Summary / Reflection for Reading Lucy:


Jennifer Egan wrote an article called “Reading Lucy”. This is a non-fiction article. The protagonist of this article is Lucy. Egan wrote a novel about a woman who works at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, so she met with Lucy. Therefore Lucy was her respondent, but the get along was short, because of work needs she has to go to California. After that there haven’t had any contact after. Egan attentive to know about Lucy, that from Lucy to her husband’s letter and Lucy’s composition. Lucy was enthusiastic that’s why she married speedy. Her husband left the house due to job job, they wrote letters to each other. Lucy usually wrote letter to her husband Alfred. By the time Lucy wrote to Alfred about her life as a ship fitter, as well as some humor event in her live. She praises her husband to express the love to her husband. Through reading about the letters Lucy wrote to Egan, Egan felt like she’s living with Lucy; they are best friend; Brooklyn’s every corner was full of the flavor of Lucy. Egan misses Lucy a lot, she dreamed him live with Lucy and she also imaged live with Lucy as real best friend.


After read “Reading Lucy” I felt Lucy was an optimistic woman. She really loves her husband with everything. I have always felt that distance that will affect ones feeling, but I do not feel it because I am the one who read the article, I have to be in her situation to know about her feelings. Even though Lucy did not live with her husband but they still keep connect with letter, and distance did not affect their relationships. By the way Lucy got a true friendship with Egan. Egan took time to get to know about Lucy. She care about Lucy, even dream lived with Lucy. So Lucy was an lucky woman she got true love and friendship.


Summary for ENG: 9/22

At the first half hour we talked about The reflection of project#1, Then we got a handout for Project#2: Overlapping New York. It is something like exploring New York City, knowing its history and good and bad. Half-hour later, we prepared for the trip. We took the R train and got off at 28th street. Then we walked to a place called Book Arts on 28 West 27th St. when we arrived there, we separated and looked around.  Although we can visit freely, but we could not touch the art works. There was a guy who walked around with us during our visit, He told us the history of the printing process and printing Knowledge. He also explains the different ways of binding books to us. One way was to use the adhesive glue to fixed book. Another way was to use bind to strengthen book. When he finished the introduction of book, It Is almost towards to the end of the Book art visit. Then we walk to 141 West 17th Street. We started the visit from 6th floor. It is about Indian culture and art. Overall we still cannot take picture of the art works, but we could sketch the artwork. The artworks over there are not only images and the old place adorn. Where each work of art is not the first time visit to understand, should use some of your imagination to understand. The end of the sixth floor visiting, students could choose to continue to visit downstairs artwork, or go home. In conclusion it’s a buzzy day, but it is defiantly worth coming back.