INTRO, Day 1: Wed. Jan 25th

Introductory writing assignment. Choose 1 (or 2) of the following prompts to write a response to! Write at least 150-200 words!Ā 

    • What are your favorite hobbies, activities or things to do? Why? How often do you do them?
    • Describe a book or a person or a movie or a game that has had a profound influence in your life. Why? Explain!Ā 
    • Whatā€™s a current issue in the news/on social media that you have strong opinions about?
    • Describe a goal you have for your futureā€”what is your plan to achieve it?
    • Describe a life event from which you learned a lesson that changed you forever
    • What are you hoping to achieve as a result of taking this writing class?


  1. Mamadou

    1. I would say basketball is one of my top priority hobbies as thereā€™s many upsides to playing the sport and for the overall consensus, itā€™s something I really enjoy playing. Iā€™ve been playing basketball since elementary.
    2. One book series that has influenced the way I view things is Harry Potter. Youā€™re introduced to a character who is courageous enough to discover all new secrets and mysteries whilst having a band of friends along the way. Thereā€™s more to than what meets the eye with Harry Potter but this is generally how my life is. Itā€™s also given me the knowledge of being logical in the most unprecedented predicaments. Hermione is my favorite character.
    3. Republicans v Democrats – you canā€™t even call this an issue anymore, itā€™s more so an ever-growing migraine. I just donā€™t understand why these two parties always feel the need to go back and forth about set policies or other gossip when in reality, the best decision should be the decision that is passed through. Though one can argue how ā€œthe best decisionā€ is not the ideal solution to things, to which I agree. However, thereā€™s more conflict than there is resolution.
    4. My goal for the future is set on graduating college, getting my degree and exploring vast career fields within my major group. I feel as though this is bland but Iā€™m set on a mission in college, practically locked in. As for family things, I do want to get married down the road.
    5. My 7th grade English teacher was fed up with how my classmates and I were constantly derailing the class subject and wasting time to teach the curriculum so after that one particular day, weā€™d come in the classroom and be presented with quizzes weā€™d have never even been taught about. It was his attempt at showing us that class material (as well as time) should never be taken advantage of especially in a given school setting. From that point forward, Iā€™ve been on top of my stuff.
    6. Iā€™m pretty much looking forward to doing these projects with the intent of learning something but the overall goal is to get an A, nothing less.
  2. KarriemTaylor

    One of my favorite things to do is to watch sports like Basketball and Football. I like to watch games live from home on tv, in person, or highlights from the N.B.A (National Basketball Association) or N.F.L (National Football League). My second favorite thing to do is play video games on my PlayStation 5 console. What I’m hoping to achieve as a result of taking this writing class is to get better at writing, reading, analyzing text, and to overall get better at being a technical writer. A goal I have for the future is to not just pass my classes but to really get good grades and actually learn and understand the information being taught in all my classes. My plan to achieve this is to really focus and take each assignment serious. Also, to come to class on time every day and while in class I want to actually pay attention to the lessons to make it easier for myself when completing assignments.

  3. Mayra Penafiel

    When it comes to my future, now more then ever before iā€™ve thought about the goals i set long term, there are many goals i want to accomplish through my lifetime but there are also many goals i must think about now so i can keep working towards it step by step. The goal i consider to be my main is get my degree, I am currently majoring in computer science and i know it can take me far in life financially, since computer science takes a lot of dedication and work, itā€™s a long term goal but throughout the next couple years it will be broken into steps as i get my degree, taking more learning classes and eventually get a job where i can settle in, once i settle in the rest of my goals will likely set into place all together. Another goal i have that i hope to be soon, is get a car by 20; iam currently 18 which means i have 2 years more to keep saving so i can buy myself a car, but another goal that goes with this one is getting my drivers license by 19 which means i only have a year left about, although i already have my permit which makes me a step closer to my goal. There is this one life goal i have that adds it all together, which is at least to have my own house at 25-26 years old, with having my own house i can settle into my own life and know iā€™m stable and living the life iā€™ve dreamt of. When it comes to goals i set them to predict my future because this way i know all the dedication and work i do now, will have its purpose in life towards the future.

