Category: Project 1 (Page 1 of 3)

UNIT 2, Day 1: Wed. March 8th

  • Choose a TOPIC for Project 2. Make sure Prof. Coleman approves the topic! 


  • Use the Project 2: Brainstorming handout to do a free write on your topic. Write a 100-250 word free write on your topic. You do not have to do any research, just write what comes to mind! Here are the two questions you should use to drive your writing: What do you know about the topic? What would you like to learn about the topic?

UNIT 1, Day 5: Wed. Feb. 22nd

Project 1: Step 2: Write a description of your word or phrase AND show the word or phrase in action. It should be about 750 words in total.

Bring into class a print copy.

DUE Feb. 27th

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