Prof. Jody R. Rosen | LH10 | Fall 2022


“Question?” by Irene Perino via Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0

Questions and Answers

Have questions or concerns that you’re comfortable asking publicly? Ask them here! Either ask them as a comment below, or write a post using the category ENG 1101 Q&A. You can always ask me directly and privately by emailing me at jrrosen AT

Have answers, follow-up questions, or just want to add something? Feel free to join the conversation! When we crowdsource information, anyone can ask and anyone can answer questions or help shape the conversation.

To get this Q&A forum started: everyone has questions when starting college–about the course, the syllabus, the agendas, what a FYLC is, what you’re supposed to be doing, if you’re where you’re supposed to be, how to find something at City Tech, anything and everything! Add a question to our Q&A fourm. If you have the answer to someone’s question, answer it (lots of crowdsourcing potential here)!


  1. Jody R. Rosen

    I’ll get us started.
    Q: What obstacles are students facing with joining the course, and how can I help remove those obstacles?

    Relatedly, did you know that you can do all of your work for our course so far without having an OpenLab account? Just put in your name (or initials) and email address (won’t show on the site when your comment is published) and add your comment!

  2. Alberto Jeanpierre

    How do students know if they are on track?

    Well just ask the teacher or make sute all your work is posted/submitted on open lab. If you still have difficulty, then asl the teacher or make sure they follow up with your wok so u can be certain u are on track

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