Category Archives: Uncategorized

John Medina’s Brain Rules, Sleep

After spending ten minutes writing a summary of your reading from John Medina’s Brain Rules, “Sleep” chapter, type up your in-class response and post it here before our next class. Remember to revise your writing for clarity and correctness when you type from your handwritten summary.

Writing My Brain Project by Elvin Shikder

In this project i had the chance to reflect my thoughts on my future goals and ambitions and how I’m going to accomplish them and the steps I’ve taken. I wrote down day thought where I would reflect to to see my focus on my goals. With the thoughts i have written i was able to use them and reflect to several photos that I’ve taken that have a deep meaning to me. throughout this project I’ve learned much about my steps for me to achieve my future goals and made them more organized .

Wake up
Shower get dressed, need more sleep
Pack bag for work and class
Have breakfast
Feed baby Jake and walk lexi
Leave the house and get to class
Sit in class for an hour and half amd get on with it
Leave class and get a snack
Start the next class
Get on with that class
Have lunch finally
Get to work
Hang woth some coworkers and talk with them
Stand around and greet people and get payed to stand in front of a store
When I’m bored go for a walk in the store
Then leave and get dressed to go home
Wait for the train forever
Finally walking home
Shower and freshen up
Do hw
Back to sleeppppp finally.

This photo is a picture of my baby brother “Jake” who means the world to me and has everything to do with my future.

This photo is a picture of where i work and where i am most of the time ” Hollister Co.” this place has a lot of meaning to me because I’ve learned a lot from here and met many new people who mean something to me now.
WP_002764 (1)

In this Photo it has more than one meaning, this picture shows “Photography” the thing i do on my free time and a place where i go to relax, as well as the view of NYC of what i love so much.
Windows Photo Gallery Wallpaper

My name is Elvin and I am a freshmen at NYCCT. I am 18 years old and I curentley am an architecture major but I am planning to change that to criminal justice management. Thus I plan on transferring out to John Jay. The reason I want to study criminal justice now is because I basically grew up with law enforcement because my father is a supervisory special agent for the FBI. And as he has a passion for it I also grew to have a passion for the study. But the reason I took up architecture because I always did like to draw and my father told me to study architecture ever since I was in 8th grade but I wanted to study criminal justice but he would always say no but never said why. As I got older I decided to take charge of my own life and study what I had a passion for and he also knew I was getting older so now he is encouraging me to follow my dreams. But the fact on why he told me in the first place on not why to study criminal justice is because it is a dangerous field and he has gotten shot before but he did have a vest on. And he was scared that it might also happen to me. Now he knows I am bigger and that is life so I have decided to take that field of study.
I currently do work, as a model for Hollister Co. I been with the company since last year and enjoy my job. I basically stand in one spot and greet people. I’m a greeter. As though my job is stated “model”, I can’t stand around all day. I’m an action guy, so a month ago I got promoted to mode/LP. LP stands for lost prevention agent or now the name was changed to asset protection AP. I am trained to apprehend shoplifters. This part of my job is interesting because for me at a young age I already have started my criminal justice and law enforcement career. I have a baby brother. His name is Jake and he is two years old. He is everything to my life, and he is one of the most important reasons on why I didn’t leave for college out of state. I can’t live without him. Every day when I come home from work he would be up and not sleep till I get home. I do everything for him bath, feed, play, love etc. last Halloween he was a Lion. But I don’t know what to make him this year. Even though he might bother me and be annoying I still love him because he is blood. Since I got Jake I don’t need anyone else. I take him many places, just us. One of our favorite place is Brooklyn Bridge Park and Gov Island. When I go to Brooklyn Bridge Park I do photography. I just started my photography hobby a couple of weeks ago and I’m beginning to like it. I love taking pictures of the city and nature. New York City is a beautiful place to live in. I was born and raised here but nationality wise I am part Cuban and Hawaiian. Every time Jake and I or my friends and I go to the city I still am amazed by its beauty. Jake and I often go to gov island, that’s our little play island he loves it there. And that’s where I can get away from everything and get be alone. That’s my spot but for a quick relaxing time for example after class or before work my place to go is Brooklyn Bridge Park. Thus I argue that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success.
My current actions are focused on my future success because I have already taken the step to start my career and study field in criminal justice management. I work for Hollister as a model and a LP agent which shows that I already took an action to move forward with my career. I prevent thefts and apprehend shoplifters on a daily basis, which in this case I work with law enforcement. Last two summers ago I participated in an internship for my dad at the bureau. I’ve worked with the FBI and gotten a taste for the job. But I’ve been looking at the job very since the day I was born because I lived with my father ever since I was born and have been growing interest in his field of study. Law enforcement is in my blood. The only thing stopping me now is time because time is what will tell my future as though I’ve already taken a step to start my career successfully.
I might also do modeling in the future. I took this step ahead because now I model for the company I was recruited to work for, Hollister Co. I’ve been with the company since last year and been a model for them since. I was recruited by # modeling agencies so far and I declined for all of them because I thought it wasn’t the right time for me to juggle work school social life and my family. As of now I am an in store model and my schedule is really flexible. Since I was working with the Company my managers love me and I learn new management tactic every day from them. This will also help me for my future. I’ve learned a lot from this job. I’ve learned management skills, inventory, and lost prevention training, marketing, cashier closing, etc. but at the end of the day I’m still considered a model for the company who represents the brand and greets people. Which is great because I get paid to stand and talk to people and take pictures with them! Soon I will move into an agency with bigger goals and work with many more people hopefully.
My past experience with my internship with the FBI and my current job are great examples for my future plan. The time I spend with Jake is helping me become a great future father but currently I believe I am a great big brother. My past experiences has helped me develop my future. My current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success. Without a doubt I believe I am heading in the right path. I spend most of my time at work, I call that my second home because my coworkers are like family epically my mangers. I have two favorite mangers and they always have my back no matter. I told myself that when they quit that’s when I quit. My friendship with them is that strong. But I love being there because were like a big family there and plus the store is a big mansion! Sometimes I stayed there till 1 am doing floor sets. I don’t do this job for the money I do it for my friends there. Being with them means more to me than making money. And the environment is so chill there. Also I meet new people every day, a lot of tourist and then they take a pic of me and them with them back home to here country. It makes me feel happy that I can make someone else feel the same way. Thus everything that I’m doing now is helping me become a better person physically mentally and successfully.

Elvin007 [ elvin shidker]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” Openlab. ENG1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014, 21 Sept, 2014.Web. 17 Oct, 2014

Shikder, Elvin “Jake.” Flickr. 15 Oct, 2014.Web. 18 Oct, 2014

Shikder, Elvin “Work Hollister Co.” Flickr. 21 Sept, 2014.Web. 18 Oct, 2014

Shikder, Elvin “Photography.” Flickr. 15 Oct, 2014.Web. 18 Oct, 2014

Project One Debriefing, In-Class Writing Exercise

After you write your chapter summary and we have our student-led presentation, we will spend the rest of the time discussing and writing about Project One.

During class, take out a clean sheet of paper (with no torn perforations).

Write your name at the top of the page on the right corner.

Think about Project One (what you accomplished, how you accomplished it, and how it turned out).

Write an essay that makes an argument to me about what your grade on the assignment should be. First, write your thesis/argument statement (what grade you should receive). Second, evaluate your Project One submission as evidence for the grade that you believe you deserve. Third, describe what you would have done differently to make your Project One better than it currently is.

Leave your essay on the table as you leave class.

