City Tech College student

Day: December 22, 2020

Things im learning

In my internship I have learned a lot of new things that will help me in my field and the way things are changing. Covid has limited us meeting in person and the way we interact. We have daily Zoom calls that we use to review the work we do. I never had to do zoom calls and set them up to meet with my co-workers. I noticed this is the new way we would work and so far it has gone well. Even though I believe meeting in person and seeing the sketches in person would be more protective I have learned to interact through online. Trying to make friendships through my co-workers has been a bit weird because we aren’t in person, but I did manage to be closer to a colleague. Building friendship in the workplace has been one of my goals to help improve my major and at work in case I need help. Overall Online interactions have been very difficult to make new friends, but it has made things less dramatic. I heard people would usually have drama at work with each other, but so far everything has gone very well.

Last day in the Internship.

In the internship I had a few challenges that I had to overcome. One of my co workers had problems that couldn’t attend work. I was switched into working on the website earlier then expected to do in his absence. I’ve done coding before, but it wasn’t one of my big specialties. I still managed to do a few things before my coworker could come back. I also had family issues going on at the time that hindered my work. Now during the end I had some medical issues that limited me to work. I Told my supervisor and he was very understanding. I wasn’t fired, but I was put on hold due to not being able to put in all of my effort in working. Everyone in my internships has so far been very nice to me and I learned a lot from the things I had to overcome like taking new positions last min. Overall I was told my my supervisor that I have been doing a good job in the internship and would wait for my recovery. 

First day in the Internship

First day of the internship the company wanted to rebrand everything since They wanted to advertise how they can also help regular people with computer issues during this time. I was put in a team of three to work on the new logo, pamphlet and website. I worked on the logo and different revisions multiple times. I was very comfortable due to me being recommended by my uncle and everything I was asked to do. I already had experience in similar projects I had in my college classes. So far The Internship I feel is going very well. People that I’m also working with are very friendly and treat me like one of them. My set up for working from home has also been hindering me because my laptop isn’t as start to do work more efficiently. 

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