Daily Writing: Magazine Article Summary, Defining a Term, and Two Bibliographic Citations

For today’s beginning of class writing assignment, create a memo addressed to a co-worker whose name you make up. A suggested subject line is “Interesting article about ___”. The blank should be filled in with a term, phrase, or an example of jargon contained in the article.

In the body of your memo, write a brief summary of the article (only 2-3 sentences). In your summary, mention the term that you selected from the article.

Then, start a new paragraph and explain that you looked up the term in the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines it as: “quote from the OED” (“term”, year).

End your memo with a new section titled “References.”

Write APA citations for the article and the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary.

Here’s some information about using the Oxford English Dictionary (on-campus link or off-campus link). In the search box on OED.com, type in your term and hit enter. While the OED has most words in the English language, it might not have all technical jargon. If you can’t find a term, you can switch to a different term for the purposes of this exercise.

When you quote a definition from the OED in your memo, put quotation marks around the definition and end the sentence with a parenthetical citation like this: (“Term,” year).

To find out the year of publication, Click the “Cite” link on each OED definition to quickly get the bibliographic information that you need, but you will need to reformat it in APA style as I have demonstrated below for your references list.

RAM, n.6. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/269056.


integrated, adj., b. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/97354.

Be sure to remove/correct the proxy information in the URL if you’re off campus.

23 thoughts on “Daily Writing: Magazine Article Summary, Defining a Term, and Two Bibliographic Citations”

  1. To:Professor Ellis
    From:Karmoko Sillah
    Subject: Interesting article on security software for malware

    In the article, “Invisible Malware Is Here and Your Security Software Can’t Catch It”, the article gives insight into what malware is, and how it is used to perform attacks against other vulnerable users in order to steal important information. The author offers a solution to this by identifying the positive virtues of having Endpoint Detection and response software which first detect malware and quickly notify you so that you can remove it. He also offers another solution where he informs readers to constantly move their data through protected cloud platforms.One of the best EDR software programs are SentinelOne.

    The word which I looked up on the oxford website is firmware: “A permanent form of software built into certain kinds of computer”(“firmware”, 2019).

    Firmware, n. (2019) In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/70603?redirectedFrom=firmware+#eid
    Rash, W., Rash, W., & Rash, W. (2019, April 25). PCMag. Invisible Malware Is Here and Your Security Software Can’t Catch It.

  2. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Amir Radoncic
    DATE: 09/17/2019

    SUBJECT: Interesting article about “Perspectives of Block chain Technology, its Relation to the Cloud and its Potential Role in Computer Science Education”
    In this article, it explains how block chain ledgers and the cloud are a perfect match; they go hand to hand. Block chain technology is defined as a tampered proof shared ledger that is there to record information throughout the transactions online. Block chain was initially developed for Bitcoin. BC records information of the cryptocurrency so thus can provide enough information to the company to either increase their fund in Bitcoin or pull money out if necessary.

    The word that I searched up is found in this quote, “which is cryptographically and uniquely identified with a Merkle root hash of all constituent hashes, and b) that each Block is permanently “Chained” to its immediate predecessor-Block”
    Purdon, I. (n.d.). Perspectives of Blockchain Technology, its Relation to the Cloud and its Potential Role in Computer Science Education . Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=7&sid=07784fd6-2878-46a6-9d45-94211049c6af@sessionmgr4008
    “Chain, v.” OED Online. Oxford University Press, September 2019. Web. 17 September 2019.

  3. To: E. Thompson
    From: J. Corona
    Date: 09/17/2019
    Subject: Here is an interesting article about hobbyist.
    “The Weird Joys Of World Building” by Clive Thompson is about people are finding new ways to express themselves using technology. Specifically, they are building things virtually in games. Games like Minecraft have opened a new form of expression that is being utilized by world building hobbyists.

    I looked up the word “hobbyist” in the Oxford English Dictionary to get a better understanding of the word. Here is the definition: “a person devoted to a hobby (sometimes used with a connotation of crankiness)”(Hobbyist, 2019).

