Reflection #3

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Anthony

    When I started my first server job, I felt awkward. However, once I found out that everyone was feeling the same way, it was so much easier to bond. We became invested in each other and tried to help out each other whenever we could. The best way to become part of a group is to find a way to relate to it.

  2. Benjamin Giske

    The first time I got a job was when I became a counselor and I was a bit nervous at first since I’ve never met the people there before but I soon got used to it and when all the counselors were helping each other it felt like we were a group. I learned how to deal with kids and also learned how to keep them entertained as well. I can feel like i fit in while in city tech is by talking to my classmates and creating new friend ships.

  3. Refat

    So the first time I joined the SASA (South Asian Students Association), I was really excited about meeting new people, and get to know more people from our continent, in this college.Later I joined the e-board and I remember the first meeting of the club, I’m a shy kind of person so I choose my seat from one of the rows behind. Everyone was discussing about the what upcoming events they can organize & how they can make it fun. And at some point they told me to come forward and join them, and I really felt as a part of the group.I would love to engage myself more in group works, which will definitely give me new experiences and idea by discussing with different people.

  4. Mathew

    • How did you feel when you first joined? 
    • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
    • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
    • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech?
    • Mathew

      When I first joined my High-schools Lacrosse team I was skeptical because I have never heard or played this sport before. Although I lacked experience everyone welcomed me with open arms and our coach pushed this agenda that we all should consider each other brothers. From that moment on all of us got close and, I felt that these guys were more than just friends but family. This shows that something I can do to help myself feel like part of a group at City tech is to be open to new people.

  5. Aminata

    The first time I started my retail job I felt nervous and scared because it was going to be my first real job and it was going to be a lot of different people coming in and I didn’t know if they were going to be rude or not. A moment I felt I was apart of the group was when I started talking to other co workers and I benefited from it because I was forming a bond with them. Something you can do to help feel apart of a group is communicating.

  6. David M

    The first time i joined my High schools Music club i felt very exited because i would be able to play and practice my guitar. A time i felt like i was a part of the group was when i was made to help out any person with tuning their guitar since i knew how to use the tuner. One benefit that i got from the club was being able to take the schools guitar home when ever i wanted. I could join a club to get to know other people.

  7. Tyler

    I joined a drum line around this time of year and I would got there like 2 times a week. I still go there lol. But at that time I was alone and was seeking for community. Over time i kept going I started getting closer with them. I remember a time they made a nickname for me and that’s when I realized I found a community. One think I could about being in this group is that there’s never a dull moment between them it’s also jokes going around. A way I could feel apart of group is to find the same interest and just being open to others .

  8. good_o

    The first time I started my childcare job, I felt nervous and scared because it was my first real job, and I didn’t know what to expect. I was worried about how the children and my coworkers would react to me. A moment I felt like I was part of the group was when I successfully calmed down a crying child, and my coworkers praised me for it. I benefited from this experience by forming bonds with my colleagues and gaining confidence in my abilities. To help myself feel part of a group at City Tech, is communicating and engaging with others.

  9. Ariana

    When I started at my first job, as a camp counselor, I was nervous but also excited. Before the kids started showing up to camp, we had two long days of training and getting to know the camp; and I really like the environment, it was fun and happy and it because of the welcoming enviroment I wasn’t dreading going to work everyday. A moment I felt part of the group was one day in the morning when I was arriving to camp to start the day, a bunch of the girls from my group ran towards me with their arms wide all trying to give me hugs. What I gained from working as a camp counselor was I learned that I love working with children and helping them, which is what made me change my major last minute to nursing specializing in pediatrics. What I can do to feel part of City Tech is make friends and join clubs of my interest and things that can help my major.

  10. Gabriel

    When i joined my hs basketball team it felt pretty good because i know all the hard work that I put into the sport payed off. I felt apart of the group the first time as a team when we went out to get something to eat. From being in the group it taught me hard work and dedication. In order to feel part of a group in city tech i need to join clubs and be involved in the community

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