Writing My Brain By: Hans Anthony Gerlain

Introduction :

In this project I have the opportunity to share my thoughts with you and how I feel about them,hopefully make a difference of your life. I wanted to start out saying “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination, and hard-work”. I believe people who work very hard in their life that they can achieve big things as long you believe yourself.If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe than you will be successful, you need to find the right determination and overcome your obstacles to able succeed in life. I have these thoughts in my head about myself, my family, and the world itself. The most part of my life is that I viewed the world differently and the people in the world need to realize they have fear in their hearts and afraid to do anything with their life. I realized that fear stops people for not trying to achieve their dreams, they are afraid to able to become successful. All I know is that I want to live my life to the fullest and not be afraid of everything that stands in my way.

Thinking in Writing :

Wake up from sleeping
Workout in my room
Make Breakfast
go for a run outside and play ball
Do Home work and eat pizza
Play video games
Sketching in my notebook.
Learning how to use my autocad on my computer
Being with Dad in his car talk about basketball all day
Telling my mom I love her everyday with all my heart
My older sisters will always look after me and also pick on me
I sit in my room and think about will I be successful in my life
End of the day I always wonder what future stores for me
As long I keep on living and breathing
I be fine , and all I want is to become engineer

Thinking Visually :

This is my drawing of a rose but it’s very unique and beautiful

“A True Beauty of a Rose”

Drawinngs and Art ✏️


This is a outline of a design from a textbook in my engineering drawing class and it’s called “Guide Gasket Outline”.

Drawinngs and Art ✏️


This is the same design “Guide Gasket” but I did it on the computer with a software program called AutoCAD.

Drawinngs and Art ✏️


Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively :

My name is Hans Anthony Gerlain, I am eighteen years old college student in New York City of Technology or commonly known as City Tech. I want to study of mechanical and industrial engineering I want to learn both because I want to design and build one of my products in the future. My dream goal is to be product designer, to designed products for a living to make something new everyday. I have these thoughts in my head that I want to make something new and to be different so everybody can notice of my design. I want to create a design and to able to use technology for a good purpose in the world, some people say the technology it’s bad for the environment and can cause bad health conditions for the people, animals, and mostly the environment. . I will find a way to not harm the environment, there are possibilities I have to be determined and confident in my ability to find a safe way to not harm environmental and protect the people from machinery. I want to also technology to help people who have problems in their daily life and to use it in safe way without causing harm to them. In the past I was dealing with computers, cars, and robotics-fixing, drawing new ideas of a design, and taking care of modern technology but I want to do something extraordinary or unique with technology. Researching about the world and its problems that society has been dealing with. I want to get my future job as an engineer and to own a business company in my life finding myself helping people with their own problems with technology.

I have a regular life and I may have problems at first but I can overcome them with faith by my side also most of all family .I am family person, I truly love my family with all my heart and do anything to support them because they motivated me to be in college and have a career which is to be an engineer. Without family there’s no one will love and support you or even cared about your dreams that you want to achieve in life. Be grateful that you have family that will always be there for you no matter what. Always honor them with your heart and be loyal to your family. They will guide you and give you courage to keep on going with your life and motivate to overcome your obstacles that stand in your way. Live your life to the fullest and be who you are and what you want to be because everybody is looking for a leader and people will look up to you as an inspiration, you can be their leader. Inspire people and motivated them to be better than they were before. Give people an opportunity and provided them with hope and dreams. It’s time for you to stop looking at the process it takes to get what you want in life , and start looking at the results when you overcome the obstacles that you struggle with. You may fall felt like giving up sometimes the best thing you can do is not to give up. If you do fall always have the strength to get yourself back up and keep on going, start over and try again.

I have a passion for sketching and coloring I want my artwork to be unique and beautiful to share my art to the world and see my future gallery. One of my thoughts I usually sketch in my notebook to plan out my ideas and my creativity that helps me to design for the future. There’s a photo I took it’s my artwork of a rose but it’s not a regular rose that you see outside in a garden. It’s very unique and it came out perfect to my eyes. It took me 3 day just to finish it and became what I vision it. I learned that an artist, designer, or even painter it takes time to finish your project and you have to be patient with your artwork. Put your heart and soul to your design even if you feel like it’s not good enough and failed miserably but you have to keep on trying and never give up. If you passion about something don’t let anyone or the world stops you from doing things that you love to do. Stay positive, good things will happen to you if you love what you do; you never have to work a day in your life.

In this 2nd photo is I was in my engineering drawing class it’s a design from a textbook. I was analyzing and studying the design it was difficult at first but I overcome my problem and able to do it on the computer which leads to the 3rd photo of the design. This program we have to use in class on the computer it’s called AutoCAD. AutoCAD is a software program for engineers that they use to design and modify objects such as a wheel, screw, and any objects. A software program for 2D or 3D computer-aided design to create objects in the computer. I want to use AutoCAD to help to design and create my products and the making of cars and I’m learning currently how to use in class. I want use AutoCAD for my future projects and to design more of my artwork it could be a regular object or a master piece. I know want to use for a big design and build a product that can be useful for people. In the world people want to see something more from technology and to see something new, unique, and to be different. To use this program in order to help me to achieve that goal and in the future I will continue on using AutoCAD.

In the future I want to be an engineer and in order to achieve that is to have faith with myself. No matter how hard things get or how badly you want to give up, you keep on going. Sometimes you just want to let go when it seems like what you’re going for is just out of reach, and sometimes you tell yourself if you what you’re trying to get is worth the great amount of effort that you put in it. When things get hard, you start thinking that it’s not worth it but let me tell you this, the more pain and suffering you put into something, the better it’ll feel when you get it. I will use this dream to help others in need because of my ideas for the world and technology we use today. I love technology are very interesting to me and amazing so many ways, I want to create and build products for people to able to help them if they have problems with technology  in their daily life. I will work so hard to own a business company of creating products and thinking ideas for the people and world. To able to use technology for a good purpose and help the world, make a difference of living with technology. I believe dreams don’t come true just because you wish for them; you have to fight to make them real. I will able to achieve my dream because I have potential to change the world for the better.I able to find the real person inside of me and become self sufficient and do things what I love to do and becoming engineer is important to me. I don’t worry about what society say about me I have goal and a vision to see myself to live happily and not worry about my problems that involved in my life. I always will put effort in my work and achieve my goals, temptations always try to get the best of me but I’m not going to let that stop me from reaching my goals that I want to achieve. I do everything in my power to get myself in the right path and becoming a successful person.

 Work Cited

Hans,Gerlain Re;Project 1 Thinking and Writing.” OpenLab Eng 1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014 22 September2014. Web. 14 Oct 2014

Hans,Gerlain. A True Beauty of a Rose”. Flickr. 14 October 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.

Hans,Gerlain.”Guide Gasket”. Flickr. 14 October 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.

Hans,Gerlain.”Guide Gasket Outline”. Flickr. 14 October 2014. Web. 14 October 2014.