The attire at my company should be casual formal or formal. I dress in a plain colored t-shirt with no distracting designs. The typical employee week is to first send out an introduction meeting with your client. From then on you schedule a meeting to figure out what they need. Afterward, you schedule a meeting for the following week after but before you meet with the client or provide them the sketches you meet with the design team once every week to show our work. After the meeting, we leave and work on revisions or suggestions made by the members of the team. My mentor provided me his number to contact if I have any questions but I email if it’s not urgent.  My fellow interns have a group chat to ask questions or to ask for feedback. The software I use to manage my projects is an excel sheet we all write down the date, purpose, and outcome of the meeting in our own ways.

Overall when I attended summer training, I actually learned some pretty valuable things. We have a manual to refer to and organization is key. We were taught to organize our files in two folders named semester files and master files. The semester files were for us to put whatever we wanted in it and master files would only be for our final projects. We would have to send that out to our director eventually so it had to be perfect. Getting used to revision is a big thing as well especially as an entree graphic designer. I know for sure I didn’t come in the strongest in body copy and spacing but I am learning things like how the text should fit the shape, not the other way around. At the beginning of our summer internship we designed a poster for City Tech writer.