    Hobbyist. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/87460?redirectedFrom=hobbyist#eid1410295

  4. TO: Jean Jabon
    FROM: Daniel Lawrence
    DATE: 9/17/2019
    SUBJECT: :I’ve been reading an interesting article about innovation.
    The article discuss the importance of S.T.E.A.M’s inclusion into school and its affect on students behavior. The article shows a percentage of more then 80 agreeing that hands on learning is the best way to learn and an estimated 20 that it helps with the confidence of students in classrooms. All based on the innovative learning methods a program like STEAM can offer.
    I looked up the term in the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines it as: “the alteration of what is established by the introduction of new elements or forms.” (innovation, 2019)
    (2019). Brick by Brick: More and More Schools Embrace STEAM.Wired. 27.09
    “innovation, n.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, September 2019, http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/96311. Accessed 17 September 2019.

  5. To: Mark Deeb
    From: Eric Llerena
    Date: 9/17/2019
    Subject: Interesting Article about Giants

    The world changed forever after an amazing discovery. On March 13, 1781, Friedrich Wilhelm discovered the “comet” was actually Uranus. Later on the world didn’t just discover Uranus but Neptune as well and they were named the ice giants due to the lack of hydrogen and obtaining other elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.
    The word I decided to look up on the OED Dictionary was comet; “A celestial object typically following a greatly elongated elliptical orbit around the sun and appearing, when in the inner solar system, as a slow-moving, starlike head surrounded by a diffuse luminous envelope or coma and with one or more long tails directed away from the sun” (“comet,” 2019).
    Comet, (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/36875?redirectedFrom=comet#eid

  6. TO: Thomas
    FROM: Ervin
    DATE: 9/17/2019
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about tips

    Although waiters and waitresses get wages also, their minimum wage is actually different from non-tipped jobs. In many states, the minimum wage for tipped jobs is just above $2.00 per hour, making the servers dependent on tips to make an earning. And this is one of the causes of poverty in the US it’s not a guaranty that they will definitely make a sustainable earning.

    I also look up the term tips in Oxford English Dictionary, and the meaning for tips is “A small present of money given to an inferior, esp. to a servant or employee of another for a service rendered or expected; a gratuity, a douceur: see tip v.4 2. Also, a present of money given to a schoolboy by an older person.”(“tips”, 2019). Now it’s being used as the wage for a large group of people as what they survive on.

    Semuels, A. (2019, Sept). Mississippi Rising. Times, 194, 40-49
    tip, n.3. (2019) In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieve from http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/202353.

  7. To: Daniel Kuang
    FROM: Huzaifa Anas
    DATE: 9/17/2019
    SUBJECT: Democratization of crosswords

    Peter Rubin in his article discusses the evolution of crosswords starting from the first one published by the New York Times in 1942, and how it’s leading authority in cruciverbalism is being challenged. by the internet. The field is being democratized by no longer having editors force things like zoology or botany into the spotlight. According to Rubin “ The Internet didn’t only allow for congregation, it also created new routes for publication”, which is shown by Chicago Reader and AVCX, which has empowered people to create their crosswords and effectively share them (Rubin, 2019, p. 78).

    The word Crossword is what I looked up, which according to the Oxford English Dictionary means “In full crossword puzzle. A puzzle in which a pattern of chequered squares has to be filled in from numbered clues with words which are written usually horizontally and vertically, occasionally diagonally. Also attributive and in other combinations.” (Crossword, 2019).

    Magazine: Rubin, P. (2019). OUTSIDE THE BOXES. WIRED, 27(09), 75–79.

    Crossword, noun., a. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/44952?redirectedFrom=crossword#eid

  8. To: Michellel Persaud

    From: Burhan Saeed


    Subject: Interesting article about Miniscule pollutants that can put unborn children at risk

    The world is becoming a dangerous place to live on. Pollution is everywhere, if you live by a major road, or near a plant industrial area you can be inhaling the air that is laced with miniscule pollutants.These laced air are very dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn kids. And recent studies show how too much inhaling of that air can cause serious damage to the unborn child.

    The word i decided to look up in OED is miniscule; “The miniscule is the prevailing character in the Latin manuscript of the ninth century.”(“miniscule.”2019).

