For Each Article:

YOUR Name:
Name of Article:

MLA Citation:   

Go to this website for more information:

Example: Author’s Name. “Article Name.” Publication Name or Book. Date Published. page numbers. website link:

Fake article by Prof. Edelson:

Darwin, Prince.  “A Dog’s Life.”  Dog Magazine.  March 6, 2021.

QUOTATION: “Your favorite thing the article says goes here.”


Write one sentence that states the Main Idea of the article

Write 1-3 paragraphs with the supporting ideas and points made in the article.


WHO is the person who wrote the article?  Background? Education?  How can I be sure I can trust them?

Have I fact checked the article?  How did I do that?

Who is the audience for the article?

What is the tone or style? Playful? Serious? Informative? Scholarly? Why is it written in this way?


What are my thoughts?

Did the article cover the important points?

Did the article represent the information fairly?

1 Comment

  1. Omarchinn

    Omar Chinn

    Eng 1101


                                                                Why are dogs so important 

    Heyward Giulia, “Miami-Dade’s therapy dogs are providing comfort to victims’ families” By The New Times June/27/2021

    Bowser, a therapy dog, helped victims in the “deadly Collapse of champlain towers south condos in surfside continue comforting their loved ones”. Even some people embraced Bowser and they sometimes took photos with him. Animal assisted therapy is an increasingly popular treatment for crisis and those who are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. That’s why a use of therapy dogs like Bowser helps reduce levels of stress and anxiety. This is why dogs are so important for humans because it can help them gain people’s confidence, give people love and attention.

    Bowser is a firefighter help dog. He is or was “ currently working to receive national certification to become a critical incident stress dog”. Basically means he could leave the state to help others who are endangered and in serious emergency situations. A weird fact I didn’t know was “ therapy animals were used in children’s hospitals as covid-19 decreased the number of visitors. The program was called the “ Buddy system” to help strategies to minimize departures from safety protocols and reduce stress.     

    “Giulia Heyward is a 2021-2022 reporting fellow for the National desk.

    Before coming to The New York Times, she was an intern at Politico, covering criminal justice reform in Florida, and CNN, where she covered culture and trends. She also freelanced for The Atlantic, Huffington Post and The New Republic. She is originally from Miami, and has both American and Italian citizenship”.

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