Writing My Brain Project by Christian Ross


In this project I had the great opportunity that I wouldn’t have had otherwise to reflect on my thoughts and how to in a way manipulate your brain to see how you take things into perspective and your point of views on any subject. In the process of completing this interesting project, I have learned many observations about myself that I would always make that without actually analyzing it and thinking about it. A major observation I’ve encountered is that I need to start being more organized than before. In the process of completing this project I have learned many ways on how I should be organized with my thoughts and ideas and think more effectively in the future.


-woke up at 10 am- damn a new record for waking up early on a Sunday? I usually wake up at 1
I need to get ready ASAP! Going to go see the girlfriend today
I’m hungry! To eat lucky charms or cinnamon toast crunch?
-10 min. later- aghhh f*** it. I guess I’ll have a bowl of each
Need to complete some assignments for college but I guess that can wait a bit
hmmmm what movie to watch with her? Horror? Drama? Romance? Comedy? ahhh so hard
I guess why not all in one? “Odd Thomas” it is!!! babe will love this movie
mhm this movie is actually pretty good , even from the ratings guaranteed quality, well. Most of the time
all depends on personal preference
everyone’s different after all or else it would be the same boring thing every day
I’m hungry I’m going to order some Chinese food … I know I shouldn’t eat this but IDC it’s so good
oh wow its 5 already where the hell does time go? Guess it’s time to go home and finish some assignments
oh dinners ready okay great more food can’t complain about that everyone loves food! I wonder who doesn’t oh crazy people
already 9pm wow I better hurry if I want to have some time to watch some Netflix before bed
wow these assignments can take time I should have done these earlier and got it over with it oh well
finally done ugh I could have finished quicker if I wasn’t on Facebook or texting or Instagram
yeah I can disable that I can’t blame that but who can resist LOL
well its 12 am now I guess I should go to sleep….I got to wake up at 7 I mean I guess I’ll sleep on the train night! This assignment of thoughts in particular was pretty interesting I can’t complain.



“Game of Life” = This picture say’s a lot about life in my perspective. Life is chess, no matter what it’s gonna’ win in the end. The choice is whether you will be just a pawn or a king when the game ends.


“Reality Within Fiction” = This picture represents a huge passion that I have for movies. Many movies now a days always contain at least a small amount of truth behind all the fiction parts, that always interests me. I watch at least 4 movies every week even more if I have spare time.


“Simple Technical Graphics Homework” = This is a picture of my homework for this class. Simple homework like this, makes me think why I don’t get it over with and finish soon, instead of waiting last minute just like every other homework I do, if it’s so simple.

 Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively:

My name is Christian Ross. I’m currently a freshman at City Tech. I am currently 18 years old at
the moment and honestly enjoying my stay and time at City Tech College so far. City Tech is an
open environment with many restaurants and cart vendors right nearby, to fulfill your starvation, hunger and craves. Which my friends and I enjoy so much. Every Tuesday and Thursday we would go out as group after class and eat at different restaurants surrounding city tech nearby. I’m an open minded individual, willing to consider new ideas. Ever since the start of this English class, I have been giving my thoughts some serious reflections. In my essay, I will be arguing that my thoughts are all over the place and I need to work on focusing them on the things that matter the most and on my future success. I believe that many people have their thoughts all over the place as well.

Reason being as to why my thoughts are all over the place is because, I usually think about what’s happening at that moment and not the consequences of long terms from those thoughts and decisions I make most of the time. Although I spend a lot of my time thinking of what’s currently happening in my life and activities, I also do spend time doing some deep in depth thinking about life in general and the future. I also think about very unimportant events and trends in my social environment like many others that has nothing to benefit for me but some joy, not for my future goals. I guess I’m a very random person, which explains why my thoughts jump from different topics every so often and are very random and strange. One of my very interesting thoughts is that, why does time “fly” so quickly by when you’re enjoying yourself and having a blast as oppose to it going unusually slow at a turtle walking pace when you find yourself bored with nothing to do, or uninterested in whatever activity you’re doing.

 I believe that people that focus more on long term goals and their futures, are more likely to succeed at a rapid pace and with ease than those that just decide to go with the flow and make poor decisions by waiting. Waiting is never the answer, you either do now or do never. Which is why I need to be more organized, I don’t necessarily spend much time or put enough thought into my future career and how my life will be then, I just think about living life right now. To be truthful at this moment I’m a procrastinator and I hate it. I always think I will get things done later cause I have time, but the truth is you don’t, you never know what kinds of random situations you might encounter and completely forget about what you were going to complete later or you end up waiting until the very last minute, and have to rush and end up with poorly completed assignments, work or tasks being done because you didn’t set enough time and effort into you tasks.

In my day of thoughts, I wrote “oh wow its 5 already where the hell does time go?” (Christian.Ross28 par. 13) I think about time every so often. Why does time pass by so quickly let’s say when you’re having fun with your friends, or playing videos games, and why does it go so slow by when you’re doing something you don’t like or bored out of your mind whether you’re just sitting there, or at a boring lecture in one of your classes, you tend to drift away and start day dreaming about other activities and events aside from what you’re supposed to be focusing at that moment because you simply just can’t handle how boring it is and uninterested you are about that particular topic. This happens to me every so often, where if I’m not in the mood to be in class and the professor starts talking about a certain topic that’s not very interesting, I start dazing off and have outside thoughts that are irrelevant to my class and end up with me being lost and not knowing what I’m supposed to be completing.

Another bad habit of mine is I’m clearly a procrastinator. I get distracted from what I’m doing a lot of time, “finally done ugh I could have quicker if I wasn’t on Facebook or Instagram” (Christian.Ross28 par. 20) Technology now a days distracts us from our daily lives the majority of the time. Walking on the streets, you will encounter people walking blindly with their heads down and eyes glued to their phones, and being in risk of getting hit by a car any moment because they are too heavily distracted and not aware of their surroundings. Social media is a huge problem for many students including myself. Reason being is because we spend so much of our time on the internet and being social that we don’t put much effort in person. I’m always checking my phone every so often to see who wrote to me or what did people post on Instagram or Facebook the two most time consuming applications alive possible. I just need to learn to set my priories straight and save the technology and media for after when I’m done with my works and tasks that I must complete first and not get distracted by my phone and end up never accomplishing my job and saving it for the end and handing it incomplete with many mistakes and not enough effort into it. I should come up with a way to not get distracted easily by my phone, maybe turning it off and not putting it into use until after I’m completely done with whatever my task is at that moment would be a beneficial idea? Because simply just putting your phone on silent isn’t enough, you will still have the urge and need to check it for any notifications or updates easily since you’re so used to it, so having it completely turned off will prevent you from doing so.

I know that if I don’t start changing up my types of thoughts soon and make them more organized, than that will lead to a lot of more work to be done and my mind will be all over the place. I want to be that professional in my career in the future that knows what’s going on, that knows what to do what to operate and how, that only thinks and focuses on the things and tasks that matter which is getting the job done with time, carefulness, preparation and hard work with no mistakes or any dysfunctions. That only thinks about their study and work and how they can improve on and become more skilled and build up their potential quickly. Instead of being that type of person that people always complain about because they aren’t focused and seem lost in whatever they are doing, because they were too busy thinking about other irrelevant thoughts that have absolutely nothing to do and doesn’t involve their hob or work what so ever. That’s the type of person that many people will love to go and seek help from, the professionals that always excel in their works, and know what they are operating with that can do their jobs on time and well done with no mistakes. To have completed their tasks professionally done because they focused on ways to improve themselves and only thought about getting their jobs done and what types of solutions they can make to better their works and always move on and keep going up the ladder and progressing on their effort of work. Instead of those people that don’t use mechanics, and only focus on getting the job done with little to no effort as possible and end up doing poorly in their tasks and assignments, and have to redo them later on a couple times because they couldn’t get it done right the first time.

