Reflection #2

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

  • What life experiences have prepared me for college?
  • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
  • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

Read and comment on another studentā€™s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals.


  1. Mathew

    When being faced with a difficult situation, the strategy I use to find a solution is being opened to all possibilities to a solution even negative ones but by any means there will be an answer. For example hypothetically, I left my notebook at home and I am currently in a classroom. I would layout all possible solutions to try and take notes. Whether that is asking a classmate for a piece of paper, and if that is not available then I could try asking the teacher. If not that that then I guess I shall write on my hand.

  • Anthony

    Thatā€™s so interesting to hear you even consider the negative possibilities Matthew. What makes you categorize certain solutions as negative vs. positive?

  • Gabriel

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

    – I will create positive academic habits by following a routine to do my work and study without putting work to the side so it will not pile up on me. I will try different study habits to make processing information more easier and maybe even save more time while studying. I can write on my a planner and get on a routine to follow everyday

  • Benjamin Giske

    I will create positive working habits for myself by putting away my phone while doing work to avoid distractions and I always try my best to pick quiet places unlike loud places that disturb my concentration. I’m usually by myself so I avoid having off topic conversations with people. I also always like to do all of my work before I go out for the day.

    • Ariana

      I also put away all distractions and try to workin a quiet place when studying. I think doing all your work before going out for the day is a smart choice and a helpful tip, I will trying doing that.

  • Anthony

    Prof. DeCoux suggests that while parenthood can feel overwhelming, it’s often manageable if you focus on just getting through the day. When dealing with a challenging problem, I find it useful to step back and break it into smaller, more manageable parts. I ask myself which aspects I understand and which ones I still need to figure out. Since I can’t tackle everything at once, I prioritize the most important tasks and address them step by step to gradually overcome the challenge.

  • Goodness

    I will create a positive academic habit for myself by creating a study schedule that works for me and to find a study environment that helps me focus for example the library, and also staying organized.

  • Aminata

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

    To build good study habits, I can make a study schedule and stick to it. Keep my study area clean and free from distractions like my phone or the tv. Actively engage with my work by taking notes and asking questions. Stay healthy by getting enough sleep and eating,Take short breaks during study sessions to stay focused. If Iā€™m stuck on something, I can ask teachers or friends for help.

  • David M

    One way I will create positive academic habits is by doing the homework that requires the most attention like if one homework is due tomorrow while another is due in a week Iā€™ll focus on the one thatā€™s due the next day.

  • Tyler G

    A way I can start a positive academic habit is to finish homework as soon as possible when I get the chance and not wait last second or procrastinate on the work. Also to make time to study and not think ā€œfree timeā€ is actually free time when I could be getting something done or studying.

  • Ariana

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

    I will create positive academic habits for myself by making a study schedule and being strict about following that schedule, and communicating with my peers to make study groups. Having my own space where I feel comfortable to study ,like we discussed in class, will also help with my ability to stay focused while studying. I also want to write in a planner and be able to visualize what I can do on what days.

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