    MINISCULE (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from

    Jillian Mock (2019) Study finds Air Pollution Particles can get inside the placenta

  9. TO: Jason W. Ellis
    From: Jing Sheng Zhao
    Date: 9/17/19
    Subject: Interesting article about VSDC FREE VIDEO EDITOR

    VSDC is a tool for video editor, preferably free. The interface comes from the intuitive, no-nonsense school of design. It is able to skip around the movie easily and pick out the parts, the quality is excellent, and the files sizes are manageable.
    I was reading the Dexter’s article which he select the tool about how to transferred the video from DVDs, the intuitive he said that this tool’s interface come from, and I decide to find out what is the means on the OED Online, “Of sight or vision: That consists in direct and immediate looking upon an object, and sees it as it is” (“intuitive,” 2019).

    “intuitive, adj. and n.,b” OED Online, Oxford University Press, September 2019, http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/98801. Accessed 17 September 2019.

    Dexter, A. (2019, September). VSDC FREE VIDEO EDITOR. MaximumPC, 93

  10. TO: Pancho Villa
    FROM: Hector Dextre
    DATE: 9/17/19
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about AI

    Nowadays, advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics and sensors are making houses and apartments smarter than ever. However, as our homes learn more about us, keeping them secure will become all the more important.

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary, artificial intelligence is “the capacity of computers or other machines to exhibit or simulate intelligent behaviour” (“artificial intelligence”, 2019)


    Austin, P.L. (2019). Home is where the chip is. Time. 194(5), p.44-47.

    Artificial Intelligence, n. (2019). In Oxford Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/271625.

    DATE: 9/17/19
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about Perceptible

    The article I have read by Phil Iwaniux has some interesting news about headset. The topic was about a gaming headset called Roccat Noz. He explained rom his research that the Roccat Noz is sold on a fair budget for gamers and that it is just a pinpoint away from being perfect. The problem felt as if it was fixed, but later on usage proved that the problem is back “just to a faintly perceptible degree” (Iwaniux P, 2018 p88) if the grip on the ears issue can be fixed then tis headset will be next to perfect.

    The word perceptible was a word that stood out to me the most. After looking it up in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the definition I stumbled upon is “Able to be perceived by the mind or senses; esp. able to be seen or noticed.”

    Iwaniux P, (2018 September). “Roccat Noz Budget oriented cans with serious low end hot or noz” MaximumPC, 88.

    “perceptible, adj. and adv.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, September 2019, http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/140558. Accessed 17 September 2019.

  12. TO: Gordon Zola

    FROM: Julia Shin

    DATE: 9/17/2019

    SUBJECT: Interesting article about bio-energy

    In an article by James Temple, he introduces several ways of extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, such as the process known as bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, to reverse the undeniable harm that is done to our environment and planet. However, the problem with this is that it will not be enough especially because it requires a huge amount of lab thus reducing the agricultural food production. For years, Klaus Lackner has been formulating a direct-air-capture device whose main function is to sucking the carbon dioxide from the air and using it for other applications.

    In order to fully understand the overall message of the article, I looked up the word bio-energy. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it means, “Energy for industrial and domestic use derived from biofuels or other plant or animal sources” (“bioenergy”, 2019).

    bioenergy, n.,2. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/273290.

    Temple, J. (2019). Is carbon crazy or critical. MIT Technology Review, 122(2), 30-35.

  13. TO: Kiki
    FROM: Liuming Chen
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about “altruism”.

    The article talks about programmers and engineers voluntarily contributed to open source projects in the tech world such as Linux, Wikipedia, OpenSSL, and core-js, which shows altruism in human nature. However, many people and large businesses take the effort of these selfless volunteers for granted. Contributors that maintains these large open source projects for years tirelessly are rarely get the attention and payback from the community.

    I looked up the term “altruism” in the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines it as: “Disinterested or selfless concern for the well-being of others, esp. as a principle of action. Opposed to selfishness, egoism, or (in early use) egotism.” (“altruism”, 2019).

    altruism, n. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/5857

  14. TO: Jay El
    FROM: Dom D
    DATE: 9/17/19
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about facial recognition

    Biotechnology is on the verge of creating a path to diagnose an individual through facial recognition. Founder Erin Smith, of the startup Faceprint, desires to study facial expressions of Parkinson’s disease patients after witnessing forced expressions given by actor Michael J. Fox.
    Through research via the Oxford English Dictionary, I was able to find the term ‘’facial recognition.” According to Katwala, “[A] facial recognition software package [was used to demonstrate differences in facial expressions of people with and without Parkinson’s]” (Katwala, 2019, 43). Facial recognition is explained as “the identification of human faces by means of physical characteristics.”(facial recognition, 2003).

