You must be CAREFUL using  Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not professionally written, edited or composed in any way.  It is NOT fact-checked. Anyone can post anything on Wikipedia. Usually, other users will identify and remove mistakes—but if you happen to use Wikipe- dia five minutes after someone has posted misleading or incorrect material (which happens often), you will be the beneficiary of their bogus sham intelligence.  

(Like a John LeCarre character waltzing to his or her doom.)

HOWEVER, oftentimes, at the bottom of a Wikipedia entry are links to references that are extremely valuable and researched and fact-checked.  

If there’s a link on Wikipedia to a known resource such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or an journal or news organization that is reputable when you check it on, for example, then THOSE sources are safe to cite and rely on in daily life.