Q1. This term I learned about being a reader, writer, and a scholar. As a reader this term I learned it that it helps you a lot with vocabulary and could help you in the real world with speech. You can learn a lot from reading for example this semester I learned that schools are killing students’ curiosity. Teachers would tell these young students to not ask any questions which kills their curiosity. These questions help me understand the topic more but not allowing them to ask them won’t help them understand. This shows how you can learn many things from reading that you didn’t know before

As a writer this term I’ve learned a lot.  I learned that is very important to check your work to see if it sounds good or to even check grammatical errors. Before I learned this, I would never go over my work and check my work and now I understand how important it is to do it. But I think the most important thing I learned as a writer that you can write anything thing down when you have writers block because it’s better to write anything instead of writing nothing. It helped me a lot when I was having trouble doing these projects, I would just write anything that came to mind to help me get rid of that writer’s block.

As a scholar this year I’ve learned a lot and I’m beyond grateful for it. One thing I learned is time management it’s something you need to be good at it if not you are going to have a hard time during the school year. Not only did time management help me with schoolwork it helped me a lot with my job and my personal life. Time management is something everyone needs to learn. I also learned now in college never to procrastinate or it’s just going to harder for yourself in the long run. Always try to make everything easier for yourself.

Q2. I think the most important thing I can use from what I learned this semester school is to Always look over your work when you finish it.Now know now how important it is to look over your work to see any errors you made or if you wrote down makes any sense or even if you can add more to the work. Looking back at your work can go a long way and it doesn’t even take up much of your time.I’ll be using this in many other classes later on in my college years moving foward.

Q3. Comparing and contrasting my work from earlier in the semester till now I would say I slacked off a bit and you can see that in Unit 3. Earlier in the semester I was very excited for the work and the projects we were given but towards the end I felt bored of the projects we were given, and I started to burn out because of all the work that was being given but I’m looking to end off the year strong with this being our last project.

Q4. My favorite assignment of this whole semester was definitely the Unit 2 RAB. This project was my favorite because it got me to research about a topic I was interested in and that was films. I learned many things about films like how they impact our society in positive and negative ways. I also got to learn the deeper meanings in some movies. My least favorite project was Unit 3 because I just didn’t have fun doing it at all. Especially with the genre part I had a hard time choosing it and understanding how to make my project an exact genre.

Q5. Some notable lessons I learned from completing some of these assignments is that I’m not the only one that messes up when writing professional writers mess up all the time. I liked learning how some these writers have trouble because it made me feel better about messing up in my writing and how the best to mess up too. I also learned how important it is to make sure my writing flows perfectly for the reader so they can understand my writing. I never want to confuse my readers with my reading ever again.

Q6. I think what changed the most in my writing while we kept doing new assignments is my vocabulary. I learned many new words and also how to make sure I’m using the correct vocab while writing or even speech. Vocab helps a lot in reading and in the real world.

Q7. The decisions I made for my assignments about content and design were to make sure whatever I wrote down made sense and make sure it all flowed together and didn’t sound choppy. I wanted to make sure the readers know what I’m talking about, and for it to make sense to them. I was never a good writer when I was younger and I wanted to prove that I could be a writer than I ever was in school this semester.

Q8. My beliefs about writing were that writing is something that not everyone is able to perfect and be good at. I say this because you can have many problems like vocab or being able to make it flow. Writing is something not many people care about because it might seem too hard for them. The assumptions I had for myself is that I would never be a good writer because I would never be able to get the message, I went to get a across in a right way. But all of that has changed. I think I’m much better writer than I thought I was, it all just matter if I want to give it my all.

Q9. My experience revising my work was very positive. I am very proud of my writing this semester I think it’s the best writing I’ve ever done but I know it can better. I will continue to write more and become better. I didn’t think my writing could improve but it definitely has throughout the course. Before this semester I never revised my work and would just submit unfinished work or just sloppy work. I’m glad I got to build these good habits in writing.

Q10. The challenge I had this semester was making sure my writing made sense and wasn’t all over the place. What helped me was doing the RAB in parts instead of doing it all at once. It helped me focus on one thing at once and make sure I put all my focus on part and then move onto the next and put my all focus into that part, I think I got over this problem, but I don’t think I’ve perfected it which I’ll be continuing to work on. All of the work we’ve received this semester challenged be as a writer and as a scholar but it has made me better as both as time passed. I will continue to challenge my self as a writer and as a scholar.