In conclusion. As of now my thoughts have little to nothing to do with my future career success, that I need to change up. In the future I have to stay dedicated to my field of study and not focus on thoughts outside of my work. As you can clearly see, many of my thoughts are scattered throughout the place and need to be more organized. Focusing only with a lot of time on the things and tasks that matter will lead me to be more successful in my work and improve my future success and provide more opportunities.

                                                                                   WORKS CITED:

Christian.Ross28 [Christian Ross]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking In Writing” OpenLab. ENG1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014. 12:36 29, September 2014. Web. 14 Oct, 2014

Ross,Christian “Game of Life” Flickr. 10, Oct. 2014. Web. 14 Oct, 2014

Ross, Christian “Reality Within Fiction” Flickr. 10, Oct. 2014. Web 14 Oct, 2014

Ross, Christian “Simple Technical Graphics Homework” Flickr. 10, Oct. 2014. Web 14 Oct, 2014

Writing my Brain Project by Janie Su


For the duration of this project, I channeled my brain’s ability of multi-modality with the use of recording a full day of thoughts, writing and revising notes on a daily basis, taking pictures of objects/events that stood out to me, and last was to use all three parts to plan out how I’d think in the future and how it would effect my future. In a way this project was about collecting data for a hypothesis of the future versus what we aspire to think like. Though change isn’t easy I believe the biggest obstacle that makes us hesitate to change is having the epiphany that we need to change. This project helped me see how I would think and gave me a chance to explore how my mind thinks on a daily basis.

Thinking in Writing

My entire body is sore, wonder why? – 11:00am
5 more minutes… -11:30am
Must get out of bed. MY HAMSTERS ARE CALLING FOR ME. -12:00pm
If only pets understood human speech. The conversations we would have though. -12:30pm
Note to self: Special K chocolate cereal is not all that great. -1:00pm
Why must my hamster poop on me every time I hold her? -1:30pm
I’d love to work at the zoo, possibly. -2:00pm
I want punch someone. These dramas always make me sad. -2:30pm
I think dramas are just something to make females angry. -3:00pm
Don’t just eat the food, BE THE FOOD. -3:30pm
I really want Starbucks, a lot. -4:00pm
30 minutes later and I’m still looking up videos of teacup animals, what life do I have? -5:00pm
Why must my parents not use keys and decide to disturb me in my teacup animal phase? -5:30pm
I think my friend giggles like a girl. It’s manly giggle, more men should do it. -6:00pm
I should probably finish up my homework. -6:30pm
Sometimes I feel like everyone should have a pet. -7:00pm
Oh, I missed a cat cafe today. Hamsters comfort me. -7:30pm
I should probably sleep early today. -8:00pm
I feel like eating again. -8:30pm
I love my toothpaste.- 9:00pm
I’m sleeping at 11 today! That is the goal. -9:30pm
No I lied, I’ll sleep after this episode. -10:00pm
I still haven’t done homework. Oh no. -10:30pm
I CAN’T SLEEP YET. I don’t feel sleepy. -11:00pm
I need more food..raiding fridge now. -11:30pm
Ok, I must sleep. My people need me. -12:00am

Thinking Visually

Monicas Art

“Monica’s Art”

This was a picture a friend of mine drew to to celebrate my birthday and to show appreciation as a friend.

A day at the beach

“A Day at The Beach”

Simplicity. My friend was really creative and made her own camera thus why the quality is a bit iffy but simple things like this, despite being just a picture is reverie.

Most Memorable Birthday

“Most Memorable Birthday”

On my birthday I decided to play pool and my friend suddenly dragged me into the bathroom claiming she needed it and kept me in there for about 3 minutes until she dragged me out. I was so surprised to see this sitting on the table, but one of the first birthday’s I’ve celebrated.

Thinking Rhetorically

My name is Janie Su, I am currently a freshmen attending City Tech majoring in computer engineering. However, I don’t have the slightest hint of what my future might hold. I’m not sure if I’ll switch majors or continue to stay in computer engineering. Though truthfully I’m  following the motto I never wanted to follow “Money makes the world go round.” This project made me see something I never saw before, I was being naive. Yes, money does make the world go round but it can’t buy happiness. My thoughts have always been inside the box and practical. I feared to take chances was what the thoughts I collected screamed to me. This will both affect my future and my present, personal or career wise. I should’ve learned to cherish the simplicity of life, cherish those who have had a positive impact on my life, and begin to believe that pursuing happiness instead of money will give me the greatest result in the end. I realized I needed to change.
Change, it’s something we learn over time. No one teaches us the meaning of change rather we learn it ourselves through experience. That’s why we change without even registering that we did. Though ironically when we actually try to change, we struggle with it. I believe it’s because when it dawns upon us that we may need to change, a part of us says no immediately because the first step to changing is figuring out what to change. That causes us to see what flaws we have and that epiphany alone gives us a cold reality check sometimes. The most important kind of change are the ones that we implement on ourselves, where we see our flaws and admit we need to fix them. By pooling together information for this project I developed a list of my ideals, reasons to change, and how it might affect my future if I do or don’t change.
Simplicity. The mere word brings me a sense of gratitude and appreciation. The world as it is now seems to be wrapped around money, power, and fame. It seems the word “simple” has lost it’s value to a mere summary of instructions for workers rather than value small things. My train of thought has blended in with the belief that simplicity is no longer something we are able to hold close. Every day seems to be chaotic and competitive, I seem to forget the simple memories and the small things I did to cheer myself up when I was down. In a day of thoughts I wrote “MUST GET OUT OF BED. My hamsters are calling for me.” I only got the hamster and weeks ago but they are one of my prime reasons for being happy each morning. Something as effortless as them standing on their hind legs brings a smile to my face. I do not want to become part of the culture where the word simple no longer exists as a positive term. The future I set for myself as a child would be completely gone and destroyed if I allowed myself to forget the true meaning of simplicity. In the day of thoughts I wrote “I’d love to work at the zoo possibly.” Even though I know I probably won’t the mere of thought of it makes me happy. The idea of being around something I’m fond of enlightens me and I hope I still continue to hold the same train of thought years from now.
I believe the saying, “A person’s past will reflect on a person’s future.” I wish to hold close those who have put their trust and effort in me, without certain people I would not be able to be the person I am today. I wish to rid the regrets of my past and see them as stepping stools to my future. In “Most Memorable Birthday” the picture was taken on my 17th birthday. I never celebrated my birthday but that was one of the first times I did, my friends surprised me with a giant cake while smiling at me wishing me happy birthday. Those same people were the ones that were  there for me when I needed the most and till this day they still remain close to my heart, maybe a bit hidden but they’re there. But I recently have began to forget how important they are to me and if I were to forget what they did for me, shame on me. I hope for the years to come that I never forget their kindness towards me.
The future is something unknown to us all the only people who may know would probably be Father Time.  I may not know what will happen in the future but I do have an idea now about what kind of person I’ll become and if I can change it or not. I have taken so many things for granted and distanced myself from so many people that I find it disappointing. In “Monicas Art” a friend drew it for me as a gift to show her appreciation to me yet today we don’t even speak anymore. I don’t wish to continue on like that, I no longer want to distance my friends away from me nor do I wish to forget the good memories.  All of them will be locked away in my personal box of treasures deep in my heart.

