Due: December 12, 2022


Return to the research you conducted for your reflective annotated bibliography and what you learned about your topic, and decide on a genre in which to share your research. By sharing your information in a new genre, you can reach a different (or wider) audience. Think about what will change about the way the information is presented.

One of the goals of this assignment is to repurpose the information you have gathered and use it to compose in a new genre. Transforming your writing in this way will help you think about how the conventions of genre relate to the audience and affect writing and the presentation of information.

Note: This is a two-part assignment.

Part I: Writing in a Genre 

Choose one of the following genres (pick a genre that would appeal to your audience):

  • script for a TED Talk
  • script for a radio or television interview
  • a newspaper editorial
  • a magazine article
  • a blog entry
  • a letter to the editor of a newspaper
  • a letter to the head of a country imploring a change in policy affecting human rights
  • a letter or speech to a politician, local or federal
  • podcast script and recording of the podcast
  • a play or film script
  • an email to a judge overseeing a case pertaining to your issue

Note: You need to find two or three examples of the genre you wish to work in. Read a letter to the editor or watch a podcast, read a script for a movie or play. Submit references to these with your project.

Use your research to draft a document for your specific audience using the format and conventions of the genre you have chosen and analyzed: be sure to pay attention to the unique qualities of your genre, including appropriate length and formatting. Also, be sure to give credit to your sources in order to avoid plagiarism.

Part II: Reflection and Genre Analysis 

Write a one-page reflection (approx. 300 words) explaining which genre you chose and why.

In your reflection make sure to do the following:

  • State the genre you chose and explain why this is your choice. In other words, does your choice relate to this audience’s interest, age, or a community they are part of? Or something else?
  • Discuss the specific audience with whom you will share your research. Briefly describe who they are, why you chose them, and how this research relates to them. What do you think your audience knows about the subject? And what might their concerns or assumptions be about this particular topic?
  • List and explain at least five traits that are unique to the genre you have chosen.
Here are the grading criteria for the Writing in a New Genre project:

Part I: Your original piece…

  • uses one of the genres from the list provided or one we agreed on.
  • follows the conventions and formatting of your chosen genre that you explored and listed in your reflection (Part II).
  • Incorporates information from the research done for your reflective annotated bibliography and gives appropriate credit in order to avoid plagiarism.

Part II: Your one-page reflection…

  • is thoughtfully written and follows the assignment guidelines.
  • clearly and convincingly explains why the genre you plan to compose in makes sense for the audience you have chosen to address.
  • clearly lists and explains the traits that are unique to the genre.

Overall: Your Unit 3 project…

  • uses tone, language, grammar, and sentence structure appropriate for this genre.
  • has been carefully proofread.
  • meets the required word count.
  • has been submitted on time.