My name is Emily, I am majoring in radiology here at city tech. I’m Ecuadorian, I moved to NY when I was 5. My hobby is cars, I’ve always like cars since I was little. My dream car would either be a M3 or a skyline. I have my own car now which its not exactly what i wanted to get initially but its a start. Currently my car is down but I am working on fixing it with a couple of friends. Hopefully we don’t mess up more than it already is but my friend and I feel like we know enough to not mess anything up. I’m not so excited about college because it’s just another 2 years of school but so far I haven’t had a bad experience. I have to keep up with my grades so thats really important to me and to try and stay on track. I am excited to make friends, I’m a pretty calm person. I also do like sports I don’t keep up with it a lot but I football and basketball. I like photography and also some video games I only play call of duty most of the time.

The picture was my car last year after someone brake checked me 🙂