However the future is something I want to look forward to, with the new found knowledge of what I may think and how I can fix it I do not wish to falter from it. I want to keep the promises I made as child and I want to continue to keep them because the promises made when you were younger will always be the most genuine ones since they were left untainted and forgotten. Change will be something I am constantly going to keep working on and something I will continuously keep trying to improve on. The way I think now will affect my negatively in my future unless I am able to revise my ways.

Works Cited

JanieS [Janie Su] “Re. Project1: Thinking in Writing.” openlab. ENG 1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 22 Sept.2014. Web.13 Oct.2014

Su, Janie “Monica’s Art.” Flickr. 14 Oct, 2014.Web. 14 Oct, 2014

Su, Janie “A Day at The Beach.” Flickr. 14 Oct, 2014.Web. 14 Oct, 2014

Su, Janie “Most Memorable Birthday.” Flickr. 14 Oct, 2014.Web. 14 Oct, 2014

In a day of thoughts I wrote “MUST GET OUT OF BED. My hamsters are calling for me.”(JanieS Par 26)

In the day of thoughts I wrote “I’d love to work at the zoo possibly.”(JanieS Par.31)






Writing my Brain Project by Nicholas Tam


This project gave me a opportunity to write down what i did on a certain day and reflect upon it. I also had to take pictures of the places i went to when i wrote down my thoughts. Last of all, I had to write an essay based on what i wrote and write a argumentative essay on it. The purpose of this project is to think back on the actions i take and make a plan for what i should do in the future.


Woo, I’m finally awake.
I think I should go out and eat something.
Just kidding I’ll just cook food.
This soup is so hot, have to let it cool down.
This drama is getting good.
Time to go out to play basketball.
This game is too intense.
I want to go home and take a shower.
Should i eat dinner at home or with my friends tonight?
Popeye’s, tonight it is.
Why is it so expensive?
Thank god I have my bike to go places.
Showering after playing ball is the best.
Time for some computer games.
This game pisses me off so much, i don’t know why i play it.
Its getting late should i sleep?
These videos are keeping me up, they’re so funny.
Now I’m tired, going to pass out.


My soup of the day.

This is the kind of soup that i drank. I love canned soup, It’s so easy to make and warms my heart. It’s perfect for the cold weather outside and it fills me up.

Biking with my boys.

This is a picture of me and my friends biking around the neighborhood, looking at the sunset. We always bike around the time when it’s sunset because we want to see the sight of the sun go down.

This computer game that gets me pissed off.

This is a picture of my desktop screen and my keyboard. League of Legends is the game that i always play before i go to sleep and it gets me so frustrated.


Hello, my name is Nicholas Tam. I am still seventeen years old unfortunately due to the fact that i have a late birthday. It is on November seventeen, coming soon but still quite not eighteen yet. I was the only sibling until my sister was born couple years ago.  I am currently a student at New York City College of Technology, first year. I’m suppose to major in computer systems but I want to transfer school, I didn’t want to take a class that other schools might not have. Thankfully i only have school 2 days of the week but my days are long. I don’t know if i can handle the stress when midterm and final time come because it’s going to be test after test. I will be arguing that what i am thinking right now is not focused on my future success.

The day that i wrote my thinking was one of the days where i didn’t have school so i woke up really late in the afternoon because i stay up late night to watch movies. I usually eat when it is afternoon so i needed something to eat but I didn’t feel like making something hard to make. So i just went with my favorite canned soup. While drinking my warm soup, it was time for my daily drama. While i was half way through my drama, my friends texted me and asked me if I wanted to go out and play basketball. The weather was nice so I said yes. A lot of my friends came so we got a full court game going on, everyone was hot and sweaty. It was a very intense game but in the end my team lost. It was a really good game though. I live really close to that park so I bike home in a second and took a shower. I was really in the mood for some Popeye’s because its been a while since i had fried chicken. I went to grab some Popeye’s with my friends. I use to know a friend that works in Popeye’s so he gave us chicken for free but ever sine he quit we haven’t went. This is the first time in a while that i paid for Popeye’s chicken, boy it is expensive. After that I biked home and play my computer game. It’s a game you play with five people, the game requires a lot of experience and skill. Most of the time when you are not doing that others expect you do, they look down on you and yell at you. That’s why this game gets me really mad sometimes. It’s getting late, I think I should go sleep but I just found some old funny videos of people doing stupid things. i was watching those for a while because I think it’s hilarious when people do stupid things. After a while my eyes got tired and i just laid on my bed and fell asleep.

Many times have my parents asked me what i want to do in the future and i told them i just don’t know yet. i haven’t decided on something i really like to do for a career. They told me i should do something that can make enough money so i can take care of myself. Since i was born my parents really had their own business and they really got me everything i wanted and needed. I really didn’t think that the time would come when I would have to start being independent. I’m more of a kind of person that just really let things flow. If my parents really don’t force me, I just choose to do what is fun for myself and i go do it. Like in (Paragraph 9) “Should i eat dinner at home or with my friends?” they don’t force me to go home to eat dinner and I felt like eating Popeye so I went and ate Popeye with my friends.

I thought about working for a gaming company because i actually did get a job offer from one of my favorite games: Hearthstone. Their company is Blizzard Entertainment, and they offered me a job to do server maintenance. I couldn’t take the job because it requires you to be on the server for quite a bit of hours due to the fact that the game has only been released for a mere year. Computer is one of my better subjects but a lot of my friends are better than me at what i do.


I have to admit that i have been slacking and really sitting back and letting things happen. So i haven’t been thinking about my future too much. Most of the things i do is hang out with my friends, go out to different places to eat, go biking, and stay home to play computer games. Sometimes i pick up jobs from my friends that are bike messenger and do one or two jobs for them because they pay me back and treat me to drinks so i don’t mind. Biking is one of my bigger hobbies. If there was something i ever thought about doing in the future it would be being a bike messenger because I’m already half of one. I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t like it if i become a bike messenger because it is really dangerous biking in the streets of NYC. Those taxi drivers really hate bikers, they would never yield to them. After college if i really can’t find anything i like to do, i plan on opening my own bike shop. That is the only thing i have been seriously thinking about towards my future. In the end, who knows what events will unfold in the future. The future is a mystery to us all, that’s why I want to sit back and watch these moments happen.


aznfatty17 (Nicholas Tam) ” Re: Project 1: thinking in writing” Openlab. ENG1101 D377 English composition 1, FA2014 1:02 19, Sept. 2014 Web 14 Oct. 2014

Tam, Nicholas “My soup of the day” Flickr. 14, Oct. 2014 14 Oct, 2014

Tam Nicholas “Biking with my boys” Flickr 9 Oct. 2014 14 Oct, 2014

Tam Nicholas “This computer game that gets me pissed off” Flickr 14, Oct. 2014 14 Oct. 2014



Writing My Brain Project By Jules Julenane


                                          The project “Writing The Brain” attribute me the opportunity to pay a close attention concerning my thoughts. Thinking was to me a sort of natural process that normally occur in my head, although it is a familiar activity, I have never considered to spend my time in order to examine those thoughts. This project helped me realize what my thoughts are really about and to keep analyse them in the future.