    Katwala, A. (2019, August). Health-tech startup Faceprint. Wired, 43.
    Facial Recognition. In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://oed.com/view/Entry/67447?rskey=hv7lnr&result=1&isAdvanced=false#eid135189539

  15. To: Park
    From: Barry
    Date: 9/17/19
    Subject: We Work Is Likely to Delay IPO after Valuation Plummets

    (Bloomberg) — We Work, with its estimated valuation crashing, said it expects to complete its initial public offering by the end of this year, signaling a delay of its much-awaited listing.
    “The We Company is looking forward to their upcoming IPO, which they expect to be completed by the end of the year,” the company said in a statement on Monday evening in New York. “They want to thank all of their employees, members and partners for their ongoing commitment.”
    When I first started reading the magazine, the title of the magazine has three abbreviated letters that made me curious to read the article and look up for that abbreviation on Oxford English Dictionary. Meaning: Initial Public Offering n. Stock Market the first public issue of shares in a particular company; abbreviated IPO. (“IPO”2019).
    “Initial, adj. and n. initial public offering n.” OED Online, Oxford University Press, September 2019, http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/96054. Accessed 17 September 2019
    Bloomberg L.P (2019) http://www.dailymagazine.news/wework-is-likely-to-delay-ipo-after-valuation-plummets-nid-933964.html

  16. TO: MD. Atif.

    FROM: Masum Hossain

    DATE: 9/8/19

    SUBJECT: The Role of a Paralegal in Electronic File Transfers
    People can computers communicate in different ways. Electronic File Transfer is one of them. Security is Primary concern in any method of electronic file transfers (Flynn, 2014). The concern is must come up when we putting our electronic file in web with potential security issue including unauthorized access or change information.
    I did not understand the unauthorized “To reject or annul the authority of” (“unauthorized “ 2014)access so look up the term in OED web site

    Flynn, C. (2014). The Role of a Paralegal in File Transfers Part 2. Paralegal Today, 14 – 22.
    Jhon M, n.6. (2011). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://oed.com/view/Entry/209500?rskey=ckzK1P&result=1&isAdvanced=false#

  17. TO: Randy M.
    FROM: Fernando
    DATE: 9/17/2019
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about magnetic

    A team of scientists investigates the planet mars by sending out seismometers and other sensors to mars to detect any motions just built. Find a way to deploy it to mars without fail and find more additional information on the planet.

    In the Oxford English Dictionary, defines the word magnetic as “Physics the strength of a magnetic field at a given point, usually expressed as a vector quantity (symbol H) whose magnitude is the ration of the magnetic flux density to the permeability of the medium at the that point” (“magnetic,” 2019).


    magnetic, adj., n. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/112270. Accessed 17 September 2019.

    Haynes, K. (2019, October). Digging deep into mars. Astronomy, Vol.47, NO 10, 20-27

  18. TO: Marco M.
    FROM: Devina Budhan
    DATE: September 17, 2019
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about a love for space focusing on a drone for Mars
    Mimi Aung, project manager of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is the mastermind behind the new drone that is set to launch to Mars in 2020. NASA’s hope for this new helicopter/drone, if it succeeds, is to take some pictures of Mars, collect samples, do aerial surveys, and even carry cargo. The new drone/helicopter is said to be five times faster than a regular helicopter and includes features such as six-lithium battery for its power, carbon fiber rotors and a cubical fuselage. The drone was tested and completed a successful test flight in January of 2019 which will be launched in 2020 of July for the Mars mission.
    The word I looked up using the online Oxford English Dictionary was terrestrial. According to oxford’s English dictionary, terrestrial means “of or pertaining to this world, or to earth as opposed to heaven; earthly; worldly; mundane” (“terrestrial”, 2019).

