I’m finally at the end of my first college year and I can say I’m happy on how I did my second semester but also disappointed because I ended burning out towards the past few weeks. Life has been hectic with work, school , and personal matters but now school is about to end I’m going to end it on a high note.  I did achieve my goals this semester and I think I did well but could’ve done better.I feel like I’ve become a better writer in this English course and will definitely use what I learned in other school work. I’ve made a friend along the way that has helped me a lot for the short amount of time we’ve been friends. I feel way better than how I did in the beginning of the semester I stopped thinking of the negative and putting my self down I’m in a much better place now. There’s new hobbies I’m pursuing now and I feel amazing about it. In overall I’m happy how this semester went