Thinking in Writing

My day of thought
September 20/2014
8:30 AM “Why do I have to get up so early every morning???”
8:40 AM “I should stay in my bed a bit more.. I still have time to get prepare for the bio class, it’s at 10:00 so..”
9:05 AM “I don’t want to be late, let’s do it.. it’s time to move.”
9:15 AM “I should get a doughnut, I want a doughnut, well.. maybe two.. I love the coconut flavor, I should definitely get one”
9:18 AM “will I be in the train on time?”
9:25 AM “The G train is trouble, why is it taking so long???”
9:35 AM “Keep waiting, keep waiting… AH, those elevators!”
10:00 AM “My bio teacher has a funny voice, I like her”
10:25 AM “I will need a lot of those bio stuffs to get into a medical school”
10:35 AM “I really hope that I will get the job that I will be interviewed for, need luck..”
10:50 AM “I like to do nails, mom would have been glad to see my nail technician diploma”
11:25 AM “I should practice more on the French manicure, practice make perfect”
11:45 AM “I so want to be perfectly good at it”
12:15 PM “I can’t wait for December… Miss home (Haiti)”
12:30 PM “It’s getting cold, it’s will be snowing pretty soon, real nightmare..”
12:55 PM “Life is so short, there is so many things that I want to accomplish, so many dreams that I want to make real”
1:50 PM “I need to be stronger and more independent”
2:30 PM “I like the place where I work,pretty cool”
3:50 PM “I used to dance real often, I miss that”
4:30 PM “I love to dance “COMPA”, Gosh..”
6:50 PM “Should study biology real often, it’s tough”
8:50 PM “I am exhausted, it’s time for “Scandal” 

Thinking Visually

This is a picture of a fabulous project that I effectuated in my Biology Lab.

“Science project”

image (1)


This is the picture of my favorite doughnut.


image (4)



This is the place where I work.


image (2)


This is one of my nail demonstration.




This is another one of my nail presentation.

“3D nail art flower”



This is the picture of my first Gel manicure.

“Gel Demo”




Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively 



                                         My name is Jules Julenane, I am a student at the New York City College of Technology. My major is concerning medical, I am pretty sure that I want to be in the field of medicine but I am sort of hesitating between pediatric and maxillofacial oral surgery. The main purpose of the project “Writing the brain” is to reflect cautiously on the diverse reflections that occurred during a particular day, to write those thinking down and to take picture of scenes related to that specific day of thought is a part of the assignment, which is called “Thinking Visually”, the last part of the task require to write an essay based on the thoughts that have been noted, this part is referred as “Thinking Rhetorically”. This Project enabled me to pay a remarkable and a special attention to the ideas that habitually go through my mind, I argue that my thoughts are mostly focused on the things that will allow my future success.



I usually do my utmost to put on mind on the things that matter the most to me, such as how good I want to be in each classes that I am taking, how I have to manage my time in order to handle my job and at the same time, get the highest grades so that I will be able to enter into a medical school, plus how I will proceed to achieve my goals, realize my dreams and not to mention the fact that I have to entertain myself sometimes, so that I can   keep myself from going  crazy. It is like I have to, I do not get to mess up, and it is a must, a duty to stay focus, to be as much responsible as well as independent that I can be. My mind is mostly occupied by the sort of thoughts that can lead me somewhere concrete and helpful. I attempt to keep myself concentrate, even though it is quite hard sometimes, there is always a whole bunch of ideas that jump up in my brain and it is often about some crazy, lazy or funny facts that have nothing to do with my daily occupations, matters that cannot in any way be useful to me, such as to get a new pair of boots, “ I should get a doughnut, I want a doughnut, well.. maybe two.. I love the coconut flavor, I should definitely get one”, specifically     “ The G train is trouble, why is it taking so long??? ” or “My biology teacher has a funny voice.” Therefore, I ordinarily try to filtrate all of those thoughts so that I can get something beneficial out of all those mass ideas. One of the principal subject that invade my thoughts is to be good at my job, which is nail technology and which focus on creating beautiful fingernails and toenails for clients, performing procedures to take care of cuticles and applying nail polish as well as gel polish, applying and removing artificial nail extensions, all depending on what satisfy the clients. My thoughts are fairly focused on my work due to the fact that, even though it does not have much to do with the profession that I chose, it is still a part of the things that will facilitate my future success.



In order to support my statements, I will based my arguments on some of my specific thoughts that I have been taking notes of. Like I mentioned, trivial or lazy thinking happens to catch up my attention, which lead me sometimes to some aimless thoughts. For instance, “Why do I have to get up so early every morning?” or “I should stay in my bed a bit longer… I still have time to get prepare.” Those sort of thoughts habitually occur early in the morning, in those cases I usually take a deep breath and think about some conceptions that I deeply believe in, which are “The world is owned by those who have the courage to wake up really early in the morning.” Morning people anticipate problem and try to minimize them, they are proactive. Benjamin Franklyn once said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Rising early is a quality of highly successful people. I also have faith in the notion “ Those who fight or strive for they want, are usually those whose thrive.” From those perceptions, I get the strength to get up early every morning, whether it frizzing or not, whether I am tired or not. I usually get rational to illustrate, “ I do not want to be late, let’s do it. It is time to move.” Or “I should study biology real often, it’s tough.” “I will need a lot of those bio stuffs to get into medical school.”


Besides the fact that it pleases me a lot, my job as a nail technician, in spite the fact that it does not have much to do with my major, I believe that it is one the things that will increase my sense of responsibility and will attribute me the wings of independence, it will also smooth the path toward the medical school. To be independent is one the thing that I usually think and dream about, “I need to be stronger and more independent.” My job also occupy a part daily thoughts, mostly in order to figure out a way to get better and better at it “I should practice more on the French manicure, practice make perfect” In my point of view, it is fun and constructive to do something in the meanwhile despite the fact that it can be a bit complicate to handle two things at a time. It is actually a challenge to be good in school as well as my job, if you asked me about which one count the most, I would not really have to think about it, I keep in mind which one of those is the most important to me, it is indubitably the grades that I get in school, it is what will allow me to reach my long-terms goals.



In conclusion, there is a sort of long way between the facts of being an adolescent and being an adult, it can take some time to get used to it. I mean, last year my life was lot more simple, all I had to do or think of was a way to get as much fun as possible, hang out with my friends, or spend a lot of time in front of the TV. Whereas now, my thoughts are directed towards the things that should enable my future success, such as school and work.Can my job affect my grades? It could have, if I did not take ownership of my actions or be aware of my obligations. I know what it entails, I am capable and I am totally ready to make all  the sacrifices necessary to handle both of them, as well as possible. I do my utmost to devotemy thinking time to the goals that I want to accomplish.


 Work cited

Jules[ Jules Julenane] “Re. Project1: Thinking in Writing.” openlab. ENG 1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 20 Sept.2014. Web.14 oct.2014


Jules. Julenane. “Science project.” Flickr.13 Sept.2014. Web.14 Oct. 2014

Jules. Julenane. “Polish.” Flickr.13 Sept.2014. Web.14 Oct. 2014

Jules. Julenane. ” Cheetah.” Flickr.13 Sept.2014. Web.14 Oct. 2014

Jules. Julenane. “3D nail art flower.” Flickr.13 Sept.2014. Web.14 Oct. 2014

Jules. Julenane. ” Gel Demo.” Flickr.13 Sept.2014. Web.14 Oct. 2014

Jules. Julenane. “Delicieux.” Flickr.5 Oct.2014. Web.14 Oct. 2014

In-text Citation

During my day of thought, I wrote, “I should get a doughnut, I want a doughnut, well.. maybe two.. I love the coconut flavor, I should definitely get one” (JulesJ par.4).

During my day of thought, I noted, “The G train is trouble, why is it taking so long???” (JulesJ par.6).

For my day of thought, I wrote down,  “I should stay in my bed a bit more.. I still have time to get prepare for the bio class, it’s at 10:00 so..” (JulesJ par.2).

For my day of thought, I recorded,  “I don’t want to be late, let’s do it.. it’s time to move.”  (JulesJ par.3).

For my day of thought, I commented “I need to be stronger and more independent” (JulesJ par.17).