    Terrestrial, adj., n. (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/199551.
    Kennedy, J. (2019). Mars 2020 Vision. Popular Science, pg.26.

  19. TO: Devina

    FROM: Marco M

    DATE: 9/17/19

    SUBJECT: Interesting article about the big bang.

    I am writing to inform you about the big bang. Physicists research and theorize what came before the big bang and how time and physics effects not only our universe but the other universe around us.

    The word I looked up is brane. An extended object with any given number of dimensions, of which strings in string theory are examples with one dimension. (“brane,” 1988)


    Brane, n. (2019, ). Oxford University Press, September 2019. Retrieved from https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/255193.
    Feltman, R.(2017) What came before the big bang. Popular Science, 283(10), 52-57.

  20. From: Mustafa Nagi
    To: Professor Ellis
    Subject:100-Word Summary of

    I just read this interested article named “How Can We Teach Morals to Robots? By Telling Them Stories. It is talking about how we can use the stories and novels to change Robots lives. Many people think about Robots as invent machines, but there are more things you can teach them. Robots are given the ability to read and understand, so by telling or giving them stories.

    I looked up the word” Internet” in the Oxford English Dictionary to get a better understand of it. Here is the definition: transitive. To connect by means of a computer network (in later use esp. the internet). Also, intransitive: to make such a connection

    1975 M. Duggan et al. Initiating Design & Devel. Western Interstate Bibliogr. Network: 1st Q. Rep. (typescript) 4 The concept for a western network is based on ‘internetting’ two developing bibliographic utilities. http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/248413.

  21. From: Mustafa Nagi
    To: Professor Ellis
    Subject:100-Word Summary of Robots

    I just read this interested article named “How Can We Teach Morals to Robots? By Telling Them Stories. It is talking about how we can use the stories and novels to change Robots lives. Many people think about Robots as invent machines, but there are more things you can teach them. Robots are given the ability to read and understand, so by telling or giving them stories.

    I looked up the word” Internet” in the Oxford English Dictionary to get a better understand of it. Here is the definition: transitive. To connect by means of a computer network (in later use esp. the internet). Also, intransitive: to make such a connection

    1975 M. Duggan et al. Initiating Design & Devel. Western Interstate Bibliogr. Network: 1st Q. Rep. (typescript) 4 The concept for a western network is based on ‘internetting’ two developing bibliographic utilities. http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/248413.

  22. TO: Indiana Jones
    FROM: Haider Ali
    DATE: 9/17/2019
    SUBJECT: Interesting article about digging Fossils

    In this article, Malia Wollan writes about her discussions with Paleontologist Linda McCall. She talks about how it is not so hard to go look for fossils in the west, it is just the right place you have to look for them like sedimentary rocks, places where the earth is shaven off for like roads, construction sites and rivers. She also mentions that we do not need fancy equipment for this activity either just some regular tools like a Flathead, shovel, and plastic bags. She writes about how most people prefer to find bones, shark teeth and other cool stuff rather than snails or clams. Some people take their rare finds and turn them into riches but Linda prefers to donate hers to science because if it everyone did it for the money then it would ruin the educational aspect of it.
    The word that I looked up on the oxford website is paleontology. The branch of science that deals with extinct and fossil humans, animals, and plants, or more generally with evidence of organic life during the geological past; (occasionally) spec. paleozoology.( paleontology, 2019)

    Palaeontology, n. (2019) In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from https://oed.com/view/Entry/136187?redirectedFrom=paleontology#eid
    Wollan, M. (2019). How To Find Fossils. New York Times magazine, 36. Retrieved from

  23. To:Professor Ellis
    From: Masum Hossain
    Subject: Protecting Client Secrets from Hackers
    Computer hacking means accessing someone’s computer system or another electronic device such as smartphone or tablet. If a business has been hacked, that individual can steal sensitive data such as documentation of business processes and trade secrets or contact information for employees and customers. Hackers can also damage data by erasing or changing the data from server or computer, or by damaging the actual hardware. The impact of hacking can be huge.

    The word which I search on the Google website is sensitive: “of a person or a person’s behavior) having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings. ” (“ sensitive”,( 2019).
    sensitive. (2019). In Google English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from

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