So far what I have learned in this internship is that I should ask the client first of all what the project goal is. What the deliverables look like, deadlines, and also if they have existing content to share with me. If they have previous versions of the event that is also super helpful. I should also keep an eye out for logos to include and if they should have a specific size. When designing for something that needs to become a banner and social media post it’s better to just design the poster and then take elements of that poster and convert it. I should also have a sketch one week after, as well as have the poster ready one month in advance of the actual deadline if possible. If the deadline is tight I should just focus on the content.

On our second project during training, we did personal posters, and that project allowed me to illustrate. I learned along the way that leaving things white is usually not the answer as it is bland. But for our final and last project for the training, we did a group project on designing something like a campaign. I was in charge of the postcards and through that, I really learned that we’re designing for a client with a specific purpose in mind. There should be a reason why you choose certain colors, imagery, and body copy. For me, the struggle in this project was thinking about the purpose of the design. Where would the postcard be placed? Would it be mailed out to students if it’s a postcard trying to convince students to be vaxxed? There was a lot to consider and in the end, me and my team thought a digital postcard and zoom backgrounds would be best.