During my day of thought, I noted, “Should study biology real often, it’s tough” ” (JulesJ par.21).


Writing My Brain By: Hans Anthony Gerlain

Introduction :

In this project I have the opportunity to share my thoughts with you and how I feel about them,hopefully make a difference of your life. I wanted to start out saying “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination, and hard-work”. I believe people who work very hard in their life that they can achieve big things as long you believe yourself.If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe than you will be successful, you need to find the right determination and overcome your obstacles to able succeed in life. I have these thoughts in my head about myself, my family, and the world itself. The most part of my life is that I viewed the world differently and the people in the world need to realize they have fear in their hearts and afraid to do anything with their life. I realized that fear stops people for not trying to achieve their dreams, they are afraid to able to become successful. All I know is that I want to live my life to the fullest and not be afraid of everything that stands in my way.

Thinking in Writing :

Wake up from sleeping
Workout in my room
Make Breakfast
go for a run outside and play ball
Do Home work and eat pizza
Play video games
Sketching in my notebook.
Learning how to use my autocad on my computer
Being with Dad in his car talk about basketball all day
Telling my mom I love her everyday with all my heart
My older sisters will always look after me and also pick on me
I sit in my room and think about will I be successful in my life
End of the day I always wonder what future stores for me
As long I keep on living and breathing
I be fine , and all I want is to become engineer

Thinking Visually :

This is my drawing of a rose but it’s very unique and beautiful

“A True Beauty of a Rose”


This is a outline of a design from a textbook in my engineering drawing class and it’s called “Guide Gasket Outline”.


This is the same design “Guide Gasket” but I did it on the computer with a software program called AutoCAD.


Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively :

My name is Hans Anthony Gerlain, I am eighteen years old college student in New York City of Technology or commonly known as City Tech. I want to study of mechanical and industrial engineering I want to learn both because I want to design and build one of my products in the future. My dream goal is to be product designer, to designed products for a living to make something new everyday. I have these thoughts in my head that I want to make something new and to be different so everybody can notice of my design. I want to create a design and to able to use technology for a good purpose in the world, some people say the technology it’s bad for the environment and can cause bad health conditions for the people, animals, and mostly the environment. . I will find a way to not harm the environment, there are possibilities I have to be determined and confident in my ability to find a safe way to not harm environmental and protect the people from machinery. I want to also technology to help people who have problems in their daily life and to use it in safe way without causing harm to them. In the past I was dealing with computers, cars, and robotics-fixing, drawing new ideas of a design, and taking care of modern technology but I want to do something extraordinary or unique with technology. Researching about the world and its problems that society has been dealing with. I want to get my future job as an engineer and to own a business company in my life finding myself helping people with their own problems with technology.

I have a regular life and I may have problems at first but I can overcome them with faith by my side also most of all family .I am family person, I truly love my family with all my heart and do anything to support them because they motivated me to be in college and have a career which is to be an engineer. Without family there’s no one will love and support you or even cared about your dreams that you want to achieve in life. Be grateful that you have family that will always be there for you no matter what. Always honor them with your heart and be loyal to your family. They will guide you and give you courage to keep on going with your life and motivate to overcome your obstacles that stand in your way. Live your life to the fullest and be who you are and what you want to be because everybody is looking for a leader and people will look up to you as an inspiration, you can be their leader. Inspire people and motivated them to be better than they were before. Give people an opportunity and provided them with hope and dreams. It’s time for you to stop looking at the process it takes to get what you want in life , and start looking at the results when you overcome the obstacles that you struggle with. You may fall felt like giving up sometimes the best thing you can do is not to give up. If you do fall always have the strength to get yourself back up and keep on going, start over and try again.

I have a passion for sketching and coloring I want my artwork to be unique and beautiful to share my art to the world and see my future gallery. One of my thoughts I usually sketch in my notebook to plan out my ideas and my creativity that helps me to design for the future. There’s a photo I took it’s my artwork of a rose but it’s not a regular rose that you see outside in a garden. It’s very unique and it came out perfect to my eyes. It took me 3 day just to finish it and became what I vision it. I learned that an artist, designer, or even painter it takes time to finish your project and you have to be patient with your artwork. Put your heart and soul to your design even if you feel like it’s not good enough and failed miserably but you have to keep on trying and never give up. If you passion about something don’t let anyone or the world stops you from doing things that you love to do. Stay positive, good things will happen to you if you love what you do; you never have to work a day in your life.

In this 2nd photo is I was in my engineering drawing class it’s a design from a textbook. I was analyzing and studying the design it was difficult at first but I overcome my problem and able to do it on the computer which leads to the 3rd photo of the design. This program we have to use in class on the computer it’s called AutoCAD. AutoCAD is a software program for engineers that they use to design and modify objects such as a wheel, screw, and any objects. A software program for 2D or 3D computer-aided design to create objects in the computer. I want to use AutoCAD to help to design and create my products and the making of cars and I’m learning currently how to use in class. I want use AutoCAD for my future projects and to design more of my artwork it could be a regular object or a master piece. I know want to use for a big design and build a product that can be useful for people. In the world people want to see something more from technology and to see something new, unique, and to be different. To use this program in order to help me to achieve that goal and in the future I will continue on using AutoCAD.

In the future I want to be an engineer and in order to achieve that is to have faith with myself. No matter how hard things get or how badly you want to give up, you keep on going. Sometimes you just want to let go when it seems like what you’re going for is just out of reach, and sometimes you tell yourself if you what you’re trying to get is worth the great amount of effort that you put in it. When things get hard, you start thinking that it’s not worth it but let me tell you this, the more pain and suffering you put into something, the better it’ll feel when you get it. I will use this dream to help others in need because of my ideas for the world and technology we use today. I love technology are very interesting to me and amazing so many ways, I want to create and build products for people to able to help them if they have problems with technology  in their daily life. I will work so hard to own a business company of creating products and thinking ideas for the people and world. To able to use technology for a good purpose and help the world, make a difference of living with technology. I believe dreams don’t come true just because you wish for them; you have to fight to make them real. I will able to achieve my dream because I have potential to change the world for the better.I able to find the real person inside of me and become self sufficient and do things what I love to do and becoming engineer is important to me. I don’t worry about what society say about me I have goal and a vision to see myself to live happily and not worry about my problems that involved in my life. I always will put effort in my work and achieve my goals, temptations always try to get the best of me but I’m not going to let that stop me from reaching my goals that I want to achieve. I do everything in my power to get myself in the right path and becoming a successful person.

 Work Cited

Hans,Gerlain Re;Project 1 Thinking and Writing.” OpenLab Eng 1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014 22 September2014. Web. 14 Oct 2014

Hans,Gerlain. A True Beauty of a Rose”. Flickr. 14 October 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.

Hans,Gerlain.”Guide Gasket”. Flickr. 14 October 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.

Hans,Gerlain.”Guide Gasket Outline”. Flickr. 14 October 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.



Writing My Brain Project by Afsana Asha

INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the project known as “Writing My Brain”. In this project we had to choose a date to write down our thoughts, take pictures that reflect our written thoughts and have ourselves reflect back on the “day of thoughts”. This project was a great way to recreate yourself and learn how to manipulate or own brain, almost like hacking our brains. Throughout the project I learned a lot about myself. Without further interruption, I’d like to present to you my version of the project. I hope you like it.


Day of Thoughts:
Date Friday the 19th of September
Why can I go to sleep at 3 am and wake up at 6 am without feeling tired or sleepy?
Why is milk white and not any other colour??

*Outside/Before Noon*
UGH it’s so cold out.
I wonder how other people perceive me.
I wonder how I would perceive myself if I saw myself from another POV.
How would we react if our sense of normal was completely different then what it is now???
What exactly is normal??

