started with a few different topic ideas regarding Biology, including but not limited to adolescent health, organ functions, cancer, and asthma. After a group consensus, we decided to choose adolescent health with a focus on mental, physical, and emotional disorders. 


    Many prevalent adolescent disorders are overlooked because of a variety of reasons. Adolescents think that they know it all and are resistant to receiving suggestions for help. Experts, counsellors at school, teachers and parents also have to play a role in guiding the adolescents. Instagram, a social media website, and an offshoot of Facebook, allowed for fat shaming of teenage girls thereby reducing their self confidence. We believe the best way to bring attention to these disorders would be through an HTML website like ours.. Websites are a quick and easy way to relay information. Most people are also more likely to read the information on a website than on a white paper.

    To create the website, we plan to use GitHub. We will create a website on GitHub due to our present knowledge from the prior GitHub using the sitemap we created. With GitHub we practiced HTML, organizing principles, and linking strategies for the best user experience. All three team members have also created and published websites through GitHub. The website will have three main pages and two subpages for the three categories – mental, physical, and emotional health. The three main pages will include text with visuals. We will be using the IA design process, which consists of research and recommendation, deliverables, conceptual design, user testing, and implementation. 


    The background behind this proposal is the concern which we have for the good mental health and well-being for adolescents. We observed during the pandemic especially for adolescents in minority communities the healthcare obstacles which they faced including obesity, bad nutrition and even internet access which could be beneficial to their well being.

  8. To: Professor Ellis

    From: Sandy, Bria, and Lisette

    Date: May 1, 2023

    Subject: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to be able to share our project outline, as well as the role we are dividing within the group. 


    We have already decided that the purpose of our topic, the topic being Autism, is either for parents or the Department of Education. Parents because we want to be able to educate those who have children with Autism. And the DOE because we want to be able to try to have them share that information for all of the parents who are still in school, specifically City Tech. 


    • Examining 3 Levels of Autism
    • How Autism looks in the following age groups – Childhood, adolescents, and adulthood.
    • The reason why it’s important
    • Statistics (on what specifically we are still working on)
    • Sitemaps/wireframes
    • Explanations
    • Evidence
    • Citations 

    This week’s goal: 

    Starting with the proposed project background section in the outline, for this week we will gather information about the 3 levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Level 1: Sandy will work on level 1 of ASD, Aspergers Syndrome, and focus on how it is with children ranging from 1 to 12 years old. With level one being the highest-functioning form of Autism, the research will include symptoms exhibited, along with the strengths and challenges. 

    Level 2: Lisette will work on level 2 of ASD, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD), a low-functioning form of autism. She will be focusing on how it shows up in adolescents ranging from 13 to 17 years old. With their strong similarities in CDD and ASD, Lisette will explain why CDD is merged into Autism demonstrating its similar symptoms. 

    Level 3: Bria will work on level 3 of ASD, Kanner’s Syndrome which is known as Classic Autistic Disorder. She will be explaining how it shows up with adults 18 and older. She will also go through the symptoms and behaviors associated with this form of Autism. 


    We plan to equally divide up the work, finding adequate information for our respective sections of the project which will allow for everything to flow better on the website we plan to create. With there being parts of the website that will require a collective opinion we will come together and do the necessary work for this also. 

  9. To: Professor Ellis

    From: Sandy, Bria, and Lisette

    Date: May 1, 2023

    Subject: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to be able to share our project outline, as well as the role we are dividing within the group. 


    So for our outline, we have already decided that the purpose of our topic, the topic being Autism, is either for parents or the Department of Education. Parents because we want to be able to educate those who have children with Autism. And the DOE because we want to be able to try to have them share that information for all of the parents who are still in school, specifically City Tech. 


    • Examining 3 Levels of Autism
    • How Autism looks in the following age groups – Childhood, adolescents, and adulthood.
    • The reason why it’s important
    • Statistics (on what specifically we are still working on)
    • Sitemaps/wireframes
    • Explanations
    • Evidence
    • Citations 

    This week’s goal: 

    Starting with the proposed project background section in the outline, for this week we will gather information about the 3 levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Level 1: Sandy will work on level 1 of ASD, Aspergers Syndrome and focus on how it is with children ranging from 1 to 12 years old. With level one being the highest-functioning form of Autism,the research will include symptoms exhibited, along with the strengths and challenges. 

    Level 2: Lisette will be working on level 2 of ASD, Childhood Disintergrative Disorder (CDD), a low-functioning form of autism. She will be focusing on how it shows up in adolescents ranging from 13 to 17 years old. With there strong similarities in CDD and ASD, Lisette will explain why CDD is merged into Autism demonstrating its similar symptoms. 

    Level 3: Bria will be working on level 3 of ASD, Kanner’s Syndrome which is known as Classic Autistic Disorder. She will be explaining how it shows up with adults 18 and older. She will also go through the symptoms and behaviors associated with this form of Autism. 


    We plan to equally divide up the work, finding adequate information for our respective section of the project which will allow for everything to flow better on the website we plan to create. With there being parts of the website that will require a collective opinion we will come together and do the necessary work for this also.

  10. To: Professor Ellis

    From: Sandy, Bria, and Lisette

    Date: May 1, 2023

    Subject: Team Project Outline and Planning


    The purpose of this memo is to be able to share our project outline, as well as the role we are dividing within the group. 


    So for our outline, we have already decided that the purpose of our topic, the topic being Autism, is either for parents or the Department of Education. Parents because we want to be able to educate those who have children with Autism. And the DOE because we want to be able to try to have them share that information for all of the parents who are still in school, specifically City Tech. 


    • Examining 3 Levels of Autism
    • How Autism looks in the following age groups – Childhood, adolescents, and adulthood.
    • The reason why it’s important
    • Statistics (on what specifically we are still working on)
    • Sitemaps/wireframes
    • Explanations
    • Evidence
    • Citations 

    This week’s goal: 

    Starting with the proposed project background section in the outline, for this week we will gather information about the 3 levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Level 1: Sandy will work on level 1 of ASD, Aspergers Syndrome and focus on how it is with children ranging from 1 to 12 years old. With level one being the highest-functioning form of Autism,the research will include symptoms exhibited, along with the strengths and challenges. 

    Level 2: Lisette will be working on level 2 of ASD, Childhood Disintergrative Disorder (CDD), a low-functioning form of autism. She will be focusing on how it shows up in adolescents ranging from 13 to 17 years old. With there strong similarities in CDD and ASD, Lisette will explain why CDD is merged into Autism demonstrating its similar symptoms. 

    Level 3: Bria will be working on level 3 of ASD, Kanner’s Syndrome which is known as Classic Autistic Disorder. She will be explaining how it shows up with adults 18 and older. She will also go through the symptoms and behaviors associated with this form of Autism. 


    We plan to equally divide up the work, finding adequate information for our respective section of the project which will allow for everything to flow better on the website we plan to create. With there being parts of the website that will require a collective opinion we will come together and do the necessary work for this also. 

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