Hello, My name is Maria my preferred pronouns are she/her I am originally from Brooklyn, NY. I grew up in Crown Heights a unique place to be raised in my opinion. I currently reside in East New York a more rougher neighborhood. Academically I love English I enjoy to read and I feel like reading helps you have a visual image in your head and takes your mind on a journey. I was never really a math person. It makes my brain hurt. Growing up I loved girly stuff dressing up ,doing my hair and makeup and as I grew older doing makeup became a hobby for me then eventually turned into a side hustle. I still do my own make up not so much other people’s anymore due to work and school. When I am free I enjoy going to the gym. Definitely used to be a gym rat at some point I miss going 4 times a week, Guess that’s why I gained all the weight I lost back. Oh well. I am starting a new journey in my life. Becoming a college student was something I always wanted to do but after I graduated from high school I put school on pause to start working and helping my mother. Now that I have the opportunity to start I am excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time.

This picture Is meaningful to me because I took it when I was on my way to Puerto Rico. I peeked out the window and saw how beautiful the sky was and I realized that I wanted to see the world.

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