*While listening to music*
Why does my sister think listening to MGK is bad?
I wonder if listening to “Lil’ Wayne’s” music actually makes you get a lower score on the SATs

*Some time during lunch/Afternoon*
I hate seafood and beef, why does mom keep cooking it after I told her I DESPISE IT?!?!
I’m turning 18, why do I feel like I’m 14?
I should really learn how to cook, and drive

*While surfing on the web* (approximately 3 hours straight)
I wonder what his secret tumblr url is
I want tickets to Reality Dance Tour
Am I the only one who is too lazy to move and get the remote control when it’s literally 8 inches away?
Okay mom I get it, clean this, clean that, take the trash out, stop listening to music so loudly blah blah blahh
Why do people find the “what’s 9 plus 10″ vine so funny? I don’t get it”
All this internet surfing makes me tired

*watching TV*
Why are all South Asian soap operas the same?!
Wow I never noticed how beautiful Deepika Paudokone (might have spelt her last name wrong, she is a South Asian Model/Actress)
What if they actually find ways for humans to survive on the moon, would earths population decrease??
My head hurts
UGHHHHH STOP FIGHTING! Who cares which pizzeria you go to, it’s all the same GEEZ

*Before bed on my phone*
Oh -insert curse word here- I forgot to do my old HW!!!
What’s 9 plus 10? 21 ahahahhaahah Not funny
Screenshotting and sending to all contact list
WOAH it’s 3:32 am already?! I should go to sleep
4:39 am I can’t believe I’m texting myself my thoughts
5:22 am sjfdshjfgdhsfefhujfhdsjsd


Cluster of Words

Cluster of Words – This picture contains a pile of homework that I have to do. This image shows that my mind really a literal cluster of words and mathematical equations. It also shows that I am a current student who is using education as a drive into the occupational world.

An Open Door to the Past

An Open Door to the Past – This is a picture of many of my old baby pictures, my first baby sweater and my cap from my high school graduation. It is supposed to portray that although I’ve taken a leap into the future, I still carry beautiful memories with me to enrich my experiences and life events.

Intersection of an Open Mind

Intersection of an Open Mind – This picture is of one of the stairways that lead to the main train station of Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Avenue. This picture shows that our minds are like train stations, we retrieve and send out information just like trains enter and leave the station. The information we retrieve in our brains are like the passengers who ride the train from one location to another.


My name is Afsana Asha. I am your average 18 year old living in New York City. Everyday is a new venture for me. I learn new things each day and try to use each of the lessons learned in my everyday life experiences. Just like every 18 year old, my mind is filled with many unanswered questions that I still deem to answer. It is said that our thoughts are a small frame to our brains. Our thoughts reflect our personality, mood, and adaptation to our surroundings and that is the main core to this project, to understand and be one with our inner selves.

In speech class we had to do an experiment where we relied completely on our auditory senses and block out all other senses. We had to choose a rowdy location, close our eyes, sit there and write down everything our ears had crossed paths with. This project was to help us understand how we are as listeners and to help us differentiate the meanings between hearing and listening. While testing out how my auditory senses worked, I found out that my thoughts tend to be scattered and dark. It’s as if I have a gray cloud hovering over my head. To further test my hypothesis, I decided to do a day of thoughts and write down everything I was thinking throughout the day. And luckily for me, that is exactly what my English project required.

Before we begin tearing apart my thoughts, let’s start with some scientific information about the brain to help us understand why we think the way we do. The human brain weighs approximately 3 pounds. It has 100 billion nerve cells that are connected to many different cells. Our brain encodes things as memories, which is physically stored in the wiring and chemical make up of the brain. As we evolve as humans, so do our brains. It changes overtime based upon languages, cultures, geography, experiences and our thoughts. So the decisions we made at age 12 will seem quite odd by the time we reach our 20’s or 30’s and this will go on as we grow older.

Now that we have learned a few things about the human brain, we can move on and dig deeper into our thoughts, which begins with “The Day of Thoughts”. My day of thoughts began pretty basic since I was focusing on the present rather than the future, which was eating breakfast, but it gradually moved on with whatever was happening. During my day of thoughts, I wrote, “Why can I go to sleep at 3 am and wake up at 6 am without feeling tired or sleepy?” (AAsha928 par. 5), this shows that my thoughts were directed at my present and not my future or past. I also thought about breakfast and why milk is white, I still have no clue by the way, which was pretty accurate and an “at the moment” kind of thought since I just woke up and was feeling hungry.

As the day progressed so did my thoughts. For example when I went outside, I began to have deep trails of thoughts. I pondered upon the thought of how I am perceived. Being a bully victim of many years, the way I view myself personally has been worn down but I wanted to view myself from another point of view. “I wonder how I would perceive myself if I saw myself from another POV” (AAsha928 par. 10) is a clear projection of what I was exactly thinking. Viewing my written thoughts I would definitely say that my thoughts are tailored towards the present rather than the past or the future.

To better reflect my thoughts, I decided to use pictures. These pictures were used to captivate a fraction of what I was thinking, after all a picture does say a thousand words. The first picture I took was to show my past, in this everything that was a part of my childhood up until I was a college student, (Asha, “An”) since I was consistently thinking about the fact I was turning 18 in a couple of days prior to the day of thoughts. Although the photo captured a fragment of my past, it also showed that I was thinking about my future and that no matter how far into the future I am, I will always carry my most cherished memories with me.

Another picture I took that I believe justifies my trail of thoughts is “A Cluster of Words” (Asha, “Cluster”). The picture shows that as an 18 year old college student I have loads of student work. It also shows that I have to use what I have learned previously and put it into my own perspective, paraphrase, via mathematical problem solving skills, essay writing and studying. This is a perfect example of using my past experiences to help clarify my “present” and a bit of my “future”. Although the things I learn now and have learned in the past seem to be a blur at the moment, I believe that as I grow older, each lesson learned will be cherished greatly.

After rereading my thoughts and going through the several pictures I’ve taken that reflect my thoughts I can say that my thoughts aren’t as gray as I thought they would be. Majority of my thoughts are based upon the present or things that relate to the present. Which makes a lot of sense because I’ve also reread a lot of my old journal entries and realized that everything I’ve written was based upon my emotions at the time. Although as a teenager my mood changes very often, I always try to think positively. I always keep my mind straight and try to avert my anger or sadness. I believe this shows that as humans we have the ability to manage our own thoughts. We can shift our moods and mind set using tricks such as listening to music, doing something we like such as a hobby, or use our passion as a strength. I hope that knowing these things will help me better prepare for my future endeavors and career.

As I am coming to an end with this project, I can definitely say that my hypothesis about my thoughts being scattered was proven incorrectly. Although at times I did have thoughts that had nothing to do with what was happening at the moment, majority of my thoughts were focused on the present. I hope this newly learned information can help me sculpt a better and clearer future. I also believe that since my thoughts are shaped around the present, being someone in the marketing/business, film, or fashion industry would be a pretty reasonable career for me. Which is great for me since I plan on acquiring an accounting degree and hope to pursue a career in the film industry in the future. I would like to conclude this essay stating that although my thoughts are focused primarily on the present, I still keep my main goal in life close to my heart and use it as a tool to be happy. I believe everyone has an opportunity to live their dreams, so your thoughts shouldn’t only be focused on the present but also geared towards the future.




 AAsha928 [Afsana Asha]. “Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” OpenLab. ENG101 D377 English Composition 1, Fall 2014, 23 September 2014.

