
Hi, my name is Omar Chinn, and yes I am Asian. Before y’all start asking, and have a lot more but I don’t want to get into that. My pronouns are He/Him. I’m very excited to meet you and work with you this semester.

My favorite things to do are playing my games, watching anime, reading mangas, and watching sports, especially basketball(my favorite team Knicks). I’m from the Bronx been living there my whole life and I’m still planning to live here forever( I’m lying). I’m pretty chill, I love to joke around with others, and easy to talk to so don’t get scared to talk to me even though I have a mean face got it from my mom letting y’all know. That’s all I have to say and I’m very excited to get to know y’all. o

1 Comment

  1. Carl Wendy simea

    Hey Omar

    There’s a gamer club and a manga club in case you didn’t know. You might wanna know more about it.

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