Building and Decorating Birdhouse #4

I started to work with a coworker to create DIY projects for the students as well as execute them with the students. We had our students team up to create birdhouses using popsicle sticks and decorate them with paint. Each group was responsible for coming up with blueprints of what they’d like their birdhouses to look like before starting the building portion of the projects.

This was a fun way of teaching the kids how to sketch out their ideas before going straight into working on the project. It also was to teach the students to work together to create projects that included what they and their partners would like to be seen or involved in their project.

At first, the students shared their concerns which included them saying that their ideas wouldn’t work together when it came to designing their birdhouses. After assisting them by giving them ideas on what could work, they were able to make a few adjustments. It was a great experience to not only work with someone new to execute this project despite our concern about the different types of projects we teach. It was fun to be able to set an example for the kids to show them how to work together and have them practice teamwork with students they barely knew. 

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