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Shitty First Drafts

Now that you have written your first drafts, what  term would you use to encapsulate your first drafts (well, other than shitty). Think about how you felt when writing , afterwards, or during/after our peer review conference. Do you think that word will follow through to your final drafts? If so, why or why not? Will it change, and why? Define that word that describes your first draft and explain why it captures your first draft through examples.


  1. D'Andre Samuel

    The term I would use is lacking because right after writing I was worried about my introduction as I felt it wasn’t enough and the overall length of my draft added to that feeling of it not being enough. However, I doubt that word will continue to my final drafts as after reading the Professor comments on it, and hearing from someone else that my introduction works was a good boost. Also working on it afterwards helped even more as the length issue becomes less of a problem each time.

    • Christopher Dominguez

      I also felt my introduction was lacking also, but I would suggest adding the origin of the word and how it came to be.

    • Naomi Quizhpi

      I also felt the same way about my first draft, I felt like there could have been more added on to it or that it was just too empty. But at the end, it is just a first draft and there can be much more added to it later on

    • chandlerwu

      sometimes people don’t know how to write an introduction because one they don’t know where to start or know very little information on the topic.

  2. John C

    After we reviewed my first draft and looked at the comments that were left, I’m not to sure if the word I used will continue on to my final draft. There is a lot more I have to add on to my draft but not to sure how to add it once I have an idea on how to make it more personal than I could continue with that same word. If not I will have to find another word or phrase that I could use to be able to make my essay more personal. a word that describes my first draft would be “ongoing” since I just tried to get all my ideas out on paper and didn’t really organize my sentences.

  3. Vincent Huang

    The term I would use for my first draft is messy since my draft is jumbled and it lacks structure. While I was writing it I wrote whatever I felt flowing into my mind at the moment and would just write a big chunky paragraph. After reviewing my first draft I got a better sense into having structure in my draft. I believe that word will change through my final draft because I will structure my final draft better and add more information to link it back to my word.

    • Naomi Quizhpi

      I too felt like my draft was a bit messy, I was just trying to put anything on to my draft. Any information was good enough to be placed on there, but later on i will be organizing everything to make sure that it’s more clean for the the final submission.

    • chandlerwu

      the same thing happen to me two my idea was all of the place. it happen to all of us.

    • Shake

      Also agree, I strongly agree with the idea of lack of structure my piece had. The ideas did correlate with one and another but how they were put together could’ve been a bit better.


    Now that I have written my first draft, i think I would keep up with the same word even knowing that it would be difficult to complete the four pages with it.I dont to change it because i feel like I can search and tell a lot mores stories of that specific word. FUFU is an African Traditional food eating especially in West Africa. I feel like working on this on this word can help me discover more about my country. .

  5. Eric R

    The term I would use to describe my first draft is incomplete because I haven’t gotten all my ideas onto my draft which caused me not to finish it leaving it a little bit unorganized but I already have the main idea of what I’m supposed to write about. Which would make my essay more structured. I believe the word will change throughout my essay once I get my ideas onto my essay and then start to organize my essay into a structured one.

  6. Hussain

    The term I would use is unorganized because I reorganized it but I am not so sure weather or not it fits. I think that I did well after I relocating the paragraphs but I don’t know weather it looks as something makes sense or not. I don’t think that for a reader it might appear as nonsense or not but for me it looks different from what I started. I hope it became better and I can get a good grade for it. I don’t know weather or not the new things I added were suppose to be there.

  7. chandlerwu

    The term I would use is unclear ideas. I felt I was on the right track with the ideas in the first draft. I believe my word will follow through. I have a lot of ideas that will go well with the word. reviewing the first draft I feel like i can add more to the ideas that are all ready down. there are many thing to do with the word devil fruit. like where the devil fruit came to be.

  8. Noelia

    the term i would use is unorganized . I feel like it was all over the place . I started with something than automatically jumped into something else .I Truly believe mines sounded good just not the way i wrote it (if that makes sense ) .But my final draft will definitely be improved.

    • Amina Umaralieva

      I also think that my piece is unorganized and messy at some stages! However, it is good that we realized it before submitting the final draft, in order to avoid this problem again, and I hope we were able to solve it and did not repeat that again…

  9. Naomi Quizhpi

    I term that sums up my first draft is unorganized. The reason I choose to use this term for my first draft is because when I was writing out my first draft, the main thing I wanted to do was to write down things that were associated with the word that I have choose. I wanted all the ideas that I had in mind an put on the paper, because of this a lot of things were all over the place as well as grammar mistakes.

    • Isaaclou

      My piece was unorganized as well as I could not think of much to write after a little while. Upon the first couple ideas I wrote down I found it pretty difficult to find the words needed to continue.

  10. JaidenL56

    The term I would use is incomplete. I say this because I didn’t explain much and also I could’ve added more info to it. But since it’s just the first draft I can always change it and add more ideas to it.

    • Shake

      I agree with this post. I wish I could’ve explained some things a bit more and really elaborate on some ideas. I feel like memory played a part which I was not able to fully remember some things from the past being that my papers topic had to do with the past.

  11. Christopher Dominguez

    The term I would use to describe my first draft is incomplete. This is because I didn’t explain my background before introducing the word. This would cause people to not know from what perspective Im writing. I also need to add more so I could meet the page requirements.

    • Isaaclou

      Very relatable. Once explaining your background it becomes a lot easier to formulate your thoughts to where you can express yourself and meet page requirements.

  12. Amina Umaralieva

    The term I would use is “unorganized”. Going through my first draft all over again I started thinking that my piece of paper happened to seem confusing at some point and the reader could get confused by messy lines or be questioning why I decided to mention some things, for example my family’s attitude towards certain stuff.

    Besides that after my conversation with the professor I understood I was not realizing that my topic is related basically to every single one from all over the world which makes my first draft “hasty” as well and I should have clarified that my point of view and choice of word was based on my own experience and I do understand that it is just one forms of demonstration of how people can treat badly others for being “different”.

    • Christopher Dominguez

      Unorganized was also a word I was contemplating using to describe my draft. This was because I was just putting Ideas on my draft, not thinking about how the ideas would flow. This would have confused the reader, but I fixed this problem when completing the first project.

  13. Isaaclou

    The term I would use to describe my first draft is unfinished. I say this because for what I wrote, I think I have a good idea but it is just majorly unfinished. With speaking about editing, its pretty easy to enter a flow state where I can describe the act of editing and how it makes me feel so what I had to do the most was as actually write more and flesh out my thoughts.

  14. Melissa Creese

    My first draft was incomplete because I had two pages and I ran out of things to say. On the other hand, the draft does explain the word I’m using in my community.


      Yeah it seems like we both have somekinds of similar moments because that somehow happened to me too when I was in the middle of my draft I was changing the words whether I’m gonna use the word deception on corruption.


    When I was doing my first draft I was kind of confused with what words I am gonna use.The reason why is that I chose the word deception but I thought I had to do something like what is deception is but it was the opposite. I had to chose my community and it should be like how can I relate the word to my community.

  16. Shake

    The term id use to describe my first draft would be scatter. I feel as if my ideas were just thrown on a paper. However they did follow an order but some thoughts were just a bit messy and I personally wanted to explain the idea a bit more. But overall just not in order is how id describe the first draft I wrote.

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