Karmoko Sillah’s Profile

Active 4 years, 8 months ago
Karmoko Sillah
Display Name
Karmoko Sillah
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

LIB/ARCH 2205ID Learning Places, FA2019

LIB/ARCH 2205ID Learning Places, FA2019

This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with information research and data collection using methodologies developed in multiple disciplines. Students from a variety of departments engage in on-site exploration and in-depth research of a location in New York City. Faculty from the Hospitality and Architectural Technology Departments are teaching the course this semester, and will thus focus course material through a lens of architecture, urban studies, and information studies.

ENG2575 E270, Technical Writing, FA2019

ENG2575 E270, Technical Writing, FA2019

Technical Writing is about managing complexity. It is about providing the right information, in the right way, for the right audience, at the right time. It is about communicating technical ideas using sound rhetorical choices and synergistic modalities (e.g., WOVEN, or written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal) while maintaining the highest level of professionalism and ethics. In this class, you will have invaluable opportunities to learn the theory, skills, and heuristics of technical writing through projects relevant to your degree program, and you will develop a set of documents that you can include in your professional portfolio.

MAT2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II, Spring 2019

MAT2540 Discrete Structures and Algorithms II, Spring 2019

This course continues the discussion of discrete mathematical structures and algorithms introduced in MAT2440. Topics in the second course include predicate logic, recurrence relations, graphs, trees, digital logic, computational complexity and elementary computability.

My Projects



This page is to be used by students and faculty. It contains Open Educational Resources (OER) for the Human Biology course lectures taught at City Tech.

5G Coverage Problems

5G Coverage Problems

This project is a collaborative assignment in professor Ellis’ English 2575 class.

My Clubs

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