Asha, Afsana, “An Open Door to the Past.” Flickr. 26 September 2014. Web. 12 October 2014.

Asha, Afsana. “Cluster of Words.” Flickr. 20 September 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.

Asha, Afsana, “Intersection Of An Open Mind.” Flickr. 24 September 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.


Writing My Brain Project by Kelvin Galvez


Hello my name is Kelvin Galvez , I am here to explain to you how my brain thinks. I did this to explain to the many people what is my current thinking like and in what direction is it leading me. In this essay you will read how my current thinking is and how i want it to be.


Well I finally got up its 1 pm I’m tired hungry and more hungry , i wonder what I’m going to eat , probably some mangu con salami , or maybe some Chinese eh I just want food.
1:30 Finally got my mangu 🙂 , now to plan what I’m going to do for the rest of the day. I think I’m going to head to my cousin and relax a little.
2:00 I should start working on creating my clothing line , I’ve been working on it for a while now I should come out with it soon.
2:30 Once I’m finished with my fashion marketing major I’m sure to have the knowledge of what I need to no to come out with a good clothing line.
3:15 Ugh I’m hungry againnn need fooodd.
3:45I finally finished all my homework for the week so now I won’t have to worry about anything for the vacation coming up ,
4:00speaking of that I have to plan places to visit and sights to see.
4:30Happy about this Jewish holiday even though I’m not Jewish and all no school sounds like a break INeed ,
5:00speaking about school I can’t wait to transfer to FIT, I’m working really hard to make sure my grades are good enough to transfer.
5:30 can’t wait to become a professional already make myself alot of money buy cars , houses , clothes. That’s awesomeness
6:00 but for now I will start working on the short term goals like actually design some clothes and get to start up the company
6:30 I’m boreddd I need to go back to the gym and work out
7:00 giving my self a year to do a full transformation in the gym
7:30 This Sons of anarchy show is just awesome… can’t put it in any better words
8:00 still watching my show
8:30 okay time for food again , gonna order some Chinese 🙂
9:00 I just Notice I talk alot about food people are gonna read this n think I’m some fat monster
9:30 okay that food gave me the sleepys , I love when that happens
10:00 school tomorrow ughhh okay I’m going to sleep , early bird catches the worm


University of Rochester




My Current Thinking
By: Kelvin Galvez

Hello, My name is Kelvin Galvez and I am here to explain to you my current thinking. In this Argumentative essay you will be able to understand my current thinking and the different point of views on it. In this essay I will show you how my current thinking is preparing me for the future. By “future” I mean 5 minutes from now, 5 days from now, even 5 years from now, You will see that every thought I have has an action and every action I do is to ultimately benefit me In the future. Why I am doing this you ask? Well the only answer is to show people that even the most random things I do is to help me later on such as doing homework at the last minute or eating healthy food for example. I also am doing this to show the readers were my current thinking is leading me in life.With that being said lets take a look on how my current thinking really prepares me for the future

First evidence I found about how my current thinking prepares me for the future is shown on my day of thoughts. I found that it could be about the smallest things but i am constantly thinking about what to do next as shown in my day of thoughts “i wonder what I’m going to eat , probably some mangu con salami , or maybe some Chinese eh I just want food.”(kelvin169par.2) You could see this thought in one of my photos titled “food”(kelvin,”food”).You also see here that i am thinking about what to eat, although that day I ate thirty minuets after it still shows how i am thinking about the future and preparing my self for when i really get hungry and actually thinking about what kinds of food should i eat. Another evidence that i saw in my day of thoughts that showed my current thinking prepares me for the future was “speaking about school I can’t wait to transfer to FIT, I’m working really hard to make sure my grades are good enough to transfer.” (kelvin169par.2) you also see here that my current thinking is preparing me for the future saying I need to get good grades to transfer , this thought is looking a little bit further into my future than the first thought but ultimately still doing the same thing as the first.

Although I believe my current thinking is preparing me for the future, There are still people that could argue with me and tell me i am wrong. One reason this being is because Ive shown evidence from one day of thoughts. One day of thoughts doesn’t show your current thinking overall. People can also quote from my day of thought and show that not all my thoughts are looking to prepare me for the future such as “Happy about this Jewish holiday even though I’m not Jewish and all no school sounds like a break I Needed.”(kelvin169par.3) but then again I am here to prove them wrong, although it is true this is just one day of thoughts this day of thoughts is consistently reminding me of goals or what is needed to do for the week. Till those goals or things i need to do isn’t done i am constantly going to be thinking about them and making sure i do whatever is needed for me to do to complete them showing that my overall current thinking is about preparing me for the future. Also even thought that quote for from my day of thoughts doesn’t really show me thinking about the future, it is because that thought of me thinking about the holiday that i was able to plan a mini vacation on that day as shown in my Day of thoughts ,”I finally finished all my homework for the week so now I won’t have to worry about anything for the vacation coming up.” (kelvin169par.2) You could also see more evidence of this thought in my photos titled “Rochester University”(kelvin,”Rochester University”)

More evidence showing that I am preparing my self for the future is also including in my day of thoughts saying “I should start working on creating my clothing line , I’ve been working on it for a while now I should come out with it soon.” (kelvin169par.3) Another example like this one would be “can’t wait to become a professional already make myself alot of money buy cars , houses , clothes. That’s awesomeness” (kelvin169par.3) This two thoughts are very similar and very different but ultimately comes down to the same outcome. The first thought talks about creating my clothing line , something that could be a short term goal in the near future or could really be long term. The second thought consist me thinking a lot further , talking about buying car , clothing and houses. But these two thoughts are still thinking about the future and preparing my self for that moment , when i do make my clothing line or when i do become a professional.

Still people can argue with this essay and say my current thinking isn’t preparing me for the future. They can argue that my current thinking is all over the place as shown in my day of thoughts , that I talk about my clothing line then i go on talking about the vacation coming up and so on and so forth. Also from my pictures I have a picture titled “food”(Kelvin,”food”) showing food and a picture title “Rochester University (kelvin,Rochester University”), that is pretty much all over the place. But although this may be true, there are still technicalities that play a part of that. In the day of thoughts I recording my thinking ever 30 minuets or so. So i didn’t just continued on from my last thought thirty minuets ago I wrote down what i was thinking that moment. Even thought my thinking was all over the place mostly every thought was preparing me for the future. It may not be in an orderly fashion how it could be but it is definitely preparing me for the future.

In conclusion I can argue that my current thinking is preparing me for the future with evidence from my “day of thoughts” and pictures representing those thoughts. But that doesn’t mean this is the way i want to think. Although i pay a lot of attention to the future and whats coming up which many people want to do, i find myself wanting to think differently. I want some how convert my current thinking from think about the future in general to thinking specifically about what needs to be done now. For example in order to go to FIT you need to make sure you have a 3.5 GPA, I want to be able to just focus on getting the 3.5 GPA and not think about what i am going to do in FIT when i get there. My plan to change my thinking is by focusing on my short term goals intensely. So if my real goal is to get into FIT i will only focus on getting the 3.5 GPA or if my goal is to create a clothing line I will only focus on making designs and different small things that will later create the clothing line. With doing so i should be able to slowly change my current thinking. And still ultimately prepare my self for the future.

Work Cited

Kelvin169 [kelvin galvez]. “Re:Project 1; Thinking in Writing Open Lab. ENG1101 D377 English Composition , FA2014, Sept 24.2014. Web 14 oct.2014

Galvez, Kelvin “Food” Flickr. Sept 24. 2014. Web14 oct.2014

Galvez Kelvin “Rochester University” Flickr. Sept 30.204. Web 14 oct. 2014