  4. Santiago Jimenez

    One of my favorite hobbies has always been video games. When I was little I had a small interest in video games but at one point I didn’t know what it even meant to like video games. My small but growing obsession with video games started when my grandmother sent me a used pink Nintendo Ds that used to be my aunts. The small video game device was the first that I had encountered that I could call my own so  it will always have a special place in my heart. At first it came with two games that I didn’t like very much but over time people started giving me more so I started to play more and more often, as I increased the amount of time I spent playing I came to the realization that I liked video games. The next time i spoke to my uncle from my dads side of the family I told him all about my Nintendo something that he didnā€™t seem too interested on but the next time he visited he brought with him a Wii, i think he  may have miss understood when i told him Nintendo but i was grateful non the less and it even came with a 3D game something that my Nintendo Ds was never able to run. These two consoles were the start of my favorite hobby.

  5. Justin He

    Video games have had a huge impact on my life and continue to do so. When I was a small child I didn’t have time to spend with my parents since they were always at work and I also didn’t have any friends since I just moved to America. That’s where video games came in. I fell in love with it spending hours every day after school playing Warframe. It was an escape for me almost. but Video games work in different ways, for me it was just entertainment but that’s not all it can provide the end entertainment, education, and even provide therapeutic benefits to those who play them. From providing a way to socialize and connect with friends virtually to helping people with their mental health, video games can be used to improve lives. Additionally, video games can help people develop new skills, such as problem-solving, strategy, and creativity.

  6. Gregory

    I really only have 2 main hobbies, PC building and video games. Video games and PCā€™s have been a near constant in my life for as long as I can remember, not because my parents or any family member works in the tech sector, itā€™s because my father brought a laptop for the novelty of it and Iā€™ve been obsessed with such things ever since. Iā€™ve always spent my younger days simply doing things as fast as possible simply so I can make a b-line back to my seat in front of that laptop. I recall that at some points my parents got angry with me because I left something half-baked so I could go back to playing games on my PC. Of course as I grew older Iā€™ve gained more self control over my hobby, but I also began to expand my knowledge of my devices to the point where I even brought new desktops simply so I can tinker and upgrade parts to increase its efficiency.

  7. Zair Mardio

    One of my Favorite Hobby is to Trade Options Contracts. I enjoy trading contracts because it’s a source of addtional income. It is fun to see how different economies effect each other, like there would be news that can move the chart significantly making it very exciting for a higher potentional of making more money. I would trade 3 times a week using RoobinHood even though it is not the best, I like the bits of information they give and their format. Ofcource there are other places to buy or sell contracts like Webull but, using the Simple process of using TradingView for the chart and RobinHood for the exchange process I find more enjoyable. 

    A game that has Influenced my life is “The Last Of Us” (which is now Series) which taught me about how life can take away loved ones, people that you care about and overcoming your struggles through time. There is a lot that can be learned from the story, not only is the gameplay keeping you on your toes but you also create a deep connection with the characters. Making you invested in wanting more from the game and creates anticipation for what happens next. It is one of the best games that I have ever played and highly rated by everyone I’ve met that has played the game.

  8. Miguel

    Everyone has hobbies and I am no exception. Since childhood, my hobbies have been increasing and changing, such as swimming, playing basketball, and playing badminton. However, the most unforgettable hobby in my memory has always been loving animals and watching documentaries about animals. I was interested in animals because of the environment I lived in when I was young, and the rural environment allowed me to see all kinds of different animals. In the spring of every year, my grandfather would go to the town to buy several newly born geese and bring them up at home. I often followed my grandfather to lead the geese to the rice fields that had been harvested so that they could eat the rice and worms in the fields that had been left behind during the harvest. Before I came to the United States I raised many animals, such as parrots, cats, dogs, pigeons, fish, and rabbits. Now I have given up the idea of continuing to raise animals due to the environmental restrictions here. However, my love for animals has never changed. In my free time, I often spend time watching animal documentaries and studying the living habits of animals.

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