Q1 I have learned so much about myself during this term. I contemplate that throughout the term I have improved in many ways as a reader, writer, and scholar. When it comes to being a reader, It helps with people that have stress and need improvement in vocabulary. The more you read the more you build social-emotional skills. I learned that setting reading goals would help you become a better reader as well as annotating the text. For example, “I always had issues with coping with my emotions which had me struggle during the time being in the retention situation. Some students may suffer with coping skills and it takes them awhile to cope with their emotions and behavior.” This shows that the more you read the more it reduces your stress level.

In this term, I learned a lot about myself as a writer. I learned that i should always go back and proof read my writing because there might be some errors to correct. As a writer, you must know about critical thinking to become a better writer. The writing piece needs to be concise and proper grammar. The more you write the more information you can collect. For instance, “An example of standard written can be when we talk or write to someone its because we need respect to be shown. Standard written english deals with grammar, punctuation and vocabulary.” This tells me that, as a writer practice makes perfect, that you should always make sure the writing has strong reasoning and that you are going to be confident with the grade you will receive.

I learned so much throughout the term as a scholar which made me become a better version of myself. I learned that time management is important especially when it comes to education. The lesson that I learned was to advocate for myself and If I am stuck on a certain topic alway ask for assistance. “Little did I know, my procrastination kicked in because I had a bad habit of leaving assignments for last minute or even not attempting them. From then on, I learned my learned my lesson on procrastination and began to do my assignments earlier than they are usually due.Towards, the end of the year I knew right off the bat I was going to have bad consequences. There are pros and cons about being held back in a grade. In other words, I was the type of student was absent often and that told me that issue increases the risk of me getting held back as I did.” I agree with this quote because this was something that was constantly being done.

Q2 The skills that I have collected from this semester so far that I will be capable to transfer to other writing situations is pulling apart the writing piece into separate sections so that it can be less complex when I begin the piece. I will be capable to meet the deadlines, manage and prioritize tasks as well as motivating myself to complete any assignments that are needed to be accomplished. Therefore, I will be capable of thinking positive. I will proof read my work to make sure there is no errors in the writing piece.  I contemplate that fear can prevent me from growing and progressing which means that would be something that I would need to overcome.

Q3 In order to compare and contrast my work that I did early in the term, I would say that there is no difference in my writing. I was angry with the results after completing the RAB project. I should have used my time wisely and manage it the proper way. I would say that I need to work on procrastination going forward. In the beginning of the semester, we began with annotation and critical thinking based on several topics. Then, as we are coming to an end of the semester, we are currently revising and brainstorming to finalize for the portfolio.

Q4 My least favorite assignment was the unit 2 RAB because I was very stressed having to get the minimum of about 2,000 words and the correct lay out professor wanted. My favorite assignment was on annotating “The Markers Eye” because it taught me the importance of revising and the role it plays on becoming a better writer.

Q5 The notable lessons that have been stuck with me is focusing on positivity and learning to have patience. Therefore, as a writer we all make mistakes so we can learn from it. The article written by Donald M. Murray called “The Maker’s Eye”. It gave me a new way to look after my work after I completed it. In the past, I would always have a bad habit of not checking for grammatical errors and just handing it in. Now that I have learned some strategies, I would brainstorm ideas If it is necessary to do so.

Q6 My vocabulary has improved as the genres changed. When you read many different genres it improves the vocabulary and the writing skills. The purpose of this to help you identify how people are throughout the writing. The more you read in different genres the more you dig deeper into the story to find out more in the text. Genre lets the reader know what to expect in the writing.

Q7 The decisions I made in my assignments about content and design were to make sure that everything in my writing piece was narrowed down for my readers. I gathered plenty of information for my assignment which would meet the criteria. I made sure that my writing piece was valid enough by having enough details included.

Q8 My beliefs on writing is that writing is a process and it is something that takes a person awhile to make a good writing piece sound interesting for readers to read. Everyone does have the capacity to write, writing can be taught and professors can help the student become better at writing. The more effort that is being put into the writing the more better you will be in writing. My early beliefs about myself was that I would not think negative based on what I am capable of accomplishing.

Q9 There aren’t assignments that I have revised yet. Therefore,  I am currently working on revising, but last week we went back to revising assignments we did in the beginning of the semester which is  “Time Capsule” in class to basically visualize any difference from the beginning to now. Overall, thinking back at the assignments I feel like I should have put more time into the work instead of not proof reading it to make sure there is no errors.

Q10. In this semester, I found that grammar was challenging for me in this course. I always had a bad habit of misspelling any word or leaving out any punctuation wherever it is needed. I feel like it was challenging because of slang as well. Sentences can be predominantly with slang which can be complex for anyone who doesn’t understand what the writer means.