New Vision for Industry City – March 2015

Crains NY posted a memo today regarding Jamestown’s current vision for Industry City and the politicians’ anticipated reactions.

Below is the link to the Industry City site: take a look at what we might expect.




Principles Guidin Design


This is a critical item that will be guiding our design mainly because the site is on a waterfront and will be the first to sustain damage from incoming storms.


The goal is to easily guide the inhabitants of our site through the created paths in the neighborhood by creating tighter shorter streets and encouraging bicycles usage and implementing a main road though the site.

Green Spaces

we will be adding public green spaces and private green spaces to improve irrigation throughout the site.

Multi-Use buildings

A mix of usage in buildings to add variety and add to the neighborhood’s infrastructure.


Green roofs, reduced run off and water usage, improve irrigation, add sustainable practices.

Gathering Space

Add Squares, Parks, community center, library art galleries and shops.

Hadiza D.Ā  Horacio M.Ā  Manu S.Ā  Yuhui O.

Team VIEW – jenniferV, Isaiasg, Elizab, & Walkiriac – Principles

Transportation – how to attractĀ people to the site?

To attract early families and young adult to live at the site.

Analyze and understand circulation and hierarchy of importance and relationships of uses.

Easy circulation throughout the site for bicycles, cars and pedestrians

Incorporating existing neighborhoods and buildings

Keep the style and feel of Brooklyn and try not to modernize too much.

Flood resilience and Storm awareness

Provide a right ratio of commercial and public area with residential


The site is huge and needs to be developed so the neighborhood may welcome people from different backgrounds and make it lively. It seems to be used for nothing else but parking and storage which is a waste for such a great site.


Site visit reaction

We went to visit the site on Monday. On the way we walked to the site, I felt that the site was not in an interesting spot since we could not found a lot of people walking around the site area. It is also a little bit far from the site to the public transportation. However, I found the site has its own potential after I went into one of the building in industrial city. We get the view from the sixth floor on the building, and it is pretty amazing although there is nothing happen on the site so far. We might put the industrial city effects into the consideration for the urban design.


Site Reaction

Since I got to the site a little late i was able to walk to the site on my own. I got to first experience how the buildings contrast to the street and how the blocks are actually being used. Due to the snow most people were walking on the street then the sidewalk but i would assume even if it wasn’t for snow they still would. Going into the building to have an overall view of the site i caught a small glimpse of what goes on in the buildings and what type people occupy it. From the sixth floor and even walking on the borders of the site you can see and feel how big it is.


On Monday, March 2, 2015, Arch 4710 class went to site visit to Industrial City. The area around industrial City was very dull and isolated. Not easy access to transportation, no direct indication to parking, Ā no a central place, not lots of mix use of program like (residential and commercial space), and no green space. Ā The view are great.Ā I like theĀ Industrial City’s building Ā because Ā they are reusing the space inĀ the building.I like the rough butĀ beautiful small architecture features that are in the building.

Farhana R.