Reflection #4

We invite you to tell a story about how you are becoming a City Tech student. Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition to college, yet eventually they become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong. Share your own story of becoming a college student. *

* This reflection is inspired by the ā€œOur Storiesā€ project.


  1. Anthony

    According to Steve Maraboli, “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more reresilient”. Similarly i have found my challenges at school like course work, and work life balance, to be just as difficult. Instead the gradual repetition has callused me to the problems of old.

  2. Refat

    Starting college was really confusing for me, I didā€™t understood many things at first.

    But Iā€™m trying to reach out for help, trying to communicate with people, engaging myself with club activities, workshops, programs to get to know more about college and help myself succeed to graduate .

  3. Gabriel

    For college i was more worried about the workload, in highschool i would slack off and get by but i know that wont work in college. In my first few weeks I think I am getting into a good routine but I still have many things I need to improve one, one of those things is finding better study habits. Im pretty comfortable in college as of now

  4. Benjamin Giske

    In the start of college I had a lot of problems keeping up with the work and how long the lectures were. However after a week or two I got used to it and was actually fine with how college works and my schedule for my classes. All the work is still quite difficult but I am trying my best and applying my best efforts and it is working out.

  5. David M

    At first I was kind of worried that I would get lost in finding my classes but with the help of the college staff and other students I was able to understand how to navigate the school. I was also able to join a club that introduced me.

  6. good_o

    Becoming a City Tech student was a bit scary at first. I was nervous about the new environment and meeting new people. But as I got involved in campus activities and joined student groups, I started to feel more comfortable. The 2nd week of college, I had made friends and felt like I belonged. Now, Iā€™m excited about my journey.

  7. Ariana

    Becoming a City Tech student was a bit scary for me since I would be going to school pretty far from my home so my commute is long. I was also worried about the workload and thought it would be overwhelming especially with the increase in difficulty of the classes compared to highschool classes. But by the second week of school I made some friends and felt more comfortable with my class and how to do my assignments. I have also gotten used to the long commute and even use my time on the train to study.

  8. Tyler

    I was nervous about coming to City Tech College, because it’s a new experience, plus that means I’m getting older and life is getting serious. But after a few weeks, I’m feeling perfect about college life. I do need to find some friends because I have been focused on the work and doing things outside of school. I think that this workshop showed me a way that I could find a community and also just get the most out of college.

  9. Mathew

    At first I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect when first entering City Tech and to be honest I still kinda am. I’ve made some friends already but I just feel like my family expects so much out of me and I don’t want to let them down. This workshop really made me realize that there are so many resources that is paving a path for me to succeed and its up to me if I wanna take it.

  10. Aminata

    at first I was scared and nervous because I didnā€™t know what it was like and I heard that college was way scarier/harder than high school and people were making it seem like college was terrible, but know i realize that itā€™s not that bad and itā€™s actually more free than highschool.

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